Volume 10, No. 12                                                                        May 15, 2013
What's New
Finding Common Ground Through Sacred Words
Supported in part by ACTA's Living Cultures Grants Program, a current exhibit at the Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California in Oakland explores the interaction and connectedness of global religions and cultures through an exhibit of calligraphic and textual arts.
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ACTA's Statewide Informational Meetings & Webinars
Join us to learn more about funding opportunities through ACTA's core programs.
Meetings will be held in: Long Beach (May 21), Los Angeles (May 22 and 23), Santa Ana (May 29), San Diego (May 30), and a newly added meeting in Arcata (June 6). Webinars will be held June 4 (Spanish) and June 5 (English).
NEW! ACTA's June 5 webinar will also feature Terry Liu, Arts Education Specialist with the National Endowment for the Arts. Terry will be explaining the different funding opportunities that the NEA offers for folk and traditional arts and organizations.

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Featured Funding Opportunities 
                                                                                       Deadline: May 31, 2013

Following ACTA

The Alliance for California Traditional Arts is the California Arts Council's official partner in serving the state's folk and traditional arts field.