October 13, 2014 |  Energy E-News
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Media Coverage
HISD Teams with Energy Industry to Close the Talent Gap
May 2014
Director Salerno Visits First of its kind Energy Institute High School
May 13, 2015
 Energy Makers
Presented by Comcast Business
April 2014
Channel 13
City View
State of the Schools
Rig Zone
Energy Institute: First US Energy Focused High School
Houston Chronicle
HISD's new Energy Institute thriving in its inaugural year
Facility tour leads to exclusive invitation for five Energy Institute students
Pumps and Pipes Gives STEM School Taste of Real World
 Univision 45
 Semana News
KUHF Story
Houston Opens New 'Energy Institute' To Students, Teachers And Energy Industry

August 14, 2013

Channel 2 News
HISD opens new Energy Institute High School
August 13, 2013
HISD Media
Energy Institute HS Ribbon Cutting
August 14, 2013
Energy High School To Open In Houston
June 15, 2013 9:12 AM 
HISD Continues Academic Excellence With New Magnet Schools
June 6, 2013 3:41 PM
New magnet school hopes to foster interest in energy industry at young age
May 15, 2013

Helpful Links
Order your Yearbook Today!
Energy Day
Check out Dr. Hall's Donors Choose Page
Major Assignments
Oct. 14
World History Project Presentations
Oct. 15
Oct. 16/17
English I and World Georaphy EXAM (Gianukos/Ratliff) 
POE EXAM (Alanis)
Oct. 20/21
World Geography Presentations (Ratliff)
Geometry Assessment (Mathis)
Oct. 22
Engineering IED Unit 1 Test
Oct. 22-24
English I and World Geography Project due (DeLaRosa/Lamb)

Visitor and Parent Parking
Parking for parents and visitors to our campus is parallel parking on Sampson Street.  The only entrance for visitors and parents is our main entrance on Sampson Street.  In order to meet safety and security needs all other doors will be locked.
Late Start Wednesday
Class begins promptly at 9:15 on late start Wednesdays.  Students are considered tardy if they are not in class by 9:15.
Official ADA Time
Energy's official ADA time this year is
10:00 AM. 
Please schedule your child's appointments so that he or she is back to school by 10:00 AM or leaves after 10:00 AM. We receive our funding based on attendance at this time. Funding allows us to provide more for your child!
Special Thanks

For their continued support of our Ladies of Energy and their generous contribution to the Ladies of Energy Overnight Conference!

Energy would like to thank IPAA/PESA for all of their support! For those parents who don't know, IPAA/PESA is one of our major supporters. They work very hard to secure of funding, plan guest speakers, and plan our field trips. So a huge thank you to IPAA/PESA for their unending support!

Charles Darwin stopped by Biology class to discuss natural selection and common ancestry. Students then participated workshops based off evolution research.  Students were very surprised by their visitor!

Meet Ms. Rebecca DeLaRosa.  Ms. DeLaRosa teaches English I and English II in collaboration with Mr. Lamb's World Geography and World History.  She is from Alvin, Texas and attended the University of Houston earning a Bachelors of Arts in English as well as a Master of Education in Curriculum focusing on Gifted and Talented education. When asked why she joined Energy Ms DeLaRosa said, "After 15 years of teaching in a comprehensive high school, I wanted to work at a school with a specific theme and focus. I also love project based learning and technology, so I wanted to get to a school that would push me as a teacher to improve my instructional practices towards today's learners."  She is most excited about the opportunity to teach Project Based Learning.  Ms. DeLaRosa brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Energy.  She is a also a huge football fan!  She loves traveling to football games, tailgating, and watching games now that they are on 4 nights a week!  Be sure to catch up with Ms. DeLa Rosa on a Monday morning to check how her teams did!  We are so glad to have Ms. DeLaRosa at Energy!
   Pictured above left to right from the top: Claire Craig, Daniel Nadel, Michael Osueke, Jorge Gomez, Irisanet Aguilar, Tya Nickerson, Marvin Miranda, Joshua Jandres, Carla Forro, and Yvette Alvarran

The Woods Camping Club had their first camping adventure of the school year this past weekend.  10 Energy students attended, with Mr. Mathis and Ms. Estrella.  The camp out was at Village Creek State Park in Lumberton, Texas.  A great time was had by everyone who attended!

