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Message from the Councilmember | |
Happy Lunar New Year! Asian communities are celebrating the New Year this weekend with family and friends. Community events will follow for the next two months. I always enjoy the music and dance performances (free) at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center in Chinatown, this year on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 16. And on Sunday, Feb. 17, the Oakland Museum has special Lunar New Year festivities.
Garden lovers -- If you have ever visited the San Francisco Flower and Garden show, consider this: The Sneak Preview/Opening Night Reception is a fundraiser for Oakland's Morcom Rose Garden. The snazzy, and somewhat pricey, event is Tuesday evening, March 19, in San Mateo. It's a bit of a drive, but will be a LOT of fun, especially if you are a garden lover. See the events listing below for details. Early bird tickets ordered by Feb. 15 are $85.
Now for the topic on everyone's mind: What can be done to reduce crime?
The enormous concern around solving this problem translated into positive action at the January 22 City Council meeting. Over 500 hundred passionate Oaklanders-more than I've ever seen attend a Council meeting-came out to make their voices heard. The great majority of those who attended were respectful of one another and listened to all points of view, which is exactly how government and democracy should work.
There was strong support from the public for the four public safety measures on the agenda. Leaders from the faith community, local business leaders, and public safety and community advocates came to voice their support for these commonsense steps to make our city safer.
After hours of public comment and debate, the Council voted unanimously to adopt three crime-fighting proposals. The adoption of these measures means Oakland will move forward with a partnership with the Alameda County Sheriff's Office to bring additional officers to patrol our streets right away. We will also hire 21 new civilian staff to support our officers so they can devote more time to preventing and solving crime. And we will be fast-tracking the opening of a new police academy, so we can start building up our police force to the level where it needs to be.
At the same meeting, the Council also overwhelmingly approved the hiring of a team of public safety experts led by Robert Wasserman, and including William Bratton, the former Chief of the Los Angeles and New York Police Departments. Both are among the most respected policing experts in America. Mr. Wasserman has already made several excellent recommendations to our police department, which are being implemented now.
Passage of these four public safety measures together represent an important milestone in our ongoing work to make Oakland a safer city for everyone. But this is only the beginning. We must find a way to fund more police officers for the Oakland Police Department. When the City's General Fund revenue dropped by approximately $80 million following the economic collapse of 2008, there were huge cuts in all city services, including OPD. The consequences have been dire. Please stay engaged in the City Council conversations this spring about the City budget and how we can find the money to hire at least 200 more police officers.
The new City Council is united in its commitment to reduce crime--the one problem that is keeping our great city from being all it can be. It is crucial that the residents of Oakland continue to make their voices heard regarding the difficult decisions that lie ahead.
Thank you for your devotion to Oakland.

Pat Kernighan
Council President and District 2 Councilmember
Valentine's Events | |
Thursday, February 14: Lake Merritt Breakfast Club's Valentine's Day Breakfast Celebration, The Garden Center - 666 Bellevue, 7:00 am - 9:00 am
Seating is limited. Non-members please call for tickets through Brown Paper tickets at or call 1.800.838.3006 by Monday, February 11, 6:00 pm to guarantee admission. For more information, contact LMBC at, call 510.482.1276 or visit
Thursday, February 14: Love Notes, Malonga Center for the Arts - 1428 Alice Street, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Celebrate the legacy of the music by the late Luther Vandross, performed by the Ray McCoy Band. For more information, please visit or call 510.238.7526.
Black History Month Events | |

Celebrations of Black History Month
Saturday and Sunday, February 16 and February 17: Black History Weekend, Children's Fairyland - 699 Bellevue Avenue, story time is 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm. Themed arts and crafts from 12:00 Noon to 2:00 pm
Join award winning storyteller Kirk Waller as he uses his unique skills to combine old tales with special surprises. For more information, please visit or call 510.452.2259.
