An Update from...
November 1, 2014                                                                Vol. 2, No. 4
Parental Evaluations Say We're On The Right Track

Parental Evaluations from our second Summer Musical Theatre Workshop are in and we're glad to see that parents are seeing the benefits of our work in their children.  And want more.  


In our last "Update" (click to view it here), we shared results of our students' self-evaluations of their work in our Summer Musical Theatre Workshop. After the completion of the workshop, we also gave an evaluation form to the parents of all students who participated in the Workshop.  Eighty-nine percent of parents or guardians responded and we thought you might be interested in learning what they had to say.    



The Questions (Part I)   


The first four questions were devised to check our performance as it relates to our educational ideals:   


Developing excellent technique; fostering individual and group esteem through participation in the arts; 
expanding the vision and abilities of young artists by encouraging them to learn about and experience a cross-section of artistic activities in disciplines outside their primary areas of interest; building community through active participation in the arts and interactions with individuals from diverse perspectives and backgrounds.


For these first four questions, we asked parents to rate us on a scale of 1 to 5. The choices for each of these four questions was: 1 (did not achieve), 2 (below expectations), 3 (achieved), 4 (exceeded expectations), and 5 (excelled).


Here are their ratings:   


1. My child's performance technique improved.  Average = 4.75    


2. My child's self-esteem improved through participation in this workshop.Average rating = 4.75


3. My child worked on new things or things outside the artistic areas he or she usually works in.
    Average rating = 5.0


4. My child's social skills improved. He or she benefited from interacting with others (students,
    instructors, and volunteers) who may have different backgrounds or perspectives. 
    Average rating = 4.6



The Questions (Part II)   


The remaining eight questions asked for written responses. The purpose of this section was to gain more insight as to what were the most and least beneficial aspects of the program and to assess things we may want to do differently in the future, including additional program offerings. We also wanted to weigh impact and value of the program, including whether or not parents would want their children to return and if they would recommend the program to others. (Responses received in Spanish have been translated.)  Note: Not all respondents completed every question in this section.   

Here are some responses (highly similar responses have been omitted):     


5. From your perspective as a parent or guardian, what was the most beneficial thing about this

  • "Everything was well organized and helped the children."
  • "My daughter loves everything about this program."
  • "It is a great project. My child has participated since it started."
  • "Self-esteem."
  • "Helped my son have more self confidence in his future."
  • "That he was able to be involved with his peers by working in a group."
  • "She gained confidence in herself."
  • "She lost her fear of being in front of people. She is very shy and she overcame this." 
6.  From your child's perspective, what was the most beneficial thing about this workshop?
  • "My son really liked attending. Everything was interesting to him."
  • "My daughter thought everything was great. The teachers are great people. Thank you for your patience and dedication to the children."
  • "It helps my daughter to open up some. She was shy but now since participating in these programs I have seen a big change in her."
  • "Socializing and acting."
  • "He was able to do something he wanted to do."
  • "Being able to work in a group/team."
  • "She met some great people. The teachers were great!"
  • "She liked the music and the great/positive attitudes of the teachers."

7.  What did you like least?

  • "The head of a person in the audience is in the video."       
  • "Lack of effort from others."

8.  What did your child like least?

  • "Nothing he told me about."
  • "Not being allowed to break when needed."
  • "She liked everything."

9.  Would you encourage your child to participate in this program again? (Why or why not?)

  • "Yes, because my son learned to get along better with his peers."
  • "Yes, because my daughter relates to the things she likes, such as art and music."
  • "Yes, because it allowed her to interact with other people."
  • "Next year."
  • "Yes, it can help him with his future plans."
  • "It is a great opportunity to grow as a person and in music."
  • "Yes, because she discovered that she likes music."
  • "Yes, because she loved what she learned. She had never had the opportunity to participate in this type of program and she liked it a lot."

10.  Would you encourage other children to participate in this program?   (Why or why not?) Would
      you encourage other parents to have their children participate in this program? (Why or why    

  • "Yes." 
  • "Yes, because they are unique experiences that you can only find in these programs."
  • "Yes, it is an opportunity that we should take advangtage of so that our children can learn more."
  • "Yes, every child needs an audience."
  • "Yes, if their children want to become actors."
  • "Yes, it is a good hobby (leisure) activity and a way to continue on his educational path."
  • "Yes, because the children discover/realize the talents that they have."
  • "Yes, because they learn new things."

