Special Observances Honor
the Life and Legacy of Pat Derby 

So revered was PAWS co-founder Pat Derby, her passing has been commemorated internationally at the highest levels of government. PAWS is proud to share these special tributes with you.


Pat Derby

United States Congress

One of the greatest recognitions of Pat's contributions to the cause of animal protection was a flag flown in her honor over the nation's Capitol in Washington, D.C. on March 29, 2013. The actual flag (pictured above) was given to Pat's life partner and PAWS co-founder Ed Stewart. Flags are flown over the Capitol to observe the remarkable works of individuals and groups, as well as to mark special events and national holidays. We would like to thank United Activists for Animal Rights' President Nancy Burnet, a great friend to PAWS, and Congressman C.W. Bill Young and his wife, Beverly, for arranging this very special honor.


On March 13, 2013, U.S. Representative Sam Farr introduced into the Congressional Record (below, right) a statement in honor of Pat, in which he lauded her "lifetime commitment to protecting the welfare of performing animals." Congressman Farr is a long-time champion for animals with whom PAWS has worked to introduce important legislation to protect captive wild animals.



In his statement, Representative Farr stated: "She was a true hero in the animal rights world whose sole crusade was aimed at helping animals that could not protect or advocate for themselves. Pat realized that even wild animals need someone to look out for them, and she dedicated her life to that belief." PAWS thanks Rep. Farr for this meaningful accolade, and PAWS friend Barbara Baldock for helping to facilitate this honor.


California Assembly

On April 10, 2013 in Sacramento, California State Assemblyman Ken Cooley adjourned the meeting of the Assembly in Pat's honor, memorializing her extraordinary achievements and recognizing her service to the State for her involvement in the California Department of Fish and Game's Committee for the Humane Care of Captive Wildlife. (View video below) PAWS thanks Assemblyman Cooley for this distinguished remembrance, and long-time PAWS supporter Linda Gibboney and her colleague, Larry Murman, for arranging it.




Ed Stewart and Lily Tomlin (right) listen as
Los Angeles Councilmember Paul Koretz addresses the City Council
during his adjournment tribute honoring Pat Derby.


City of Los Angeles, CA

In Los Angeles, Councilmember Paul Koretz adjourned the April 17 meeting of the L.A. City Council with a tribute to Pat in which he praised her for dedicating her life to protecting captive wild animals. (View video below) Cm. Koretz gave special thanks to Pat and to PAWS for giving refuge to former Los Angeles Zoo elephant Ruby, who lived out her final years in peace at ARK 2000. Actress and producer Lily Tomlin followed Councilmember Koretz. She movingly spoke of Pat, stating, "She was a hero of mine. She set the standard for the care of elephants in captivity in a way that no one else ever attempted." Ms. Tomlin recalled Pat telling her about the ARK 2000 sanctuary, saying, "If there's a paradise, this is paradise for the elephants."


PAWS co-founder Ed Stewart was the final speaker, telling the Council, "We are celebrating a warrior, because Pat was the warrior for elephants in this country, and also for lions, tigers and all the rest of the animals who have to live in a captive situation." He referred to advances made in recent years for exotic and performing animals, and explained that some "very enlightened decisions have come out of bodies just like this... I know that Pat is somewhere watching and waiting for our next enlightened decision." PAWS thanks Councilmember Paul Koretz for this meaningful recognition, and Melya Kaplan, Director of Voice for the Animals, for requesting it.

LA City Council Honors Pat Derby
LA City Council Honors Pat Derby


After the meeting, Councilmember Tom LaBonge invited Ed Stewart, PAWS' friends Kat Kramer and Karen Sharpe Kramer, and PAWS' director of Science, Research and Advocacy, Catherine Doyle, to join him on the uppermost floor of City Hall for a magnificent view of the city. There, he rang the Los Angeles City Hall bell in memory of Pat. (View video below) PAWS thanks Cm. LaBonge for his kindness and this heartfelt homage to Pat.

LA City Hall Bell Tolls For Pat Derby
LA City Hall Bell Tolls For Pat Derby
L-R: PAWS President Ed Stewart, Kat Kramer, Los Angeles City Councilmember Tom LaBonge and Karen Sharpe Kramer.



Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

In a measure of deepest respect and sympathy, the Toronto City Council paid tribute to Pat with a motion of condolence and a moment of silence at its February 21, 2013, meeting. The Motion (view, right) was moved by Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker and seconded by Councillor Michelle Berardinetti. Mayor Rob Ford and Members of the Toronto City Council conveyed an official Message of Condolence that recognized Pat's life achievements and described her as "the first to champion the cause of performing animals." 


PAWS requests that you send a card or note of appreciation via mail to Los Angeles City Councilmember Koretz for adjourning the meeting in Pat's memory. And please thank Councilmember LaBonge for his special tribute to Pat that rang out across Los Angeles. 


Councilmember Paul Koretz 

City Hall, Room 440

200 N. Spring Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Councilmember Tom LaBonge

City Hall, Room 480

200 N. Spring Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Please also acknowledge the recognitions by Congressman Sam Farr, Congressman C.W. Bill Young and wife Beverly, California Assemblymember Ken Cooley, and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, Councillor De Baeremaeker, and Councillor Berardinetti at: 


Congressman C.W. Bill Young and Mrs. Beverly Young

2407 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Email HERE: Unavailable to non-Florida residents


Congressman Sam Farr

1126 Longworth HOB

Washington, D.C. 20515

Email HERE 


Assemblyman Ken Cooley

State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0008

Email HERE


Mayor Rob Ford

Office of the Mayor

Toronto City Hall, 2nd Floor,
100 Queen St. West

Toronto ON M5H 2N2


Email HERE


Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker 

Toronto City Hall

100 Queen Street West, Suite B31

Toronto, ON  M5H 2N2




Councillor Michelle Berardinetti 

Toronto City Hall

100 Queen Street West, Suite A8

Toronto, ON  M5H 2N2





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