August 15th was Founder's Day, also known as Grand Master Choa Kok Sui's Day. Pranic Healers gathered all around the globe in celebration to honor and affirm his monumental life and work as well as remind us of his Mission and Vision. His daughter Cathy wrote a very moving tribute to her father, which we are including below. Through her eyes we again have the opportunity to experience and reconnect to his presence. Her acknowledgement and honoring of him is touching.
Summer is almost over and fall will soon be here. Already children are going back to school. Now is the time to think about what we adults could do to better ourselves. At PHSD we have Twin Hearts Meditation nights to help quiet and connect ourselves with the Divine to receive blessings as we bless the planet at large, free community healing clinics to be nurtured, balanced and healed by trained Pranic Healers, and Pranic Healing classes to develop our knowledge and skills of Pranic Healing to help ourselves and others.
Master Choa's motto was to "have a Pranic Healer in every household." Pranic Healing is an excellent way for handling the daily scrapes, bruises, nosebleeds, fevers, headaches, cuts, and sunburns that families typically encounter. Maybe this year is the year to learn and support ourselves and our families with Pranic Healing techniques.
Dr. Mary Clark will start her fall series of MCKS Pranic Healing classes. On September 22nd and 23rd she will teach the basics of Pranic Healing. Also listed are the times and dates of the remainder series of Pranic Healing classes offered this fall. By taking Pranic Healing Level I, you learn the important foundational skills needed for the subsequent classes. In addition, Dr. Mary Clark will be traveling to Pensacola, FL to teach Pranic Crystal Healing and Pranic Psychic Self Defense on September 7th-9th. If anyone wishes to attend these classes in Florida, please contact Dr. Lorraine Graves at lmganchor@aol.com or call at 850-291-9293.
Also in this newsletter is information about upcoming Intros to Pranic Healing as well as times and dates of our Twin Hearts Meditations, Arhatic Yoga Meditations, free healing clinics and our Pranic Healing Study Group. We hope to see you here.
Pranic Healing of San Diego
Founder's Day 2012 Message from his Daughter....
I am writing this 10,000 feet up in the air and looking at the clouds. It's so beautiful that I can't even begin to describe it. This was how I felt when I was reading the emails and messages everyone sent when I asked, "How would you describe MCKS in a few words?" Some were simple and direct to the point while others were a stream of emotions. To describe him is to remember how he has affected us. It is reliving those moments. Whether you have met him or not, the descriptions sounded as if only one person spoke. You couldn't distinguish a new student from an older one or whether this person is an instructor or not. With his teachings, we all feel his presence. It is amazing that even though he is not physically present, his words still touch all of us and through his teachings, we are all connected. Energy has no language or race. We live in different countries and speak different languages but are all connected through energy and through MCKS's teachings. He has brought us all together into this family that shares his mission - to spread pranic healing and alleviate the suffering on this earth. Finish the article here...
Looking Ahead....
Dr. Mary Clark's next series of MCKS Pranic Healing classes at Pranic Healing San Diego that start in the fall. Mark you calendars. For more information and registration, click on the dates listed. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Free Healing Clinic only at PHSD
NO Healing Clinic
Questhaven in September
Pranic Healing of San Diego
September 15th 1:00PM to 3:00PM
(Third Saturday of the month)
741 Garden View Ct. Encinitas CA 92024
(888) 226-4325
We are in service to you at our Pranic Healing Clinics. Our clinics are a free offering to the community to extend a feeling of good will and healing energy to all who attend. Pranic Healing alleviates difficulties associated with ailments ranging from asthma, arthritis, cancer to addictions, depression and phobias. It is an effective no-touch, painless, healing art that acts as a powerful catalyst to spark the body's inborn ability to repair itself. You will receive a complementary twenty minute session from one of our experienced healers. To serve everyone fairly, no requests for specific healers can be honored. You will be seen on a first-come first-served basis; Reservations are not accepted.
