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GMCKS Ashram Visit
by Dr. Mary Clark!
Master Choa Kok Sui's monumental work in developing Pranic Healing had many strands of teaching. One had to do with that of Pranic Healing and the vast body of energetic technology and applications it contained. Another strand that he created was that of Arhatic Yoga. It enabled people of various religious beliefs or philosophies to have access to inner teachings making it easier for them to pursue spiritual development while at the same time maintaining a normal life. To that end he created the GMCKS Arhatic Yoga Ashram in India for serious practitioners of Arhatic Yoga from around the world to come and practice intensively.
MCKS Twin Hearts Meditation
April 11th and 25th
Always the First &
Third Thursday
Meditation on Twin Hearts is an advanced meditation technique aimed at achieving illumination or universal consciousness. It is also an instrument of world and community service that eventually harmonizes the earth by blessing it with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill.
Please arrive by 6:45 pm for a brief introduction. Promptly at 7:00 pm, the doors will be shut and we will begin with some light physical exercises. Master Choa Kok Sui will guide us in blessing the earth with the Meditation on Twin Hearts which lasts about 30-45 minutes. Following the meditation there will be time for those who wish to ask questions and/or share their experiences.
For more information click here
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Study Group for Pranic Healers
Second Thursday of the month.
April 11th
7 PM to 9 PM
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If you have taken any Pranic Healing classes, you are welcome to join us as we work together and practice our healing techniques. We meet monthly to enhance what we have learned in the formal classes. If you want information or have questions about Pranic Healing or different protocols, this is the forum to ask them.
Click here for more information |
Arhatic Yoga Practice
(Must have taken Arhatic Preparatory)
Every Tuesday Morning 8:45AM to 11:00AM
Arhatic Yoga Meditations are powerful meditations that rapidly and safely accelerate the spiritual development of the practitioner. "Arhatic" derives from the word "arhat", which means "a highly evolved being." An Arhat is one who through diligent practice of yogic techniques and purposeful character building has overcome the impurities of desire and will. Please arrive by 8:45am for energy purifying physical and breathing exercises. We will then begin our meditation at 9:00 am or shortly thereafter which will include one of Master Choa Kok Sui's guided Arhatic Meditations. Following the meditation there will be time for those who wish to ask questions and/or share experiences.
For more information click here
Dr. Mary Clark and Bob had a wonderful adventure going to Master Choa's Ashram last month! We have included some pictures and experiences here in this newsletter. What an inspiration! Look for her sharing below.
The spring season of healing classes is soon to begin! We have one more Intro happening on April 10th at the PHSD office. Dr. Mary Clark will teach Level I the weekend of April 21 and 22nd (there is also a free healing clinic that weekend). There is a link below to register for the class to become a Pranic Healer. It's a wonderful skill to have to help out family members heal and feel better faster. The Wesak Moon is happening on April 25th and we are hosting our 2nd annual meditation! Please come join us!
Pranic Healing of San Diego |
PHSD is hosting no-charge
Introduction to Pranic Healing®
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
at Pranic Healing San Diego
741 Garden View Court, Suite 204
Encinitas, 92024
Pranic Healing® is a simple, powerful, effective
technique anyone can learn
During this free introduction, you will:
Learn what Prana Energy is
Learn how to feel/see Prana Energy
Learn principles of Pranic Healing®
Experience how your actions and thoughts affect MIND/BODY energy
Learn healing techniques you can use NOW to heal yourself, family, friends
YOU can do Pranic Healing!
Reserve your space and receive a gift when you attend!
Reserve at http://conta.cc/Y6NgVA
For more information, please call 1-888-226-4325
visit http://www.pranichealingsd.com
Register Now! Save Your Seat!
MCKS Pranic Healing Level I
April 20th and 21st
Saturday and Sunday
9:00am - 5:30pm
Presented by Pranic Applications
Mary D. Clark, Ph.D.
Senior Certified Pranic Healing Instructor
Both theory and practice are provided, preparing students to confidently interact with subtle energy to promote health and well being. Students will learn foundational skills in scanning and clearing the aura of blockages, and methods of applying prana to promote physical and psychological well-being. They will also learn self-care strategies, long distance applications, energetic anatomy, specific applications for common physical/emotional distresses and recent research findings. Its no-touch methodology makes it a practical complementary modality for both health care practitioners who want to apply energetic modalities to their basic practice, and for healers who want to expand their energetic skills to include these powerful strategies.
