March 30, 2015 |  Energy E-News
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Media Coverage
The Energy Institute
February 2nd, 2015
PetroChallenge Competition: Oil, Gas Industry, Academia to Hold Competition
January 16th, 2015
Energy High School Participates in IPAA/PESA PetroChallenge
January 20th-21st, 2015
Industry Partnerships Benefit Magnet Schools
January 8, 2015
Students explore similarities of medicine, energy, aerospace at Pumps & Pipes
December 9, 2014
Big Districts Pressure Publishers on Digital-Content Delivery
December 1, 2014
New Energy Institute High School to feature innovative spaces
October 22, 2014
Charity Selected for 2015 OTC Dinner
HISD Teams with Energy Industry to Close the Talent Gap
May 2014
Director Salerno Visits First of its kind Energy Institute High School
May 13, 2014
Presented by Comcast Business
April 2014
State of the Schools
Energy Institute: First US Energy Focused High School
Facility tour leads to exclusive invitation for five Energy Institute students
Pumps and Pipes Gives STEM School Taste of Real World
Semana News
HISD opens new Energy Institute High School
August 13, 2013
Energy Institute HS Ribbon Cutting
August 14, 2013
Energy High School To Open In Houston
June 15, 2013 9:12 AM 
HISD Continues Academic Excellence With New Magnet Schools
June 6, 2013 3:41 PM
New magnet school hopes to foster interest in energy industry at young age
May 15, 2013
Helpful Links

Math Circles at Rice University 

Order your Yearbook Today!
Energy Day
Check out Dr. Hall's Donors Choose Page
Support Dr. Hall's Student Pledge Page!



Club Meetings


The Woods Camping Club in rm 102

9th Grade Student Council rm 121

10th Grade Student Council rm 111


Student Ambassadors at 12:45 in the SML

TESLA Club rm 107 at 11:55

MIT JV InvenTeams rm 116 at 11:55

Dance Club rm 122 3:30-4:30


Business Professionals of America

rm 119 at 12:30

Recycling Club rm 118 at 12:30
Soccer 3:45-5:15


C-STEM Creative Writing rm 121 at 1:00

Chess Club rm 121 at 1:00

Yearbook Club rm 112 at 12:30

Major Assignments 
Monday, March 30:

English 1 STAAR

Tuesday, March 31st:

English 1 STAAR make up 

Wednesday, April 1st:

English II STAAR

Thursday, April 2nd:

English I and II STAAR make ups

Mark Your Calendars 
Monday, March 30th:
English I STAAR
Tuesday, March 31st:
English I STAAR make up
Wednesday, April 1st:
9th Grade Guest Speaker
English II STAAR
Open House for Prospective Families @ 6:30
Thursday, April 2nd:
Magnet Tours for Prospective Families @ 9am
Friday, April 3rd:
Spring Holiday
Tuesday, April 7th:
Magnet Tours for Prospective Families @ 9am
Thursday, April 9th:
Magnet Tours for Prospective Families @ 9am
Tuesday, May 5th:
Algebra 1 STAAR
Thursday, May 7th:
Biology STAAR
AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam
Tuesday, May 12th:
AP Spanish Literature and Culture Exam
Wednesday, May 13th:
AP Statistics Exam
Thursday, May 14th:
AP World History
Visitor and Parent Parking
Parking for parents and visitors to our campus is parallel parking on Sampson Street.  The only entrance for visitors and parents is our main entrance on Sampson Street.  In order to meet safety and security needs all other doors will be locked.
Late Start Wednesday
Classes start at 9:15am on Wednesdays. Bus arrivals will be scheduled one hour later than normal bus pick up times.
Official ADA Time
Energy's official ADA time this year is
10:00 AM. 
Please schedule your child's appointments so that he or she is back to school by 10:00 AM or leaves after 10:00 AM. We receive our funding based on attendance at this time. Funding allows us to provide more for your child!
Special Thanks

Energy is a proud recipient of the Magnet Schools Assistance Program


Energy would like to thank IPAA/PESA for all of their support! For those parents who don't know, IPAA/PESA is one of our major supporters. They work very hard to secure of funding, plan guest speakers, and plan our field trips. So a huge thank you to IPAA/PESA for their unending support!