A loving gift for you...
come and enjoy the benefits of Pranic Healing every month.
Come to a Free Introductory Class!
You will experience and learn some simple techniques you can use now!
Pranic Healing of San Diego will be offering Free Intro's throughout the summer to get ready for Dr. Mary Clark's September Pranic Healing Level I class!!
Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful and effective system of no-touch energy healing originated and developed by Master Choa Kok Sui. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the innate ability to heal itself. Simply put, Pranic Healing accelerates the healing process by increasing the life force or vital energy on the affected part of the physical body.
September 11th 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Ocean Beach People´s Organic Food Market
Another intro will be held in Escondido
September 19th
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Pranic Healing Center San Diego
741 Garden View Ct. Encinitas, CA 92024
Register here to hold your seat at the Intro
During this free introduction, you will:
- Learn what Prana is
- Learn how to feel/see Prana
- Learn the principles of Pranic Healing®
- Learn how your actions, emotions, and thoughts affect your energy
- Learn a self healing technique you can use now
- Come join the fun learning about working with energy!
Event Details: Phone 1-888-226-4325 or info@pranichealingsd.com
Register Now! Save your Seat!
MCKS Pranic Healing Level I
September 22nd and 23rd
Saturday and Sunday
9:00am - 5:30pm
Presented by Pranic Applications
Mary D. Clark, Ph.D.
Senior Certified Pranic Healing Instructor
Both theory and practice are provided, preparing students to confidently interact with subtle energy to promote health and well being. Students will learn foundational skills in scanning and clearing the aura of blockages, and methods of applying prana to promote physical and psychological well-being. They will also learn self-care strategies, long distance applications, energetic anatomy, specific applications for common physical/emotional distresses and recent research findings. Its no-touch methodology makes it a practical complementary modality for both health care practitioners who want to apply energetic modalities to their basic practice, and for healers who want to expand their energetic skills to include these powerful strategies.
Fee: $350
Reviewers: $50
CEs available for Nurses, LCSW's, MFT's, & Massage Therapists
For more informaton about the Level 1 class, click here
or call 888-426-4325
741 Garden View Court Encinitas, CA 92024
MCKS Twin Hearts Meditation at Pranic Healing San Diego
September 6th and 20th (Always the First & Third Thursday)
 Meditation on Twin Hearts is an advanced meditation technique aimed at achieving illumination or universal consciousness. It is also an instrument of world and community service that eventually harmonizes the earth by blessing it with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill. Please arrive by 6:45 PM for a brief introduction. Promptly at 7:00 PM, the doors will be shut and we will begin with some light physical exercises. Master Choa Kok Sui will guide us in blessing the earth with the Meditation on Twin Hearts which lasts about 30-45 minutes. The evening is free, love donations are gratefully accepted. Following the meditation there will be time for those who wish to ask questions and/or share their experiences. For more information click here |
Pranic Healer extras........
Study Group - Second Thursday of the Month
September 13th 7:00pm - Dr. Clark's office
If you have taken any Pranic Healing classes, you are welcome to join us as we work together and practice our healing techniques. We meet monthly to enhance what we have learned in the formal classes. If you want information or have questions about Pranic Healing or different protocols, this is the forum to ask them.
Arhatic Yoga Practice - Every Tuesday Morning
8:45 AM to 11:00 AM - Dr. Clark's office
(Must have taken Arhatic Preparatory)
Arhatic Yoga Meditations are powerful meditations that rapidly and safely accelerate the spiritual development of the practitioner. "Arhatic" derives from the word "arhat", which means "a highly evolved being." An Arhat is one who through diligent practice of yogic techniques and purposeful character building has overcome the impurities of desire and will.Please arrive by 8:45AM for energy purifying physical and breathing exercises. We will then begin our meditation at 9:00AM or shortly thereafter which will include one of Master Choa Kok Sui's guided Arhatic Meditations.Following the meditation there will be time for those who wish to ask questions and/or share experiences. For more information click here