11.  What other kinds of music, drama, or dance programs would you like to see us offer?

  • "Everything was perfect."
  • "Talent music show individual or group. A choice of what he or she would like to do."
  • "Some of the bigger musicals."
  • "He would like to play the clarinet and trumpet."
  • "Everything seemed great to me."     

12.  Please use this space to provide any additional comments or feedback about this workshop:

  • "Thank you to those who make these programs possible!"
  • "Thank you to everyone who collaborated to make this experience possible for our children."
Phase II Campaign Underway Now


Well, in part, we make it all happen through people like you who give generously to support our work. And giving isn't just financial, it also come from our volunteers who help do extra "shepherding" in our classes, at breaks, and backstage, making sure our children are safe and where they are supposed to be at all times; who provide fresh and healthy snacks for each student every day (and set it all up and help clean up afterwards); and who donate costumes and other materials to enrich our classroom and performance experiences in exciting ways.


As for financial contributions, here's a quick update on our two-part Fall matching gift challenge:


We reached Phase I of our challenge in just three out of the allotted four weeks and as a result, we received a dollar-for-dollar match of $1,000. In 3 weeks, we raised $2,000.


Phase II has started well but we need a kick to make our Nov. 20 deadline. Remember, that the bar was raised a little higher for Phase II -- we must raise $1,000 in order to get any of the additional $1,000 match (meaning, if we only raise $999, we don't receive a match).  


I know we're up to the challenge, though. We just need $800 more in the next two weeks. That's not a large amount. In fact, if everyone on our mailing list contributed just $10 today, we'd be far over our target.  


So that's what I'm going to ask you to do right now...please click the "donate" button and make a contribution by credit card or PayPal and let's make it happen together. Every contribution counts - even just $10!




Donations from people like you augment the amount of money that The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation is able to give towards arts programs each year.   And with next year just on the horizon, we want to do even more! 


Please remember to check with your company's human resources department to see if they will match your gift towards our work.


Thanks to you . . . we work together as a community to make it happen!   


New York City Publisher Makes Special Offer


Music publisher and producer Sixpence, Inc., has stepped up to the plate again to help The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation. From now until Dec. 15, a portion of the proceeds from every Earl Wentz CD or sheet music publication will be donated by Sixpence, Inc. to the foundation. (And those dollars which are received by us before Nov. 20 will also go towards meeting our matching gift challenge -- remember, the deal is "contributions from all sources"!)


To make the offer a little more tempting, Sixpence, Inc. has also generously agreed to provide a 10% discount on all Earl Wentz products to supporters of The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation. Just use the coupon code below at the online store checkout for your discounts!  There's even a special section of their online store set aside for this that you can access easily by clicking on this link: Sixpence Inc.'s Special Earl Wentz Products Section!  


Earl's beloved 2-volume CD of Christmas music, which is Sixpence Inc.'s all time bestseller by the way, is available again now and is part of this special offer. Buy it, love it, and help make our foundation's goals achievable.


P.S. There will be an all new Earl Wentz CD coming out in February from Sixpence, Inc.! You're among the first to know. Stay tuned for further announcements! 


Purchase Great Music and Support
The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation

Enter this coupon code number on the checkout screen when you shop online:  EWWWF2014.

Valid only for purchases of CDs and sheet music by Earl Wentz.  A portion of the proceeds of these sales supports The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation.

Offer Expires 12/15/2014. Available for online purchases of Earl Wentz products only at Sixpence, Inc.'s online store.
Launch Date Set For More Great Content

A new blog from foundation chair William Watkins will launch next Saturday, Nov. 8, and will appear every other week thereafter. The blog contents will comprise shorter-form notes and reflections on our work than those that appear in our quarterly "Update" newsletters.

You'll be able to access the content through the foundation's web site beginning Nov. 8 by clicking the "Blog" tab on the menu at the top of the screen.

We'll send a reminder notice to you when it launches and we hope you'll become a regular reader and enjoy the sometimes lighthearted, sometimes thought-provoking content.

The blog isn't active yet but on November 8 and thereafter, you can click this link to check it out.
The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation is qualified as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Federal Tax ID #:  46-1415914 

Contributions to The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Contributions to the Foundation support our mission in creating the kind of outstanding programs you've read about above. 
Board of Directors:  
William Watkins - Chairman;
Loretta Washam - Secretary; Russell Norris -Treasurer;
Peggy Larkin Kelly; Robert Rutt

Copyright � 2014  The Earl Wentz and  William Watkins Foundation.  All Rights Reserved.



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