Students getting comfortable during lunch and Ms. Finch's Geometry class on the new furniture donated by ExxonMobil!

Thanks to the generosity of ExxonMobil Corporation, Energy HS students are enjoying the comfortable and modern lounge furniture that was recently donated to enhance the professional atmosphere of the campus.  Students are seeing the new additions being displayed around campus and in various classrooms.  In addition, several LARGE world topographic maps (8'x12') were also donated and are being installed in the front hallway and student media lounge that will be a sure eye catcher for Energy HS visitors!!!
Congratulations to our student of the week, Nathaniel White.10th grade student Nathaniel White was nominated by Mr. Diosomito.   "I am nominating Nathaniel because has demonstrated consistent academic growth and leadership in his IPC class. His positive leadership and excellent character are exemplary characteristics for an Energy Institute High School student.  I am very proud of him." Nathaniel says, "Being at Energy is very competitive and I'm striving to be in the top 10% of my graduating class." Energy will continue to support Nathaniel with his endeavors, we are very proud of his accomplishments.  Keep up the great work!
9th Grade Guest Speaker
Energy is pleased to have Mr. Jonathan Rhoads from Rockwater Energy speaking with our 9th grade students this Wednesday. 

Jonathan is currently working with oifield services/pressure pumping companies to provide them with hydraulic fracturing chemical and fluid technology solutions.

Prior to joining Rockwater, Jonathan was with National Oilwell Varco, where he progressed through Sales and Organizational Development management roles. After starting with NOV in a rotational program, and then joining the sales and marketing organization of NOV's Distribution Services group, where he ultimately served as Global Marketing Director, Jonathan moved into the NOV Corporate Sales organization as the Director of Sales Effectiveness Programs. In this role, he worked with different NOV business units across the world's major oil and gas regions to develop and implement sales processes and strategies, build the NOV sales culture, and bring different groups together to create customer-focused solutions.

Jonathan is active in the Oil and Gas industry, serving on the Advisory Board for the IPAA Petroleum Academies, as past Co-Chair and on the Executive Committee of the Offshore Technology Conference Next Wave Program, and is a member of Young Professionals in Energy, American Association of Drilling Engineers, and the Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Please remember to dress business professional for our guest speaker day!

Texas A&M University
2015 Summer Outreach Programs and Summer Camps

Texas A&M University is offering a number of exciting summer opportunities for interested students.  It is a great time to enhance your resume as well as learn about Texas A&M.  Deadlines are approaching quickly so take advantage of these amazing programs!

June 12-17, 2015 (DEADLINE: APRIL 3, 2015)
Hosted by the Dwight Look College of Engineering on Aerospace Engineering.  Apply online!

July 26-31, 2015 (DEADLINE: N/A)
Hosted by the Dwight Look College of Engineering on Civil Engineering. Apply online!

June 21-24, 2015 (DEADLINE: MAY 1, 2015)
Hosted by the College of Education.  Apply online!

June 28-July 4, 2015 (DEADLINE: N/A)
Hosted by the College of Architecture.  Website currently under construction.  Check back soon!

July 12-August 7 (DEADLINE: APRIL 10, 2015)
Hosted by the College of Geosciences.  Apply online!  Contact: Judy Nunez at for more information.

April 25, 2015
Hosted by the College of Veterinary Sciences and Biomedical Sciences

June 26, 2015 or July 17, 2015
Summer Information Sessions for High School students.

Regular overnight sessions during the fall and spring semesters.  Apply online!

Summer 2015 Family Day Sessions
Tune in here each week to learn of amazing opportunities available to students outside the classroom either for weekend or summer enrichment.

Energy Explorations Academy for 9th grade students will allow students to perform experiments in Rice University's undergraduate chemistry laboratory and have learning experiences in different areas on campus.  Topics will include fossil fuels (chemical energy) along with alternative energy (fuel cells, solar cells).  The academy will include 3 field trips (Ocean Star Oil Rig Museum, Wiess Hall at Houston Museum of Natural Science, Schlumberger tour) along with an exploration of seismic data in Rice's new 3D visualization lab.

