The holiday season is now upon us, filled with many traditional rituals and gatherings of observance. Practically everywhere in the world, there is much celebration and festivities. Some parts of the world celebrate Christmas, some celebrate the Winter Solstice, and some celebrate Hanukkah, just to name a few. I wish to talk briefly about two events that affect us as Pranic Healers.
The day of the Winter Solstice, December 21, is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere as well as the longest night. On this day the sun turns northward, and for the rest of the winter season, the sun shines longer each day. The Winter Solstice is a festival celebrating the triumph of light over darkness. On this day, cosmic forces from the Planetary Logos and the Solar Logos bathe the earth's atmosphere in resplendent energies, reawakening the seeds of Nature that have remained hidden, hibernating and waiting to be kindled by Light into new growth, potentialities and activity for the coming new Year.
As Pranic Healers, we can tune into these cosmic frequencies as we cleanse our clients' negativities, impurities, illnesses and traumas that have buried their own seeds of potentials, talents, and innate abilities. As we energize and strengthen our clients with fresh energies of earth, air, solar and divine pranas, we become partial channels for the Higher Ones to use to awaken and rekindle the inherent skills, capacities and talents of our clients.
Likewise the celebration of the birth of Christ heralds other Divine energies that wrap our earth in radiance. The Christ energy rekindles an Inner Light that awakens us to our Higher Self. His birth symbolizes the birth of the Christ Spirit within each of us, spreading love, goodwill and peace to all. As the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, this Inner Light begins to appear and grow inside of us. As we move deeper into the interior spaces of ourselves through reflection, prayer and meditation, we feel the increase of joy and spiritual presence. As the Holy Night approaches, the Christ energy becomes more and more pervasive and penetrating as it envelops the planet. The veil between the Inner Planes and the physical plane becomes the thinnest during this time.
Most people feel Christ's energy around the holidays. But for many who give themselves in service to others, they feel it long before and after the holidays. Master Choa Kok Sui urged all Pranic Healers to be of service to others. He taught that as we give of ourselves in service, we add to the brilliance of our own soul bodies. Every time we do Meditation of Twin Hearts (which is a form of planetary service), Master Choa said, "You become a spiritual conductor. Your body will be filled with Light, Hope and Energy." So service, among other things, increases our spaciousness, receptivity and sensitivity to the Divine and all Its glorious outpourings.
We should not forget that even in this time of joy and good will, there are those who experience suffering and sorrow, loneliness and aching hearts. So let us serve them in quiet little ways that touch their hearts and spirits. Because of the combined Christ and cosmic energies released during this season, those who suffer are at their highest receptivity to any help and loving kindness we give them. Indeed our "givingness" is an expression of the Christ Spirit. We are responding to a great tidal wave of Divine Love that sweeps over us during this season. We cannot do otherwise but give.
So as we enter into this Holiest of Holy season of short days and long nights, tune into these wondrous frequencies that are coursing through our atmosphere. Allow yourself to go deep within your own Holy of Holies, your own inner sanctum to find a kernel that awaits the Light to awaken it. Hold the highest expectancy and greatest curiosity for the new growth and activity that will take place within you.
We at Pranic Healing of San Diego wish for you a most magical, joyful, loving, and Spirit-filled holiday season. It has been our highest honor to serve you in the many capacities that we can. May all your inner seeds be rekindled and filled with God's Light, Love and Power to sprout, grow and flourish in the coming New Year.