"Pat Derby", named in honor of PAWS' founder and director, is an African elephant regularly seen around Naboisho Conservancy, an area north of the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.
Meet Pat Derby. . .

"I had been thinking hard about an elephant to name in honor of Pat Derby," writes Dr. Joyce Poole, co-founder/director of ElephantVoices, "and have decided to give the honor to f0264. She is a large adult female who is regularly seen around Naboisho Conservancy."


Dr. Poole describes "Pat" as having a rather large M-shaped notch out of her upper left ear that makes her easy to recognized, and also thick, slightly up-curved tusks, the left broken at the tip.


"The fascinating thing," Dr. Poole continues, "is that after I had made the decision, we saw her together with 'Ruby', one of the elephants named by PAWS' founders Pat Derby and Ed Stewart last year. I had been thinking that Pat Derby belonged to a different family, but I checked the database and see that she is almost always seen with Ruby, so as of today I am adjusting the database to make them family. 


"Hope everyone enjoys these photos. We are sending you our warmest wishes from the Maasai Mara."

- Joyce Poole and Petter Granli





A big elephant-sized thank you to Dr. Poole and everyone at ElephantVoices for this wonderful, and unexpected, honor!

- Pat Derby, Ed Stewart and all of us at PAWS



For more information about ElephantVoices and their elephant naming program, click here. 


"Pat Derby" with her three-year-old calf.




Photo courtesy of Animals Asia

Stop Wild Elephant Exports To Zoos!


The news started to slowly leak out in late December: Zimbabwe had taken four baby elephants from their families in the wild and exported them to zoos in China. Reportedly, another 14 calves awaited the same fate. Then came even worse news. One of the calves in China had died. Photos taken by Animals Asia (above) showed a pathetic surviving calf standing in a freezing concrete cell alone. A worldwide uproar ensued, with the exports roundly condemned. Zimbabwe responded by sending five of the calves still held in the country to rehabilitation at one of the country's national parks. But the story doesn't end there...


New reports reveal that Zimbabwe may be sending more elephant calves to Chinese zoos to complete the order that China paid for. And, unbelievably, there are orders for as many as 48 more calves from countries around the world, including France, Ukraine, and even the United States.


Elephants' profound social bonds make the capture and separation of calves from their mothers enormously traumatic for them and their families. In the wild, calves never stray far from their protective mothers. Familial ties are so strong that females remain with their mothers for life; males stay with the family until their teens.


For those calves who survive the ordeal of being captured and transported to China, they will be confined in zoo conditions that utterly fail to address their physical, psychological and social needs, ensuring a lifetime of despair and suffering that ends in premature death.


It's time to stop Zimbabwe from capturing and exporting more elephants to a grim life in zoos, no matter where those zoos may be located. In the wild, elephants spend their long lives in large, socially-rich networks and enjoy complex natural environments. Capturing them from the wild and sending them to a life in captivity is simply wrong.


Worldwide public opinion stopped Zimbabwe once before in 2010, when it planned to sell elephant calves and other wildlife to a zoo in North Korea. You can make a difference by taking a moment to send a polite personal note to:


Mr. Edson Chidziya, Acting Director of National Parks, Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife Management Authority:


His Excellency Mr. Francis Nhema, Minister of Environment, Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources:


Sample message: 


I am deeply disturbed by the news that Zimbabwe has captured elephant calves from the wild and transported them to zoos in China. One calf has already died, yet more calves may be sent to even more zoos.


Please do not underestimate the impact these captures will have on world opinion, which condemns the traumatic capture and separation of young elephants from their families to be sent to a lifetime of captivity in another country.


People around the globe care deeply about elephants and will be closely watching this situation. Please show the world that Zimbabwe cares about preserving and protecting its wildlife heritage by putting a halt to the export of any more elephant calves.




(please include your name, city and state, and country)


 Together, we can make a difference.



Last Chance To Help African Lions. . .
You Must Act Today!
Time is running out to submit comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service calling for the African lion to be listed as "Endangered" on the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The deadline for comments is 11:59 p.m. EST today, January 28, 2013! You do not need to be a U.S. citizen to give your opinion on this urgent issue.


Why does the African lion need to be listed as Endangered?


The African lion is facing many threats: loss of prey; disappearing habitat; retaliatory killings by farmers and herders; and disease. However, the biggest threat may be American trophy hunters. Sadly, we are the world's largest importer of lions and lion parts, for hunting trophies and for commercial trade in claws, skins, skulls and other parts. For more information, click here.


The Fish and Wildlife Service will be accepting comments electronically until 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday, January, 28, 2013. Please take action today to protect and conserve African lions. It's simple - just follow the directions below:


How to comment electronically

Click here to go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal. In the Search field, enter Docket No. FWS-R9-ES-2012-0025, which is the docket number for this action. Then click on the Search button. You may submit a comment by clicking on "Comment Now!" If your comments will fit in the provided comment box, please use this feature, as it is most compatible with the comment review procedures. If you attach your comments as a separate document, the preferred file format is Microsoft Word.


To view PAWS' letter to the Fish and Wildlife Service, click here.



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PAWS' Amazon


The following wish list was compiled by PAWS' veterinarian Dr. Jackie Gai, our directors, sanctuary managers and staff. Our WISH LIST includes items we need for everything from animal care to the daily operations of our sanctuaries and offices. We've even included several big ticket items from our "dream list." Purchases are made online through Amazon or other online retailers, and whenever possible we have chosen merchants offering free, or low-cost shipping.

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