The program is free to students and is only open to students Energy Institute and four other HISD schools.  The program is held at Rice University, June 15th - 26th from 8:30am-3:30pm daily.  The deadline to apply is April 17th.  Visit to submit your application.

iD Tech and Give 100 Girls Scholarships to Attend Summer STEM Program. 
iD Tech knows that the world needs more girls in STEM.  This year, iD Tech is partnering with, a non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science, to send 100 girls to iD Tech Camps for free!  At this week long summer program, ages 7-17 create mobile apps, design video games, mod with Minecraft, build robots, code with C++ and Java, produce movies, and more!  Rice University will be hosting iD Tech this summer!  Girls can apply for a scholarship at iD Tech by April 1st, 2015.

Camp STEM Prep aims to increase the number of minority students pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  Camp students will be exposed to lectures, labs, and field trips targeting two statewide industry clusters: 1) biotechnology and life sciences and 2) petroleum refining and chemical products.  Additionally, the program will address issues critical to preparing for STEM college degrees and careers.  The application has been extended to April 15th for HISD magnet students. For more information check out Camp STEM Prep!



If you love lab experiments, robotics, solving math problems or visiting science museums then Houston Community College Southwest has the perfect summer camp for you. The Governors Merit Summer Program is a free, four-week, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) themed summer camp. It is open to 10th and 11th-grade students enrolled in the Houston Independent School District, Fort Bend Independent School District and Stafford Municipal School District.


Students will learn about robotics, MakerBot-3D printing, biology and microbiology. Participants of the Summer 2014 STEM Camp took field trips to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Center and the Health Science Center. Technocamp speakers will talk about STEM-based skills that will give students the confidence to further their studies and focus on a career path.


Interested students who have at least a 2.0 GPA in math and science should submit a two-page, double-spaced typed essay titled "STEM ignites my creativity and excitement," along with a letter of recommendation from their principal or counselor by the May 15 deadline to APPLY NOW!




Help Support Camping Club Summer Trip!  Energy is sending six students on an amazing two-week hiking trip this summer.  Students will do service projects and will backpack through the mountains of either Yellowstone National Park (California), Glacier National Park (Montana) or Donner Lake (California).  We are partnering with The Woods Project, who is leading the trip.  Students are raising money to pay for their trip through the "Walk for the Woods"-a walk that will be held April 11th.  Please support our trip by either joining us in walking or through an online donation.  Donations can be made HERE!  If you have questions, please contact Mr. Tate at


For more information visit The Woods Project


Testing time is upon us!  Please check the newsletters weekly to receive important testing information.

This Wednesday, April 1st there will be NO LATE START due to testing.  Students should report to campus no later than 8:15.

Algebra 1 STAAR Tutorials
Saturday, April 11th, 9am-12pm

Algebra 1 and Biology STAAR Tutorials
Saturday, April 18th, 9am-12pm
Saturday, April 25th, 9am-12pm
Saturday, May 2nd, 9am-12pm
Pizza Sales: This Friday during lunch, stop outside the cafeteria to purchase pizza slices for lunch.  All proceeds to benefit the PTSA.

SCRIP is a way to raise money for Energy without selling random stuff! To get started create a SCRIP ACCOUNT today!  Use Energy's enrollment code: DD41C4CC42863.

Want to raise significant funds for Energy without selling or buying random stuff?!  Check out Energy's Scrip program. 
VOLUNTEERS are needed to help with a number of projects at Energy. If you are interested in donating your time please contact Ms. Cabrera at  Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

YEARBOOK Orders can still be placed through the following link for $40.  Order Now!  Don't miss your chance to get a copy of the first Energy Institute HS yearbook ever created!
We value your feedback!

Please direct comments or questions to Jenna Moon at

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Energy High | 713-802-4620 | 1808 Sampson Street, Houston, TX 77003