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Octobter 9 & 16, 2012
In This Issue
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Board Appointments
Proposed Budget Online
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
First Reading of Proposed Ordinance on Illicit Stormwater Discharge
Letter and Resolution for Proposed Federal Stormwater Regulations

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Board Appointments

Christopher Auer, Bruce Fritz, Cheryl Haggstrom, David Kollar, Rita Peterson and Marilyn Smith were reappointed as members on the Jefferson County Community Services Advisory Board. This board makes grant funding recommendations regarding the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) to the BCC. The CSBG is awarded annually through the Federal Department of Health and Human Services and passed through the state of Colorado.


Kate Cooke and Richard Scheurer were reappointed to serve on the Jefferson County Community Development Advisory Board. This board makes grant funding recommendations regarding the CDBG and the HOME Investments Partnership Program to the BCC. CDBG and HOME funds are allocated annually through the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). All funds must serve low to moderate income residents residing in the urban county.


Brian Ballard was reappointed to the Jefferson County Housing Authority Board. This board is responsible for providing assisted housing programs for low to moderate income seniors and families, housing rehabilitation programs and new acquisition programs.

Proposed Budget Online

2009 Proposed Budget PresentationThe 2013 Proposed Budget was presented to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at a staff briefing session on Tuesday, Oct. 9 and again at the commissioners Oct. 16 public hearing. 


The proposed county budget, compiled by the County Administrator and Budget staff, must be presented to the commissioners by Oct. 15 each year by statute. 


This is just one step in the annual budget development process. There already have been several working sessions with the commissioners to get the preliminary direction from them to start the budget process. Those were held beginning in May. 


The BCC will have many budget meetings, including one with each county elected official and director, in the coming weeks to discuss the departmental budgets before the budget is finalized in December. Last year the BCC had a total of 34 public meetings before the budget was adopted.


To view the proposed budget, visit www.jeffco.us/budget. The final budget will not be adopted until Dec. 4.


Also presented at the hearing was the Public Trustee's budget. Pursuant to Colorado law, the Public Trustee's budget is now presented and adopted separately from the county's budget. Documents are available for review at the Public Trustee's Office and online at www.jeffco.us/pubtrust.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The BCC has proclaimed October 2012 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. There to accept the proclamation was District Attorney Scott Storey and Scott Shields, CEO of Family Tree, Inc. along with their staffs.


Domestic violence is a serious crime that touches the lives of people of all ages, leaving a devastating impact on women, men and children of every background and circumstance. Since the 1994 passage of the Violence Against Women Act, we as a nation have strengthened our response to this crime and increased services for victims. Yet, many families in our community are still affected by domestic violence.




Domestic Violence Awareness Month provides an opportunity to "Be the Voice" for victims in our community by supporting organizations that provide advocacy, resources and education to those facing social isolation.

First Reading of Proposed Ordinance on Illicit Stormwater Discharge

At the Oct. 16 Board of County Commissioners hearing, staff from the Development and Transportation Department presented to the board the first reading of a proposed ordinance on illicit stormwater discharge.


The purpose of the proposed ordinance is to regulate the contribution of pollutants into the separate municipal storm sewer systems by stormwater discharges by any user, to protect the health safety and general welfare of Jefferson County citizens. It will establish procedures to carry out inspection, surveillance and monitoring if necessary to ensure compliance.


It will also serve as a way to promote public awareness of the hazards of improperly discharging trash, yard waste, lawn chemicals, pet waste, waste water, grease, oil, petroleum products, cleaning products, paint products, hazardous waste, sediment and other pollutions into the storm sewer systems.


The public hearing on the proposed ordinance will be on Nov. 20. It will be heard at the BCC hearing, which begins at 8 a.m.

Letter and Resolution for Proposed Federal Stormwater Regulations

At the Oct. 16 hearing, the commissioners approved a resolution and a letter to be sent to Colorado's federal delegation regarding proposed federal stormwater regulations.


Jefferson County is strongly committed to clean water, but is concerned that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may implement new uniform stormwater regulations across the country. The BCC is concerned that uniform regulations may be effective in wet, humid areas of the country, but would be ineffective and costly here in Jefferson County. 


Jeffco believes that one single set of rules applied across the country will not yield effective results in protection of our water quality and the letter asks that Congress direct the EPA "to perform the needed studies and to only implement rules, which incorporate the flexibility for geographically specific and cost-effective solutions."


For more information, please read the letter and resolution.  

View BCC Meetings Online!   

Public Meeting CalendarDid you know Jefferson County records each County Commissioners Hearing for rebroadcast on its website? You can also find recordings of other county meetings, videos of events and Jeffco's video program, Jefferson County Insights.  To learn more, visit the Jeffco Media-on-Demand site.