Youth E-Chat
Northeastern Minnesota Synod, ELCA
Don't Miss!
Upcoming deadlines and events to watch for:

Last day to register is Feb. 18 or when event fills!

LYO Applications Due Feb. 15! 
In This Issue
Cardia Deo
LYO Applications
Framing Life Biblically
Theological Convocation
Share, Save, Spend Seminar
Discipleship Challenge
VLM Events
Continuing Ed Events - More New Events!
Outdoor Ministries
in and around
NE MN Synod
Encourage your young people and families to go to camp next summer!

Camp Amnicon

Camp Onomia

Luther Crest Bible Camp

Luther Park Bible Camp

Voyaguers Lutheran Ministries

Wilderness Canoe Base

Journeys(Listing and links for all ELCA Outdoor Ministries) 
Quick Links
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Get Networked!

Youth ministry is hard work.  We are strengthed personally and professionally when we get together regularly to share our stories, swap ideas, learn from each other and lean on each other.  Make time this month to join in on one of these network opportunities, or have coffee with a youth worker near you!

Duluth Area Network Meetings:
Second Thursday of Every Month, 10:00am
Beaner's in West Duluth
Contact Debbie Alm for more info.

Brainerd Area Network Meetings:
Second Thursday of Every Month, 10:00am
Caribou Coffee on Hwy 371
Contact Stacy Johnson for more info.

Cert Schools
Sponsored by
Vibrant Faith Ministries and Wartburg Seminary

This week-long training experience is supplemented by five weeks of online training. For dates and more information please contact Jim LaDoux at 877-239-2492 or click here.

Sponsored by
Youth Leadership 

This two year program covers the key areas of youth ministry leadership with a personal component that will help you grow as a leader in your particular context.

For more information, click here
February 11, 2014

What frames your life? What frames your ministry? Important questions, especially as we live and do ministry in our current culture. These were also the questions that were discussed at the 2014 ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza the end of January. I had the opportunity to preach at the opening worship, and invite you to read my reflections on these questions here.

Together in Christ, 

Catherine Anderson 

Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Cardia Deo

February 28 - March 2, 2014 Cardia Deo Logo

Grades 9-12

Big Sandy Camp, McGregor 


Last day to register: February 18
This event is nearly full! Please check the website or call the synod office at 218-724-4424 before sending new registrations!  

Click here for event information and forms!

New Resource! LYO Youth Team members have developed a Bible study for groups to use prior to Cardia Deo in preparation for our servant event on Saturday. You are encouraged to gather the youth who are going - and those who are not! - to begin discussions on hunger and poverty! Click here for the Bible study! 
LYO Applications
Applications are Due February 15, 2014!   LYO  


The Lutheran Youth Organization Board is a selected group of high school who plan and lead the Middle School Gathering and Cardia Deo Retreats. This is a leadership board that is ideal for youth and adults who are already leaders in their congregations, and are ready for that next step of leading on a larger and deeper level with more responsibility and opportunities to share their faith.

Click here for more information and application forms!   
Framing Life Biblically
FREE Practice Discipleship Webinar!
Thursday, February 13
12:00pm Central Time  

Presenter: Dave Ellingson, Trinity Lutheran College
The biblical narrative is a powerful story of pilgrimage, a journey from creation, through death and into new life. This session will explore how this powerful narrative becomes a framework for how we view the world and our lives and how we invite children, youth and families into this powerfully transformative story.

Click here to register. This webinar is FREE, but you need to register to receive your link.

Not available at this time? All Practice Discipleship webinars are recorded and posted at to view at a later time. 
Bishop's Theological Convoations

"Framing the Faith"  

EVERYONE Invited!  


Saturday, March 15

Elim Lutheran Church, Duluth


Saturday, March 22 

Trinity Lutheran Church, Brainerd


Both events are 10 am - 2:30 pm

(registration begins at 9:30 am)


Presenter: Professor Jeremy Myers, Augsburg College

Society's views and stereotypes of young people are based primarily on myths. Unfortunately, many of our ministry practices are influenced by these myths. Our dependence upon these myths is what drives young people away from the church. The biblical narrative and our theological heritage offer a life-giving framework that empowers us see our young people in a new light. This session will uncover some of the myths that cause us to frame our young people negatively and will offer practical ways to help you and your congregation to begin framing youth as children of God who have gifts to share and calls to live.

Cost of $25 includes lunch
(plus $1.62 online registration fee)


This annual continuing education event is open to all in our synod: teens, young adults, those who work with youth and anyone interested.  
Share, Save, Spend Seminar
March 2, 2014: 2:30-4:00pm
Lutheran Church of the Cross, Nisswa


Families, youth and adults are invited to this seminar on the topic of money and the effects of our consumer culture on money habits. Teaching youth about money can decrease their materialism and increase their self-esteem. A free-will offering will be taken to offset expenses.

For more information, call Lutheran Church of the Cross at 218-963-2564.  
Discipleship Challenge: Love Like Jesus!

The Discipleship Challenge is about deepening our faith practices and developing leaders, as we strive to follow and love like Jesus on a daily basis.

The faith practice focus for February is 
We apologize: Due to technical issues, there will be no Worship Teaser Video this month.
Bishop Tom's "Worship" Video Challenge
Adult Discussion Guide
Children' Discussion Guide
Family Discussion Guide

We're still trying to get the links fixed on the home page for the Discipleship Challenge. But ALL links should be working on the "Faith Practice Videos and Resources" page - which hosts all teaser videos, Bishop Tom's video challenges, and Adult/Children/Family Discussion Guides.

Visit the Discipleship Challenge website for more information, and join the Discipleship Challenge Facebook Group for updates and to learn from others! 
Voyaguers Lutheran Ministry Upcoming Events

Winter Fun Day

Saturday, March 1 at Camp Vermilion

1:00-4:00 pm

Cost: $5 per person with a $15 family maximum.


Paddle Building Workshop

Sunday, March 2-Tuesday, March 4 at Camp Vermilion

Cost: $200 per person; includes materials, instruction, lodging, and meals.


Elementary Rejuve

March 7-8 at Camp Vermilion

March 14-15 at Camp Hiawatha

Cost: $45 per camper

Continuing Education Events Beyond Our Synod

Our synod is located just hours away from some of the top youth ministry training in the nation! Click on the organizations below for a complete listing of training opportunities!
Youth Leadership

Offers 3 hour, one day, intensive and certificate programs.

NEW Training Opportunities! Click on the link for more information.

Feb. 20: Ministry to Parents
Led by Tiger McLuen and Jeff Lindsay

March 3-4:Led by Hans Wiersma and Jennifer Scott

March 20: Caring for Kids Who are Struggling with Depression and Suicide
Led by Kari Lyn Wampler, Tiger McLuen and Dr. Kevin Harrington


EveryDay / Peer Ministry / Marilyn Sharpe Ministries

Living Room Summit, Peer Ministry Leadership Camps and trainings, Coaching.

April 29 - May 1, 2014: Living Room Summit
Minneapolis, MN

Vibrant Faith Ministries
Online learning, coaching. Tons of free resources on the Faith Formation Learning Exchange!

21st Century Faith Formation Training Event

May 13-15, 2014: Minneapolis
Learn how to develop Christian faith formation for all ages and generations in a digital, connected world.
You are welcome to copy and use any of the information or writings above for use in your newsletters and other communications.

If you have any questions regarding any of these events, please contact me at the number and addresses listed below.

Catherine Anderson
Coordinator of Youth Ministry


Phone: 218.724.4424, ext. 124
Fax: 218.724.4393