 Teamwork all around!

Twenty-Seven EIHS Freshmen Anxiously Wait for Results of the Energy Day Essay Contest


The Houston Geological Society is sponsoring an essay contest for Energy Day, October 18, 2014 for students in grades 6-9.  Twenty-seven students from Ms. Rebecca DeLaRosa's Freshman English I class wrote the essay and met all the required deadlines and are vying for the three top prizes of $250, $150, or $50 and a trophy.  Students responded to the essay prompt:


 "Throughout history, humans have uncovered new sources of Energy that have helped fuel our planet and society. The Energy sources of yesterday may not be the energy sources of tomorrow. Research the sources of energy throughout time and how humans have shaped history through the discovery of these resources. Discuss the link between energy resources and the way we lived in the past, how we live today, and the way we may live differently in the future because of the type of energy sources we use."


Students had the challenge of writing a creative, original, and well-researched essay in just three-hundred (300) words.  Students then had to submit a properly formatted email and their essay entry to the Houston Geological Society by the deadline of Friday, October 3, 2014. Many entrants chose to use their Fall Holiday to refine their essays.


The following students are Energy High School's entrants to this contest.  Judging is ongoing with the winners being announced on Wednesday, October 15th, and prizes being awarded on stage at Energy Day, Saturday, October 18th.

Energy Freshmen Who Entered the Energy Day Essay Contest


Luis Alvarez

Deja Barclay

Edward Bonilla

Baylor Brown

Saige Cade

Michael Deras

Sammy Eldin

Sebastian Escoto

Axit Garcia

Dylan Gates

Adrian Gil

Noah Goff

Alexandra Hernandez

Alejandro Martinez

Johana Macin

Marvin Miranda

Yasin Muhammed

Thomas Polasek

Ramiro Ramirez

Reynaldo Rodriguez

Kanthi Reddy

Maximillian Roberts

Candido Rodriguez

Jose Saravia

Dylan Scardino

Jacob Viser

Isaac Whitley


We are so proud of all of our Energy participants who went above and beyond to represent Energy Institute at the citywide event!  Be sure to check in next week for our winners!


Design is underway on a new 21st century Energy Institute High School.  Come out and learn more about the site plan, design concepts, the project schedule and how you can stay involved.

DATE: Tuesday, October 21st, 2014
TIME: 6:30 pm -7:30 pm
WHERE: Energy Institute High School

Wednesday, October 15th: PSAT testing for all 9th and 10th Grade students. (Please bring a calculator).  Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast the morning of testing.  Lunch will be moved back to accommodate the test.
Saturday, October 18th: ENERGY DAY 9th and 10th Grade Field Trip.  Students meeting at Energy and riding the bus will need to be at Energy by 8:45 Saturday morning.
Tuesday, October 21st: Community Meeting @ 6:30 in the EIHS cafeteria.
Monday, November 3rd - 7th: Magnet Awareness Week, daily tours from 1pm-3pm.  Invite friends and family who will be starting high school the 2015-2016 school year.
Wednesday, November 5th: 9th Grade Speaker's Series
Friday, November 7th: Ladies of Energy Lock-In

Student in Mr. Alanis' engineering class learning how to use breadboards and multimeters.
We value your feedback!

Please direct comments or questions to Jenna Moon at jmoon2@houstonisd.org.

Visit us on the web at www.energyhigh.org.
Like us on Facebook

Energy High | 713-802-4620 | 1808 Sampson Street, Houston, TX 77003
It is the policy of the Houston Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.

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