Saturday, February 23: New Era/New Politics, Walking Tour, AAMLO, African American Museum and Library at Oakland - 659 14th Street, 10:00 am to Noon
Stroll through Downtown Oakland and learn about Oakland's African American leaders. Learn how Lionel Wilson, Delilah Beasley, Robert Maynard, the Dellums family, Josephine Baker, and others changed the Bay Area and California. Presented by the Oakland Tours Program.
Tour begins at 10:00 am in front of the African American Museum and Library at Oakland, 14th Street at Martin Luther King, Jr. Way.
For more information, call 510.238.3234, visit or email
Saturday, February 23: The African American Organizations Making Connections - Laney College - 900 Fallen Street, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Engaging panels and workshops, networking opportunities and discussion about strategies and outcomes for the Black community. Youth will be featured in numerous workshops and in the Youth Art Contest. The event is free with a catered lunch. Register here:
The event is sponsored by Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson and Socially Responsible Network. Workshop sessions include:
- Black Health & Wellness
- Our Community a Safe Place - Public Safety
- Business / Job creation / Workforce Development Strategies
- A Black Community as One: Intergenerational Relationships
- Faith-based & Community Organizations
- Black Men / Black Women: How do we strengthen our Communication?
General Events | |
Sunday, February 10: Safe Oakland Speakers Series - Robert Wasserman - Holy Names University, Valley Center for the Performing Arts, 3500 Mountain Boulevard - 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm - presented by the City of Oakland
Robert Wasserman is the Chairman of the Strategic Policy Partnership, which assists public agencies, including Oakland, with policing strategy development and performance improvement. He is the author of Guidance for Building Communities of Trust, published by the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.
This is the first presentation in a speakers series. Go here to learn more about the series of presentations by leading criminal justice scholars and practitioners about the most effective approaches to reducing crime, and engage in lively dialogue about what Oakland is doing -- and should be doing -- to make our community safer.
Saturday, February 16: Community Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Class by the Neighborhood Services Division and Oakland Fire Department, 81st Avenue Library - 1021 81st Avenue.
(Photo: Council President Pat Kernighan at the Lunar New Year Bazaar by the Chinatown Chamber of Commerce)
Saturday, February 16: Lunar New Year Festival 2013: Year of the Snake, Oakland Asian Cultural Center (OACC) - 388 Ninth Street, 2/F, 11:00 am to 4:30 pm
Enjoy free dance and musical performances at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center in celebration of the Year of the Snake. OACC's partners, teaching artists and students will be performing. This is a great afternoon for all ages, so bring the family.
Attention Garden Lovers! Oakland's own Morcom Rose Garden is the beneficiary of the Opening Night Sneak Preview and Benefit Reception for the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show.
Opening night reception is Tuesday, March 19 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Location: San Mateo Event Center
For those of you who love gardens and are familiar with the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show, this is a very special opportunity. Go see the show at the opening night party AND benefit Oakland's own Morcom Rose Garden in the process!
This will be a very fun night for garden lovers. Make it a special occasion with a few friends, don your finest tie dye or tuxedos or sequins.
Wine, food, live music, view the 20 gorgeous international display gardens and the 30 small space gardens--without the crowds.
$85 early bird by Feb. 15, $100 in advance, $125 at the door.
Saturday, February 23:
Open Data Day Hackathon
- 81st Ave Branch Library, 81st Avenue at Rudsdale Street - 9:30 am to 5:00 pm - Registration required
The City will co-host a Hackathon with OpenOakland (Oakland's Code for America brigade) to celebrate International Open Data Day. Join volunteer programmers, coders and community members at the 81st Avenue Branch Library to explore, visualize and build apps using government data. To suggest ideas for apps and needed data, visit For more information and to register for the event, visit:
Wednesday, February 27: State of the City Speech by Mayor Quan
The Mayor will give her annual State of the City address to the public at City Hall on the evening of February 27. Time and details of the event will be available later at
Friday, March 8: Asian Health Services Youth Program & The Spot Oakland Chinatown Youth Center Presents: International Women's Day Dinner Celebration, Piedmont Community Hall - 711 Highland Avenue, Piedmont, 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm
To celebrate the upcoming International Women's Day, The Spot and Asian Health Services Youth Program is host a dinner to honor three women whose work has made positive impacts on empowering youth in our community. Honorees are: Sherry Hirota - Chief Executive Office at Asian Health Services, Dr. Isami Arifuku - Sr. Researcher at National Council on Crime & Delinquency, Jennifer Lee - Director of Community Services at Asian Health Services. Doors open at 6:30 for silent auction. Program begins at 7:30 pm. Tickets: $75.00 per person or $550 for a table of eight.
