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In This Issue
MCKS Twin Hearts Meditation
Study Group for Pranic Healers
MCKS Arhatic Yoga® Retreat
Want to Learn to Heal Yourself And Others?
Free Healing Clinics
Arhatic Yoga Practice

Master Choa Kok Sui
Miracles are fantastic events which utilize hidden laws of nature that most people are not aware of. Miracles do not break the laws of nature, they are actually based on them ! - GMCKS



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MCKS  Twin Hearts Meditation

Feb. 7th and 21st

Always the First &

Third Thursday


Meditation on Twin Hearts is an advanced meditation technique aimed at achieving illumination or universal consciousness. It is also an instrument of world and community service that eventually harmonizes the earth by blessing it with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill. 


Please arrive by 6:45 pm for a brief introduction. Promptly at 7:00 pm, the doors will be shut and we will begin with some light physical exercises. Master Choa Kok Sui will guide us in blessing the earth with the Meditation on Twin Hearts which lasts about 30-45 minutes. Following the meditation there will be time for those who wish to ask questions and/or share their experiences.


For more information click here


Study Group for Pranic Healers

Second Thursday of the month.

February 14th

7 PM to 9 PM 

If you have taken any Pranic Healing classes, you are welcome to join us as we work together and practice our healing techniques. We meet monthly to enhance what we have learned in the formal classes. If you want information or have questions about Pranic Healing or different protocols, this is the forum to ask them. 

Click here for more information
Wesak 2012
with Master Co, Master Glenn and Master Marilag
Feb 7 - Feb 10 
Oxnard, CA
Interesting in going? 
The purpose of the Arhatic Retreat is to stuff, stuff and stuff the students with Spiritual Energy! - GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui 

Prevent and Treat Colds & Flu through Pranic Healing!


Stay healthy this year! MCKS Pranic Healing can stimulate your immune system, keeping you strong and healthy. Don't wait until you are already sick. Be proactive about your health. If you already suffer from a cold or flu, Pranic Healing can help you recover quickly. Don't take that cough to work with you. We regularly treat sinusitis, cough, head pressure, congestion and digestive issues.


Staying fatigued and run down for 3 weeks isn't necessary, so please call for a healing treatment. Many people come in after they have had or are in the midst of the flu, are still coughing, or they can't sleep well. Pranic Healing gets your energy back and also helps to alleviate that congestion so you can breathe easier...

 MCKS Healing Angel

A client reports,

"I am a teacher and in the winter months I schedule Pranic Healing and take an herbal formula to eliminate any bacteria, or virus that I come in contact with. Many of my students are always sick or coughing and I have been able to maintain my good health and not take any sick days for the last 3 years!"


Take care of your family members.  We can also treat children of all ages. 


Colds and flus can be treated in relatively few visits. Depending on the severity and your response, normally one to four sessions can make a huge difference.


The flu is becoming an epidemic all over the country. We at Pranic Healing of San Diego are here to help you. Call 1-888 CAN-HEAL (1-888-226-4325) or email us at to setup your appointment.


Want to Learn to Heal Yourself And Others?


Pranic Healing of San Diego is hosting TWO no-charge Introduction to Pranic Healing® during February


February 9th and 13th, pick your day!


Pranic Healing® is a simple, powerful, effective technique anyone can learn


Pranic Healing® is a simple yet powerful and effective system of no-touch energy healing originated and developed by Master Choa Kok Sui. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the innate ability to heal itself. Simply put, Pranic Healing® accelerates the healing process by increasing the life force or vital energy on the affected part of the physical body.


During this free introduction, you will:

Pranic Healing Class Level 1



Learn what Prana Energy is


Learn how to feel/see Prana Energy


Learn principles of Pranic Healing®


Experience how your actions and thoughts affect MIND/BODY energy


Learn healing techniques you can use NOW to heal yourself, family, friends




YOU can do Pranic Healing!


   Saturday, February 9, 2013       

3:00 PM to 5:00 PM


Casa De Luz, San Diego

2920 University Ave

San Diego, CA 92104


Reserve your seat!

     Wednesday, February 13, 2013   

        6:30 PM to 8:30 PM


Ocean Beach People's Co-op

4765 Voltaire Street

San Diego, CA 92107


  Reserve your seat

Reserve your space and receive a gift when you attend!

For more information, please call 1-888-226-4325



Free Healing Clinics Sponsored by 
Pranic Healing of San Diego! 
   First Sunday of the Month 
  February 3rd
12:30-2:30 pm
 Questhaven Retreat Center 

20560 Questhaven Rd San Marcos, CA 92078
Third Saturday of the Month

February 16th

1:00 to 3:00pm

Pranic Healing of San Diego

741 Garden View Ct. Encinitas, CA 92024


For more information about the Encinitas clinic


We are in service to you at our Pranic Healing Clinics. Our clinics are a free offering to the community to extend a feeling of good will and healing energy to all who attend. Pranic Healing alleviates difficulties associated with ailments ranging from asthma, arthritis, cancer to addictions, depression and phobias. It is an effective no-touch, painless, healing art that acts as a powerful catalyst to spark the body's inborn ability to repair itself. You will receive a complementary twenty minute session from one of our experienced healers. To serve everyone fairly, no requests for specific healers can be honored. You will be seen on a first-come first-served basis; Reservations are not accepted.  A loving gift for you...come and enjoy the benefits of Pranic Healing twice a month.

Arhatic Yoga Practice
  Master Choa Kok Sui
(Must have taken Arhatic Preparatory)  
Every Tuesday Morning 8:45AM to 11:00AM 

Arhatic Yoga Meditations are powerful meditations that rapidly and safely accelerate the spiritual development of the practitioner. "Arhatic" derives from the word "arhat", which means "a highly evolved being." An Arhat is one who through diligent practice of yogic techniques and purposeful character building has overcome the impurities of desire and will. Please arrive by 8:45am for energy purifying physical and breathing exercises.  We will then begin our meditation at 9:00 am or shortly thereafter which will include one of Master Choa Kok Sui's guided Arhatic Meditations. Following the meditation there will be time for those who wish to ask questions and/or share experiences. 

For more information click here