January 20, 2015 |  Energy E-News
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Media Coverage
Industry Partnerships Benefit Magnet Schools
January 8, 2015
Students explore similarities of medicine, energy, aerospace at Pumps & Pipes
December 9, 2014
Big Districts Pressure Publishers on Digital-Content Delivery
December 1, 2014
New Energy Institute High School to feature innovative spaces
October 22, 2014
Charity Selected for 2015 OTC Dinner
HISD Teams with Energy Industry to Close the Talent Gap
May 2014
Director Salerno Visits First of its kind Energy Institute High School
May 13, 2014
Presented by Comcast Business
April 2014
State of the Schools
Energy Institute: First US Energy Focused High School
Facility tour leads to exclusive invitation for five Energy Institute students
Pumps and Pipes Gives STEM School Taste of Real World
Semana News
HISD opens new Energy Institute High School
August 13, 2013
Energy Institute HS Ribbon Cutting
August 14, 2013
Energy High School To Open In Houston
June 15, 2013 9:12 AM 
HISD Continues Academic Excellence With New Magnet Schools
June 6, 2013 3:41 PM
New magnet school hopes to foster interest in energy industry at young age
May 15, 2013
Helpful Links

Order your Yearbook Today!
Energy Day
Check out Dr. Hall's Donors Choose Page
Support Dr. Hall's Student Pledge Page!


Club Meetings


TESLA Club rm 107 at 11:55


Business Professionals of America

rm 119 at 12:30

Recycling Club rm 118 at 12:30
Soccer 3:45-5:15


Chess Club rm 121 at 1:00

Mark Your Calendars 
Tuesday, January 20th:

10th Grade Field Trip - PetroChallenge

Wednesday, January 21st:

10th Grade Field Trip - PetroChallenge

Thursday, January 22nd:

PTSA Meeting at 5:30pm

Wednesday, February 4th:

9th Grade Guest Speaker

Wednesday, February 11th:

10th Grade Guest Speaker

Major Assignments 
Wednesday, January 21st:
IED Test (Hall and Mendoza)
Thursday, January 22nd:
Art Bots Presentations
POE - Wind Turbine Presentations (Alanis)
Socratic Seminar (Ratliff) 

Friday, January 23rd: 

Art Bots Presentations

POE - Wind Turbine Presentations (Alanis)
Socratic Seminar (Ratliff) 

Monday, January 26th:

Biology PBL 6 Due

POE - Wind Turbine Exam (Alanis)

Tuesday, January 27th:

Biology PBL 6 Due

POE - Wind Turbine Exam (Alanis) 

Wednesday, January 28th:

Biology Exam

IED Team Data Video Due

Thursday, January 29th: 

Geometry PBL Presentations (Mathis) 

Friday, January 30th:

Geometry PBL Presentations (Mathis)

Visitor and Parent Parking
Parking for parents and visitors to our campus is parallel parking on Sampson Street.  The only entrance for visitors and parents is our main entrance on Sampson Street.  In order to meet safety and security needs all other doors will be locked.
Late Start Wednesday
Classes start at 9:15am on Wednesdays. Bus arrivals will be scheduled one hour later than normal bus pick up times.
Official ADA Time
Energy's official ADA time this year is
10:00 AM. 
Please schedule your child's appointments so that he or she is back to school by 10:00 AM or leaves after 10:00 AM. We receive our funding based on attendance at this time. Funding allows us to provide more for your child!
Special Thanks


Energy would like to thank IPAA/PESA for all of their support! For those parents who don't know, IPAA/PESA is one of our major supporters. They work very hard to secure of funding, plan guest speakers, and plan our field trips. So a huge thank you to IPAA/PESA for their unending support!