Saturday, March 9: Oakland Housing Authority To Sponsor a Community Workshop on the Future of 2011 7th Avenue - Parking lot of 2011 7th Avenue, 11:00 am - 12:00 Noon
California Affordable Housing Initiative, "CAHI" a 501(c)3 nonprofit housing organization would like to invite you to attend a community meeting at a property they have recently purchased from the Oakland Housing Authority - 2011 7th Avenue - for a community discussion regarding the future for this site. "CAHI" is an affiliated non-profit of the Housing Authority with the mission of creating workforce housing. The property is no longer public housing or Section 8, which creates an number of opportunities, and we invite neighbors of the location to attend the meeting and share ideas about possibilities for the future of this site. (The meeting may be rescheduled due to inclement weather.) Questions and RSVP to
Saturday, March 16: Red Cross Bilingual Youth Volunteer Team for Oakland Chinatown - Youth for Community Engagement (YCE) Kick Off Ceremony, Lincoln Recreation Center - 250 10th Street
The Oakland Chinatown Preparedness Committee (OCPC) is a coalition of community agencies, whose mission is to work with Red Cross to train up new youth leaders who can educate residents, local organizations and businesses in the Oakland Chinatown area to help them get ready for emergencies or disasters and build a resilient Chinatown community. If you are interested in becoming a Red Cross youth training team member, contact Kayi Lau at 415.427.8911 or Jessica Cen at 415.427.8076.

City of Oakland Launches Open Data Platform to Spur Civic Innovation
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With the announcement of the launch of its open data platform today, the City has joined the ranks of other forward-thinking government organizations around the world that are using Open Data as a platform for increased civic engagement and government transparency, improved decision making, and more efficient and effective service delivery.
The newly launched website will serve as the central repository of the City's public data. The new website allows users to access, visualize and download City data. In addition, programmers will appreciate the site's Application Programming Interface (API), which enables direct access to tap into City data to build software applications. also provides the public with the opportunity to engage with the City and contribute feedback and ideas. The site allows users to request additional datasets and create their own unique maps and charts that they can then share via social media, or embed on blogs and websites.
The City collects a broad range of data in order to perform its tasks. Making the data easily accessible to both staff and the public alike has the potential to transform how the City does business. The platform gives the community a better view into the inner workings of local government, and encourages the community to develop applications that enhance City services.
The data catalog will grow over time as City employees discover or aggregate new data, or as datasets are suggested by the pubic. An initial offering of over 50 datasets is available on the site, including:
- Crime statistics
- City infrastructure
- 2010 census data
- Parks and Recreation facilities
- Spatial data
The Open Data platform is the latest in a series of recent efforts by the City to engage with citizens through the use of free, third-party apps, social media and Open Data.
- Last year, the City of Oakland's Public Works Agency opened up its service request data and integrated with SeeClickFix, an online and mobile tool that helps residents report, track and monitor non-emergency problems, such as graffiti, illegal dumping or potholes.
- The Oakland Police Department began using Nixle and Twitter @oaklandpoliceca to send out neighborhood-specific crime alerts.
- Citizens have long had the ability to track and monitor crime through websites such as and, as a result of efforts by the Oakland Police Department and the Department of Information Technology to open Crime Data to the public.
