Volume 11, No. 2                                                                         July 19, 2013
What's New

ACTA Awards $420,000 to San Joaquin Valley Nonprofits
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts (ACTA) is awarding $420,000 in grant investments to seven nonprofit groups serving the San Joaquin Valley whose work is rooted in cultural traditions and values: Arte Américas Casa de la Cultura, Danzantes Unidos de California, Kings Regional Traditional Folk Arts, Little Manila Foundation, Merced Lao Family Community, Modesto Cambodian Buddhist Society, and Teatro de la Tierra.
These investments and additional technical assistance are part of the Community Leadership Project, a joint partnership of the David & Lucile Packard, James Irvine and William & Flora Hewlett foundations. 
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Joti Singh (left) and Bongo Sidibe of the Duniya Dance & Drumming Company are participating in CounterPULSE's Performiing Diaspora series.  Joti will moderate a session at the upcoming Symposium.  Photo: Paul K.Benjamin

ACTA Partners with CounterPULSE to present the Performing Diaspora Symposium
On Saturday, August 10, at CounterPULSE in San Francisco, leading scholars, elders and artists from across the Bay Area and nation will gather for a series of thoughtful and challenging conversations that will contextualize the intersection of traditional arts, contemporary performance, and California's changing demographics.  ACTA Program Manager Lily Kharrazi serves as an invited curator for this symposium, drawing on her vast experience at ACTA over the past 8 years. We invite and welcome your participation in this free event. 

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Ramon "Chunky" Sanchez Receives NEA National Heritage Fellowship
By Russell Rodriguez, Program Manager
Sanchez' original music represents a soundtrack to the Chicano experience in the United States. His original compositions... are imperative works, for they fill the gaps of documenting the socio-historical and political experiences of the Chicano and Mexicano communities. The music of Sanchez is a repository that sheds light upon hidden histories of our nation. Also important to understand is that his music is valuable simply because it is good.

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Get on Air! ~ Nonprofits Now Eligible to Apply for a Low Power FM Station
Thanks to the passage of the Local Community Radio Act, and the efforts of the Prometheus Radio Project, this October nonprofits and community groups will have a one-time chance to apply for and start community radio stations nationwide.

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Following ACTA

The Alliance for California Traditional Arts is the California Arts Council's official partner in serving the state's folk and traditional arts field.