Volume 11, No. 7                                                                       January 23, 2013
What's New
ACTA Welcomes 19 Teams to the Apprenticeship Program
This month, 39 artists from across the state are beginning a period of intensive study as part of their participation in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program in 2014.
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ACTA Announces 2014 Living Cultures Grants Program Grantees
This month, ACTA is pleased to announce that it is awarding $285,000 in 57 grants to California nonprofit organizations to support projects in folk and traditional arts through its Living Cultures Grants Program. 

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Thank You! :: Over $20,000 Raised for ACTA's Apprenticeship Program
We did it!!!  Thanks to the eighty-seven friends who contributed to the Apprenticeship Program Campaign, we exceeded our $8,000 goal and raised $20,300! The impact of this generosity will span lifetimes, supporting the 19 pairs of talented 2014 Master Artists and Apprentices.
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In Memoriam: Lakshmi Shankar
By Russell Rodríguez, Apprenticeship Program Manager 
As the New Year brings hope for new possibilities, the Indian arts and the traditional arts communities were met with the sad news of master artist Lakshmi Shankar's passing.  Ms. Shankar was regarded as one of the most important figures in North Indian Classical (Hindustani) music and is a former master artist in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program. 


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In Memoriam: Dr. Annjennette S. McFarlin
By Lily Kharrazi, Living Cultures Grants Program Manager
"She was a tireless defender of those who are marginalized.  She told the stories that needed to be told.  A community cultural treasure.  She will be missed!" --Felicia Shaw, San Diego Community Foundation
These remarks were written in a memorial book and are one of the many sentiments expressed at a gathering last month to honor Dr. Annjennette Sophie McFarlin.  Dr. McFarlin founded the Black Storytellers of San Diego, Inc., a former Living Cultures Grants Program grantee. 
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Following ACTA

The Alliance for California Traditional Arts is the California Arts Council's official partner in serving the state's folk and traditional arts field.