- The City has been working with OpenOakland - the Code for America Brigade - to launch "Adopt-A-Drain," a map-based, web app that allows for individuals, small businesses and community organizations to volunteer to clear the City's storm-drains.
- Last fall the City launched a community engagement web site called The platform encourages community ideas, feedback and suggestions to help shape, grow and sustain the healthy future of Oakland. The site is sponsored by the City to help advance innovative ideas and improve service delivery.
-- based on a City Media Advisory
Clinics Reaching Out to the Asian Community for Free Screening and Vaccination for Hepatitis B | |
The Street Level Health Project (SLHP) is providing free screening and vaccines for Hepatitus B (HBV) specifically for the low-income and uninsured living in Alameda County. The group has provided more than 1,200 free screenings and 400 vaccinations since the University of California at Berkeley student, Kevin Hur founded it in 2009. Kathy Ahoy, SLHP Founder and Public Health Nursing Partner is also very active in promoting its education and prevention.
Hepatitis B (HBV) is a disease that is transmitted through blood and during childbirth. It is sometimes known as the "silent killer," as an infected person can display no symptoms for long periods of time. Vaccinations are also mandatory for enrollment throughout the Oakland Unified School District system.
Because of the large Asian and API community in Oakland, several organizations here are also working to provide vaccinations to older children and adults. The Hep B Project provides two free weekly clinics in Oakland: one on Wednesdays at the Street Level Health Project on 2501 International Boulevard and every Saturday at Asian Health Services on 818 Webster Street in Chinatown. Patients at the clinic can get a free blood test at each screening. If they test negative, staffers start them on a round of vaccinations. If they test positive for the disease, they're directed to Asian Health Services or other providers that can assist them with long-term care.
For more information, call the Street Level Health Project at 510.533.9906 or email Their office hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Closed Thursdays).
Mother of the Year Award Nominations | |
Nominate someone for the 60th Annual City of Oakland Mother of the Year Award! Nomination deadline is Friday, April 12 at 12:00 Noon.
Honorees will be recognized on, Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 10:30am at the Morcom Rose Garden - 700 Jean Street, Oakland.
Nomination Form can be downloaded here or picked up from the Office of Parks & Recreation (250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite #3330)
1. The individual must be a resident of Oakland 2. The individual must have contributed to improving the quality of life for the people of Oakland - through home, work, community service, volunteer efforts or combination thereof. 3. The individual should be exemplary - someone who serves as an appropriate role model for people of all ages and backgrounds to emulate. 4. The individual should be someone for whom at least two letters of support can be provided. 5. The individual must be nominated by a business, community group, professional association, government agency or services-related organizations.
Please provide as much information as possible about the candidate. A panel comprising city officials, business leaders and community representative will review the nominations and select the honoree.
MTC Paid Summer High School Internships - Application Deadline is February 28
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The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is offering paid summer internship opportunities for high school students! Internship sites will be in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marrin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma counties. Deadline to apply is Thursday, February 28, 2013.
Community CPR and First AID Classes by Oakland Fire Department | |
CORE's 7th Annual City-wide Exercise Saturday, April 27 - Neighborhood CORE Groups are Urged to Register Now
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Everyone who wishes to participate in the exercise this year is encouraged to register using the CORE online registration system at Please ask each of your neighborhood group members to register as well. The CORE Citywide Exercise will be held in neighborhoods throughout Oakland on Saturday, April 27, 2013, between 9:00 am and 12:00 Noon.
There are many resources available to you online including:
- A New CORE Neighborhood Exercise Guide with information, tips, and ideas for holding exercises of any size (including the annual Citywide Exercise) in your neighborhood.
- The 2013 CORE Citywide Exercise Plan with information specific to this year's event.
- New for 2013 Neighborhood Incident Signs to use in your neighborhood.
