Blockmakers Workshops�
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Become a Master Blockmaker�
You can be the next Master Blockmaker and join the ranks of 179 recipients that have earned this prestigious certification. 


Must complete all of the following courses:

-Concrete Masonry Technology
-Equipment Controls
-Electronic Controls
-Product Handling or Advanced Vibrapac
-Introduction to Plant Safety

Must complete one of the elective courses:


-Advanced Vibrapac


Many classes have an online equivalent.
More details

Interested in a course not listed?

Many classes are available in your plant or our state-of-the-

art training facility, to find out more contact Kari Schellie by phone +1.989.354.1023 or kschellie@besser.com

WCCT Image Banner
The World Center for Concrete Technology (WCCT) was host to students attending the Vibrapac� and Electronic Controls courses earlier this year. 

The Vibrapac course is a hands-on study of the proper machine adjustments, electronics and electrical schematic print reading of the V3 Vibrapac concrete products machines. Led by our experienced instructors, ten students graduated on 15 February 2013.

Vibrapac Students
Vibrapac students at the World Center for Concrete Technology, 11-15 February 2013
The Electronic Controls course includes an in-depth study of electrical wiring and programmable logic controllers. Applications and troubleshooting for Allen-Bradley programmable controllers were studied. Practical applications were also covered on a concrete products machine, Multi-Spade Besser-Matic� loader/unloader and the cuber. This graduating class benefited with individual instruction from our knowledgeable instructor and was also able to participate in Q&A sessions related directly to their plants.

Electronic Controls Students
Electronic Controls
4-8 March 2013

Here's your opportunity to continue your education in 2013!       
  • Electronic Controls, 8-12 April  
  • Concrete Masonry Technology, 6-10 May
  • Vibrapac, 13-17 May
  • Concrete Masonry Technology, 16-20 September
  • Vibrapac, 14-18 October  
  • Product Handling, 4-8 November
  • Electronic Controls, 9-13 December   


Register online or for more information contact Barb by phone +1.989.358.7359 or e-mail szczesnb@alpenacc.edu.