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April 2 & 9, 2013
In This Issue
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Board Appointments
How the 2012 Budget Ended
BCC Approves 2013 Community Development Action Pl
2013 Election will be All Mail Ballot

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Board Appointments
The Board of County Commissioners appointed several volunteers to its boards and commissions at its April 2 and 9 hearings. Volunteer boards help make decisions and oversee programs and services throughout the county.
April 2
Board of Adjustment - Grants variances and special exemptions to established zoning regulations under certain circumstances, and determines appeals for variances to the Zoning Resolution in quasi-judicial hearings.
  • Edward D. Ford
  • Richard G. Ingram
  • Louis Matis - alternate
  • Curtis Westphal II - alternate

Board of Health - The governing and policy making body for the Department of Public Health.

  • Bonnie McNulty
  • Linda Reiner 

Board of Review - Reviews appeals and makes special exceptions to the Building Code in quasi-judicial hearings and may suggest amendments to the Building Code.

  • Bob Loveridge
  • Karen Roman - alternate

Citizen Review Panel - Conducts hearings to ascertain the legitimacy of complaints against Human Services programs and submits recommendations to the director of Human Services regarding their resolutions.

  • Frank Adamek
  • JoAnn Johnston
  • Carrie Kollar

Community Services Advisory Board - Makes recommendations regarding matters related to human services for low and moderate income residents. Recommends recipients for federal funds made available to the county from the Community Services Block Grant and similar grants.

  • Jo Schantz 

Disabilities Resource Center Board - Oversees the operations of the Developmental Disabilities Resource Center, which educates and trains persons with developmental disabilities.

  • David Pemberton 

Fairgrounds Advisory Board - Provides advice on capital construction and fees at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds and determines allowable uses, procedures and regulations of the fairgrounds.

  • Mark Skelton
  • John Young 

Library Board of Trustees - Establishes policies for the county libraries, employs the executive director for the library; recommends the annual budget for the libraries to the BCC and dispenses funds; acquires and oversees libraries and library assets; participates in strategic planning and library advocacy.

  • Brian DeLaet
  • E.F. Douglass
  • Ray Elliott

Hazardous Substance Response Authority Board - Responsible for the administration and operation of the county hazardous substance response program.

  • John Simpson - fire departments/districts representative
  • William Blackburn - city/town representative

Historical Commission - Promotes the preservation and use of historical resources and historic sites through educational activities, publications and research projects.

  • Nina Kite - at large
  • Sally White - district 3

Open Space Advisory Committee - Makes recommendations to the BCC regarding acquisitions, development, maintenance, preservation, and the use and operation of Open Space lands in conformance with Open Space Policies and Procedures

  • Felicity Hannay
  • Rebecca Watson
  • Michael S. Dungan - city representative
  • Janet N. Shangraw - alternate 

Scientific and Cultural Facility Board - Reviews grant applications from scientific and cultural facilities, distributes funds according to formulas, and allocates 10 percent discretionary funds.

  • Rob Johnson  


April 9


E-911 Emergency Communications Authority Board - Empowered with the authority to contract for the installation and operation of an emergency telephone service and may pay such costs by collecting an emergency telephone charge in its service area

  • Chris Ambrosio - fire representative
  • William Rush - city representative

Visit the BCC's webpage for more information on volunteer boards or how you can apply to serve. 

How the 2012 Budget Ended

2009 Proposed Budget Presentation

So what were Jefferson County's final expenditures and revenues for 2012? The Budget Management Division discussed with the commissioners the figures at staff briefings on April 9. Both revenues and expenses were below what was approved in the budget.


In 2012, the county's projected amended revenue was $473.3 million, but it actually received $467.7 million. Taxes and fees came in at or about what were budgeted, but the county received less intergovernmental revenues, which includes state and federal grants.


Part of the variance was also due to the transfer of capital assets from the former internal service funds of Information Technologies and Facilities to the general fund at year end to account for closure of those funds. This credit entry by the Accounting Office caused the "other revenues" line item to be down. Because the two internal service funds closed, $4.5M was transferred into the General Fund to be held in reserve for 2012 year end and then transferred out to appropriate funds in January 2013.


The amended expenditure was $564.2 million, but the county only spent $495.3 million. Some of the decrease is due to the county's continued conservative approach to underspending its budget for the long-term health of the county's finances. Included in the expenditures was $87.7 million budgeted for capital improvements. Only $22 million was spent. The variance will be carried forwarded into the 2013 budget, pending approval from the BCC, to be used to complete multi-year capital improvement projects. The county also spent $1.6 million less than it budgeted for the presidential election.


It is also important to note that the revenue and expenditure totals include inter-fund transfers. These are charges between funds that are used to account for goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the county on a cost reimbursement basis. These internal or inter-fund transaction balances are netted or eliminated from the county's financial totals, but must still be accounted for. After removing inter-fund transfers, the county's actual revenues were $358.9 million and expenditures were $371.6 million. Since there is a difference in the revenues and expenditures, the county used its unrestricted fund balance to balance the budget.


At the end of the calendar year, the Jefferson County Budget is finished, however, due to things such as billing cycles, unforeseen expenses or even multi-year projects, some funds need to be adjusted for the previous year's budget or reallocated into the next year's budget. Staff discussed these supplementary budget items for the 2012 budget and the 2013 appropriations, which were up for approval at the BCC's April 16 hearing.


For more information on the Jeffco budget, please visit www.jeffco.us/budget.

BCC Approves 2013 Community Development Action Plan

The BCC at its April 2 hearing approved the 2013 Community Development Action Plan. The action plan lists projects and activities that were recommended by the Community Development Advisory Board (CDAB) that will be funded by 2013 Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) grants.


Recommended projects include: 

  • $115,000 (HOME) to provide and develop homeownership opportunities for low- to moderate-income populations.
  • $139,500 (CDBG) to provide public services for low- to moderate-income populations.
  • $100,000 (CDBG) to provide emergency and rehab improvements for low- to moderate-income homeowners.
  • $175,000.00 (CDBG) and $574,850 (HOME) to increase and/or sustain available affordable rental housing for low- to moderate-income populations.
  • $275,000 (CDBG) to improve public facilities and infrastructure serving low- to moderate-income populations.  

To learn more about these grants and the Community Development Office, visit http://jeffco.us/commdev.

2013 Election will be All Mail Ballot
Elections information
The BCC at its April 9 hearing gave the Clerk and Recorder's Office the OK to conduct the 2013 Coordinated Election as an all mail ballot election.


In 2012, for the presidential election, 80 percent of Jeffco voters chose to cast their ballots by mail even though they had the option to vote early or at the polls. This yielded a record of more than 250,000 mail ballots cast in that election. In fact, Jefferson County has the highest mail-in ballot volume of any Colorado county.


Not only do voters prefer to vote by mail, but it also significantly cuts down on the costs of an election. There are no election judges to recruit, train and pay, there are no polling places to procure, and the administrative costs are much less.


It is estimated that the mail ballot election, will cost the county 30 to 50 percent less than conducting it as a polling place election.


For more information on Jeffco elections, please visit www.votejeffco.com.

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Did you know Jefferson County records each County Commissioners Hearing for rebroadcast on its website? You can also find recordings of other county meetings, videos of events and Jeffco's video program, Jefferson County Insights.  To learn more, visit the Jeffco Media-on-Demand site.