The goal of the 2013 CORE Citywide Exercise is to improve team safety. This year the focus of the exercise will be on basic damage assessment, size-up, and radio communication. An Exercise Skills Workshop focused on these skills will be held on Saturday, March 16th, 2013. Go here to refer to the 2013 Citywide Exercise Plan for details.
Every CORE Group is encouraged to participate in the City-wide Exercise, whatever the level of experience. The CORE Program will provide support for all groups, from entry level to more experienced neighborhoods. Additional information will be provided to registered group leaders.
Individuals who are not participating with a neighborhood group can take actions to make their own homes a safer place during the City-wide Exercise.
Go here for more information or to register.
CORE I, II and III Training |
If you have not yet completed basic CORE training, there is still time to take CORE I, II and III before the April 2013 City-wide Exercise! Three complete CORE class series (held on weeknights and weekends) are scheduled before the Exercise in April.
If you have already completed CORE I, II and III and would like to pursue advanced training, there will be several workshops for CORE graduates before the Exercise date, including one-day CORE Refreshers that allow you to practice your emergency response skills.
For complete information on CORE classes and events, please refer to the winter semester schedule available online at where you can register online for any of our free emergency preparedness classes and workshops.
-- based on CORE announcement
Register Now for Oakland's 4th Annual Running Festival Saturday, March 23
Calling all runners. It's time to register for the 4th Annual Running Festival, which is fast approaching. Go here to register.
The course for the marathon has been approved by the City and is now available. The half-marathon and 5K courses have also been approved; the course maps will be available shortly.
Among the changes for 2013:
- No U-turn the first half a mile into the race. Instead participants will run around City Hall and through Frank Ogawa Plaza. If you ran the Hella-ween race, it will look familiar. Half-Marathoners' U-turn will come after mile 2.
- Running over the new pedestrian bridge at the south end of Lake Merritt. This will allow runners to do almost a complete loop around the Lake before finishing. [JG confirming w/ Mike Hester]
And, good news, for those who unwittingly find themselves behind the wheel in the midst of a race: the organizers have made a few slight adjustments to help those who have been stuck in traffic in the latter half of the race.
-- based on Oakland Running Festival website
Bi-annual I [Bike] Newsletter, Winter 2013 Edition |
Check out the Winter 2013 edition of the I [Bike] Oakland Newsletter, Winter 2013 Edition for updates on the implementation of the City's Bicycle Master Plan from July - December 2012.
Click here for the PDF file of the newsletter or visit

Pilot Program Reduces Prices at Oakland Chinatown Parking Garage in Time for Lunar New Year
The parking garage at Pacific Renaissance Plaza (entrances on Webster and Franklin) will offer promotional prices going forward as part of a pilot program aimed at drawing business to Oakland's thriving Chinatown district in time for the Lunar New Year, February 10th. The garage will charge a flat rate of $2.00 from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. On Friday, the flat rate will be $2.00 from 5:00 pm to midnight. On Saturdays and Sundays, the rates will remain the same. These prices took effect on February 4 and will continue until further notice.
-- based on a media advisory from the Mayor's office
Tour of the Chabot Space & Science Center

(Photo: Council President Pat Kernighan and Chabot Space and Science Center's Executive Director and CEO, Alexander Zwissler)
 Last week, I had the chance to visit the Chabot Space and Science Center for a behind-the-scenes tour. The center is now unveiling a new and exciting exhibit, "Touch the Sun." The exhibit allows visitors to see fresh feeds that come directly from satellites in space. Besides many of the well-known exhibits, Chabot offers the latest hands-on interactive exhibits and shows that explore the mysteries of the universe. The Center is also providing new After School Programs: Inventor's Workshop, Lego Mindstrom Robotics and technology, etc. During the weekdays, Chabot offers a variety of exciting classroom science programs to school children and teens from all over northern California. The day I visited there were 475 kids there! Annually, Chabot hosts 50,000 school students, 9,000 of whom are from Oakland Unified School District. The classes are free to Oakland students. Those from other cities pay $12 per student for the day. For information on their events and programs, visit |