Three Spiritual Festivals - 2015 It is time to start thinking about the three Spiritual Festivals that are coming, each one marked by a full moon. Master Choa Kok Sui taught that the flow of spiritual energies reaches a peak during a full moon period. At these times we can - particularly as a group - touch spiritual realities and energies that are normally not so easily available. Each year the annual cycle of full moons reaches its highest point in the triple sequence of the Easter Festival, the Wesak Festival, and the Festival of Goodwill. The Easter and Wesak festivals celebrate the lives and inspiration of two of the greatest spiritual leaders - the Lord Christ and the Lord Buddha. Easter is the festival of the resurrection of the living Lord Christ, the expression of the Love of God. This festival awakens the Christ Nature in all of humanity. It is determined by the date of the full moon of Aries and is the great Western and Christian Festival. Wesak is the festival of the Lord Buddha, the expression of the Wisdom of God. the embodiment of Light and "the indicator of Divine Purpose". It is determined by the date of the full moon of Taurus, and is the great Eastern celebration. The Festival of Humanity is the festival of our basic aspiration towards human and spiritual unity. It gives voice to a deep invocative appeal to the spiritual Hierarchy for light, love and the will-to-good, celebrating humanity's innate goodwill. It is determine by the date of the full moon of Gemini.
We can begin to ready ourselves by starting or joining an existing group for meditation and preparing ourselves for these powerful times. This helps us to become even better vessels for the energy of good will, peace and love to flow through us and to the earth. Celebrating these triple full moons enables us to receive, anchor and radiate the Divine Blessings and Consecrations of the Higher Ones to all of humanity. Many of us will celebrate Easter to experience the glorious Outpourings of the living Lord Christ on April 5th at many Christian gatherings. In addition, Pranic Healing of San Diego will celebrate Wesak to experience the divine Outpourings of the Lord Buddha on Sunday, May 3rd. We invite you to join us in the Wesak full moon meditation from 7:45 - 9:30 pm at the California Institute for Human Science in Encinitas. We kindly ask that you contact us at 888-226-4325 to let us know that you plan to attend. We so look forward to celebrating Wesak with you. Your Pranic Healing family. |