In This Issue
Study Group for Pranic Healers
Arhatic Yoga Practice
MCKS Twin Hearts Meditation
MCKS Higher Prosperity Courses
Pranic Facial Rejuvenation Class
Learn About Our Pranic Healing Free Clinics
Free Healing Clinics

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    Master Choa Kok Sui
Quote of Master Choa Kok Sui

Your degree of success is not dependent on where you start. It is based on your target. You must always have a purpose or a target - GMCKS

PHSD Study Group  

Study Group for Pranic Healers

 Second Thursday of the Month

July 11th

7:00 to 9:00PM



If you have taken any Pranic Healing classes, you are welcome to join us as we work together and practice our healing techniques. We meet monthly to enhance what we have learned in the formal classes. If you want information or have questions about Pranic Healing or different protocols, this is the forum to ask them. 

Arhatic Yoga Practice

 Tuesday Morning 8:45 AM to 11:00 AM

(Must have taken Arhatic Preparatory)
Pranic Healing San Diego
741 Garden View Ct. Suite 204 Encinitas CA


Arhatic Yoga Meditations are powerful meditations that rapidly and safely accelerate the spiritual development of the practitioner. "Arhatic" derives from the word "arhat", which means "a highly evolved being." An Arhat is one who through diligent practice of yogic techniques and purposeful character building has overcome the impurities of desire and will. 


Please arrive by 8:45AM for energy purifying physical and breathing exercises.  We will then begin our meditation at 9:00AM or shortly thereafter which will include one of Master Choa Kok Sui's guided Arhatic Meditations. Following the meditation there will be time for those who wish to ask questions and/or share experiences.


Click here for more information

MCKS Twin Hearts Meditation
at  Pranic Healing San Diego

Twin Hearts Meditation at PHSD


Only July 18th!


Meditation on Twin Hearts is an advanced meditation technique aimed at achieving illumination or universal consciousness. It is also an instrument of world and community service that eventually harmonizes the earth by blessing it with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill. 


Please arrive by 6:45 PM for a brief introduction. Promptly at 7:00 PM, the doors will be shut and we will begin with some light physical exercises. Master Choa Kok Sui will guide us in blessing the earth with the Meditation on Twin Hearts which lasts about 30-45 minutes. The evening is free, love donations are gratefully accepted. Following the meditation there will be time for those who wish to ask questions and/or share their experiences.


For more information click here

Mary D. Clark Ph.D. Mary Clark

Mary Clark is a Certified Pranic Healing Instructor, a Senior Certified Pranic Healer, and past Coordinator of the Pranic Healing Certification Program for the Central and Western States.  She has practiced and taught Pranic Healing for over ten years and has mentored students from all walks of life.  She is a licensed psychologist in the state of Arizona, and is a licensed marriage family therapist and licensed educational psychologist in the state of California. She maintains both a private practice and a healing practice in Encinitas, California. 

MCKS Prosperity Classes
MCKS Higher Prosperity Courses
with Master Stephen Co
Jul 26 - Jul 29
Anaheim, CA

Learn the Spiritual Laws of Creating Prosperity, Success and Harmony in Your Life!
More information can be found here 



What an exciting summer we will have here at Pranic Healing of San Diego. We are sponsoring a very special class on Pranic Facial Rejuvenation!  We have Sheevaun Moran coming August 2nd-4th to teach us special techniques on how to clear lines, reduce puffiness and restore freshness to a person's skin! It will be an amazing class! There is a special rate for early registration.  Please check below to see the finer details of the class. 


In addition we have all of our regular events being offered such as the Free Pranic Healing Clinics, Twin Hearts Meditation nights, Arhatic Yoga Meditation and Pranic Healing Study Group.  

Look us up on the web at www.pranichealingsd.com 


Pranic Facial Rejuvenation 


Energetic Facial Rejuvenation

DATE: August 2-4, 2013
Early registration discounts available!