Fee: $350
Reviewers: $50
CEs available for Nurses, LCSW's, MFT's, & Massage Therapists
For more information about the Level 1 class, click here
or call 888-426-4325
741 Garden View Court Encinitas, CA 92024
2nd Annual Wesak Moon Meditation!
Thursday April 25th Noon - 2:00 pm
Join us for a powerful group meditation to receive Buddha's blessings that empower the world each year. Registration is required due to limited seating available. We will gather at 11:00am to prep for receiving of the blessed energies. A video of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui will be shown. We will be meditating with a recording of GMCKS during the time of the full moon. Bring items to be blessed, a cushion to sit on, and wear white or light colored clothing.
According to tradition, at the time of the Scorpio full moon in Taurus, the Buddha arrives in the Wesak Valley of the Himalayas to deliver the powerful spiritual energy of Shamballa to the assembled masters, initiates and disciples of the Hierarchy, for the assimilation and eventual distribution of this Shamballa force throughout the world. The Forces of Enlightenment are available at the Taurus full moon, marking the high-water mark of spiritual blessing for the world, and opening a channel of communication between humanity and deity. http://www.souledout.org/wesak
Free Healing Clinics Sponsored by
Pranic Healing of San Diego!
First Sunday of the Month
April 7th
12:30-2:30 pm
Questhaven Retreat Center
20560 Questhaven Rd San Marcos, CA 92078
Third Saturday of the MonthApril 20th 1:00 to 3:00pm
We are in service to you at our Pranic Healing Clinics. Our clinics are a free offering to the community to extend a feeling of good will and healing energy to all who attend. Pranic Healing alleviates difficulties associated with ailments ranging from asthma, arthritis, cancer to addictions, depression and phobias. It is an effective no-touch, painless, healing art that acts as a powerful catalyst to spark the body's inborn ability to repair itself. You will receive a complementary twenty minute session from one of our experienced healers. To serve everyone fairly, no requests for specific healers can be honored. You will be seen on a first-come first-served basis; Reservations are not accepted. A loving gift for you...come and enjoy the benefits of Pranic Healing twice a month.
GMCKS Ashram Visit Continued from above
In February Bob and I had the opportunity to accompany Master Nona Castro who led a group of Canadian and Brazilian Arhatic students on a spiritual pilgrimage to GMCKS Arhatic Yoga Ashram. This beautiful Ashram is spread over nearly sixty acres of scenic land surrounded by tall mountains and deep valleys. It is so retreated and insulated from the outside world that one has no awareness that one is even in India. Situated besides a deep gorge between a beautiful lake and verdant valley and high mountains, we were immediately aware and revitalized by the abundance of fresh prana.
The seven days that we spent at the Ashram were an amazing experience. Master Faith and Master
Hermie arrived to participate with Master Nona. The teachings they gave us, and the connections we made with each other were priceless. We started and ended each day with Sadhanas (spiritual practices). During the day we shared in the teachings of Master Choa through videos and our own experiences. We spent a lot of time in meditations and reflections either alone or in small groups.
One evening we hiked to the edge of the gorge to meditate as the sun set. Another evening we built a large bonfire and cast in negative traits we wanted to overcome. Another night followed with still another bonfire in which we offered up goals, aspirations, and projects that we wanted to manifest. We then spent time singing and sharing stories around the fire.
Master's energy was present throughout. This was the home he made for his students. Indeed, we felt that we had "come home." The Ashram was definitely the "lode stone" of his teachings. Some of us caught glimpses of him moving among the students, smiling and encouraging, blessing and nurturing us. All of us could keenly feel him with us. We felt his love and how he wanted the very best for all of us.
The Ashram is one of the physical things that he left for us. It is charged with spiritual energy and you are cleansed and energized at a very deep level as you do your practices. You can have a deeper and more profound experience of what the Higher Soul is wishing to do in this life because you have more time to be still, to listen and be open to the energies of the Higher Soul and in turn to the Teacher.
To that end, Bob and I are planning to return to the Ashram in January of 2015 with Master Nona as she leads another group. We invite you to come with us. For those of you who have missed seeing Master Choa in his physical body, this is an opportunity to feel his presence, to experience the Teacher and to know that he is always with us. Give yourself this special opportunity to enter the "Holy of Holies" of his teachings.
 Blessings of Love and Light Mary