Ms. Phillip's 10th grade art classes are working on making drawing bots using littleBits kits of electronic prototyping materials and various crafting supplies. Last week they started their first prototype of the bot after spending some time exploring the littleBits and brainstorming in groups. In a few weeks they will be presenting their bots to the class, demonstrating how it moves and creates a drawing, as well as reflecting on their successes and struggles with their bots.  This PBL is a great example of multi-disciplinary projects mixing engineering and art concepts. 
Student Spotlight

Alfredo Holguin is a 10th grade Energy student nominated by his Chemistry teacher Ms. Lockhart.  She nominated Alfredo this week because of the stand out work he is doing in her class saying,  "Alfredo is a fantastic example of the kind of well-rounded student teachers like to see. His easy-going nature translates into a "can-do" attitude in his group projects and a willingness to help where he can. Alfredo exhibits a positive outlook on life even when faced with difficult challenges or issues in the classroom. Alfredo is intentional and thoughtful about his school work which has led him to academic success in his Chemistry class!"  We are proud of your hard work Alfredo and representing Energy so well!

Thursday, January 15th marked a very special occasion for Energy as we hosted our first Energy Advisory Board of Special Projects.  The creation of this board represents Energy's commitment to working collaboratively with industry and higher education.  Over 35 professionals representing various sectors of the oil and gas industry, higher education institutions, and the Houston business community in general came together to learn about the unique school curriculum Energy is providing and how they can become an integral part of our development and program.  The support and excitement about Energy was incredible.  We are excited to get to work with this very passionate and dedicated group!

10th grade students attended PetroChallenge today and participated in a live oil drilling simulation.  They evaluated seismic data, identified possible drilling sights, bid for land, and negotiated business partnerships with other teams.  Tomorrow teams will compete for first, second, and third place.  The first place team's scores will be ranked among all IPAA high school academies in Houston with a chance at representing the United States at the International PetroChallenge.

To learn more about the PetroChallenge check out this article featured on RigZone: PetroChallenge Competition: Oil, Gas Industry, Academia to Hold Competition.

For tomorrow, Wednesday, January 21st:  Students should bring their laptops and wear their IPAA/PESA school polo.  Students will leave for the trip Wednesday at 9:15 following our regular late start Wednesday schedule.

PTSA Meeting 
Thursday, January 22nd at 6pm. Join us at 5:30 for a meet and greet with your fellow members, followed by our general meeting.  Everyone is welcomed! Snacks will be served.  See you Thursday.

YEARBOOK Orders can still be placed through the following link for $40.  Order Now!  Don't miss your chance to get a copy of the first Energy Institute HS yearbook ever created!

The TESLA Club
 is hard at work preparing a STEM Challenge they will be hosting for HISD middle school teams.  Middle schools are being invited to send 2 teams of 3 students to participate in a full day of STEM competitions, Quizbowl challenges, and various STEM related exercises. The TESLA club is hoping to share their passion for STEM with middle school students across the district and get them excited about their future high school opportunities.  The Tesla Energy Challenge Bowl will be held at The Energy Institute High School on March 7th.  For more information email the Tesla Club sponsor Mr. Diosomito at mdiosomi@houstonisd.org. 

Teens for Jeans" jean drive sponsored by the Recycling Club is continuing this week.  Students are encouraged to donate gently worn jeans without holes in them by placing them in the Recycling bins located in front of the display cases outside the main office. Remember our goal is to collect 300 pairs of jeans!
This February HISD will host 4 college fairs for high school students. We strongly encourage all students to attend with their family to learn more about preparing for college and to expose you to the incredibly number of opportunities available to you upon high school graduation.  It is never to early to start thinking about college!  You will be able to meet with admissions counselors, financial aid representatives, and current university students.  Mark the dates on your calendar today!

February 12, 9:30am-12:30pm and 6:00pm-8:00pm
NRG Center

George R. Brown Convention Center

February 16, 9:30am-12:30pm
University of Saint Thomas

February 28, 10:00am-5:00pm
JW Marriot Houston

We value your feedback!

Please direct comments or questions to Jenna Moon at jmoon2@houstonisd.org.

Visit us on the web at www.energyhigh.org.
Like us on Facebook

Energy High | 713-802-4620 | 1808 Sampson Street, Houston, TX 77003
It is the policy of the Houston Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.

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