Presented by

Sheevaun Moran

Certified Pranic Healer

  Founder, Energetic Solutions


Pranic Facial Rejuvenation 

techniques are designed to:

  • Clear the lines
  • Reduce the tired and aged face
  • Restore freshness to the skin
  • Regain the clear eyes and bright feeling
  • Eliminate the puffiness
  • Create a long lasting result

Participants will learn techniques to:

  • Cleanse, resolve, and disintegrate issues and negative energies that are accumulated and stored in the face
  • Work with chakras, emotions and organs to increase the health and vitality of the face and body.
  • Utilize particular meditations, language patterns and food to enhance the effects as well as accelerate the vitality.
  • Apply the energetic strategies on themselves as well as others

Pranic Facial Rejuvenation is a workshop designed to address facial wrinkles, lines, age spots and sagging jaw line by applying special energy strategies to achieve a more youthful look without going under the knife.  This workshop offers an alternative solution to the creams, lotions and potions that are only temporary and often toxic.  When energetic solutions are applied to the energy field as well as the face, there is a visible effect on the face making it more supple, smooth and youthful. If you have lazer crystal or rose quartz, bring them to use during the class.



DATE: August 2-4, 2013

TIME:  Friday 6:00-8:30pm, 

Saturday and Sunday 9:30am - 5:30pm



PRE-REQUISITE: Pranic Healing Level I and II

LOCATION: California Institute for Human Science,

                    701 Garden View Ct., Encinitas, CA 92024


FEE$450 by July 20th, $597 after July 20th


CONTACT:   Pranic Healing of San Diego:  888-226-4325

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Learn About Our Pranic Healing Free Clinics


Come and experience PRANIC HEALING.  Whether you're stressed, in pain, or just in need of inner peace, PRANIC HEALING can help.  A free healing clinic is available to the public every 3rd Saturday of the month at Pranic Healing of San Diego, Encinitas, and every 1st Sunday of the month at Questhaven Retreat, San Marcos.  PRANIC HEALING is an advanced form of energy healing developed by Master Choa Kok Sui that utilizes "prana" or life force to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes.  This energy can be used to promote wellbeing as well as alleviate and treat physical, emotional and psychological conditions.  It has worked successfully with many ailments ranging from asthma, allergies, arthritis, cancer, addictions, stress, depression and phobias.

At the Free Healing Clinics, dedicated Pranic Healers are available to treat you for a multitude of physical and emotional conditions.  Upon arrival, you will be asked to fill out a brief questionnaire.  Then you will be seen by the first available Pranic Healer(s).  Whether you are suffering from chronic pain, anxiety, or would just like a monthly energetic 'tune-up', the clinics are a wonderful way to make PRANIC HEALING a part of your overall health regime. They are also a great way to experience PRANIC HEALING first hand, whether you are considering taking a class or are just interested in experiencing this form of energy healing.

I have witnessed the powerful effects of our healing clinics.  I see people as they arrive and sign in for the clinic.  Many are suffering from pain, chronic illness, stress, or fatigue.  As they leave after a short session with a Pranic Healer. I again have the opportunity to observe them.  I am constantly amazed at the changes I see.  They are relaxed, smiling, calmer, lighter and energetically up-lifted.

So if you haven't had the chance to visit the FREE CLINICS at either of our locations, please give yourself this opportunity.  We would love to see you.  Clinics are entirely free, but we do appreciate your love donations.  They help with the cost of the clinics as well as help facilitate a faster healing process due in part to the good karma of your giving. 


Louise McDougall, 

Yoga Instructor


Free Pranic Healing
Free Healing Clinic 
Pranic Healing San Diego - Encinitas
Saturday July 20th 
Third Saturday of the Month
1:00 to 3:00 PM
741 Garden View Ct.
Encinitas, CA 92024 
(888) 226-4325

We are in service to you at our Pranic Healing Clinics. Our clinics are a free offering to the community to extend a feeling of good will and healing energy to all who attend. Pranic Healing alleviates difficulties associated with ailments ranging from asthma, arthritis, cancer to addictions, depression and phobias. It is an effective no-touch, painless, healing art that acts as a powerful catalyst to spark the body's inborn ability to repair itself. You will receive a complementary twenty minute session from one of our experienced healers. To serve everyone fairly, no requests for specific healers can be honored. You will be seen on a first-come first-served basis; Reservations are not accepted.

A loving gift for you...

come and enjoy the benefits of 
Pranic Healing every month.