Issue: #03022015
February 3, 2015

 You can view last Sunday's Homily by clicking on link below:


This week's Truth Serum
is called "How Long? Not Long: Our Need of Rest and Renewal"


Each weekend 
St. Ignatius specifies a Poor Box collection for a needful cause. This week's focus is Project PLASE. To learn more  click here


Attached is the listing for the music selections
at next Sunday's
10:30 Mass.


Weekly updates on Christian persecution around the globe. Keep a prayerful watch on what is happening with your brothers and sisters!
  click here
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 The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World
My Sisters and Brothers in the Faith:

As we all know, the first of the two Synods of Bishops dealing with the "Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World" took place last October in Rome. This event received wide coverage in the universal press during and after the Synod was in session. At the close of that historic meeting, the Synod issued an official document called the Lineamenta, including 46 questions, which will be the basis of the consultation that will take place at the next Synod of Bishops in the coming October.


The Vatican has requested the help of all parishioners across the world, asking them to answer the questions issued by the Vatican and returning the answers prior to the Synod's meeting. Our own Archbishop Lori, with the help of one of his staff members, has put together a summary of the questions, making it much easier for parishioners to respond. 


We at St. Ignatius will hold a special forum in the Chapel of Grace on Sunday, February 22nd, after the 10:30 Mass to receive input from our parishioners.  All are invited to attend this meeting. If you are unable to attend and would like to respond to the questions, you may do so by directing your answers to Carolynn Kendall by way of her email (, or drop off your written responses at the parish office. Our deadline for all responses will be February 23rd in order to collate and send them to Archbishop Lori. He must have all responses by February 27th.


You will find a copy of the Archbishop's letter and the seven questions we are asked to address by clicking here. I have highlighted the questions that are for your consideration on the last page. If you wish to read the Lineamaenta document and the original 46 questions, you may do so by clicking here


Thank you for participating in this important work of the Church in preparation for next autumn's Synod of the Bishops.


Gratefully in Jesus Christ,

Lenten Journey: Igniting Our Values

 We are currently making plans for how our parish family will engage in the Jesuits' nationwide Lenten program of daily prayer and reflection entitled Igniting Our Values. We would like to have your thoughts so we can decide the best way of proceeding for the benefit of all.  We hope as many people as possible will participate, as we pray together with our Ignatian colleagues throughout the USA.  Please read the information below, then click here to answer a few short questions to help us in the planning process.


Igniting our Values will bring us together again, as pilgrims, to follow Jesus through the Lenten desert to the healing waters of the Resurrection.  While we journey, we will prayerfully consider the Gospel readings in light of our Ignatian identity. We will explore what it means to be companions of St. Ignatius - whether as Jesuits or Jesuit colleagues, partners in mission, students, alumni, family or friends. What, precisely, are the values and characteristics we think of as being uniquely "Ignatian" or "Jesuit"? How, in our many ministries and vocations, do we express, recognize and support those values?


Each evening, beginning on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, through Easter Sunday, April 5, material for the following day's prayer will be posted on the Jesuits' national website, Participants who sign up will receive an evening email with the newly posted content, or can add themselves to an email list to receive a printable PDF every two weeks.  The daily reflections (available in Spanish as well as English) will be provided by Ignatian men and women from across the Jesuit spectrum and will include music, video, art and poetry to enrich our prayer experience. To learn more about "Igniting our Values", or to sign up for the daily devotions, click here


We would appreciate your input in the following brief survey so we can better determine how to proceed in unfolding our Lenten Journey.  



Year of a Consecrated Life

Wake Up the World!


From Nov. 30, 2014, through Feb. 02, 2016, the worldwide Church is celebrating a year dedicated to Consecrated Life.

This Year of Consecrated Life began through the insightful commitment of our Jesuit brother, Pope Francis I. He has provided us this wonderful opportunity to help people understand and appreciate our consecrated Jesuit life and how it contributes to the mission of Jesus entrusted to the Church.

The Vocation Office provides here short weekly reflections by one of our Jesuits and we encourage you to use these to celebrate the unique gift of a Jesuit's vocation. The connecting theme of all of these weekly reflections will be, "What makes me happy to be a religious today?"  May our hearts be joined in prayer for this special year and beyond.

If you are interested in participating, please sign up for the weekly emails by clicking here.   


To 'catch up' we've gone back to the first reflection of 2015. You can access those editions by clicking on the links below.  

Archbishop's Annual Appeal 2015

ARCHBISHOP'S ANNUAL APPEAL - Many of you have already received the initial mailing regarding the 2015 appeal. This annual appeal is for funds to help parishes throughout the Archdiocese that are struggling economically to provide such ministries as religious education and youth ministry. A large portion of this appeal also contributes to the programs run by Catholic Charities. On the weekend of February 7 and 8 we will be given the opportunity to give and/or sign pledges to donate funds toward this appeal. In the past St. Ignatius parishioners have been very generous toward meeting the parish goal. This year that goal is $44,00. Everyone is strongly encouraged to prayerfully consider making a contribution toward that goal since the participation given by many donors, however small, can reach the goal easier than relying on a small number. Thank you in advance for your sense of stewardship. To learn more about this appeal, and what your contributions go towards click here.



Building on the enthusiastic response to our Advent series, St. Ignatius Young Adult Ministry is again forming small faith sharing communities for the Lenten season and inviting all young adults, ages 21 - 35, to join! Groups meet in members' homes to both share a meal and reflect on the week's Gospel. Interested in joining?

Upcoming Events

Morning of Reflection

- Saturday, February 7 

On Saturday, February 7, in Ignatian Hall, Father Bob Hamm, S.J., Seamus Dockery, and Toni Moore-Duggan will guide us in prayer and reflection into the joy of encountering Jesus Christ through the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist. The program begins at 8:45 AM and concludes with the 12:10 Mass. Please join us.



Charm City Baroque Concert

- Saturday, February 7

"The Glory of the German Baroque": Charm City Baroque (Michael De Sapio, Baroque violin; Marc Bellassai, harpsichord; Jessica Powell-Eig, viola da gamba) explore the wit, whimsy, pathos and gravitas of German Baroque violin music.  Program features music by the great 17th century violin virtuosos Heinrich Biber and Jacob Walther as well as movements from JS Bach's Partita no. 1 for unaccompanied violin.  The Concert, approximately one hour, without intermission will begin at 3 PM. Concert is free of charge, but a free will offering will be gratefully accepted.

Charm City Baroque is a young chamber ensemble dedicated to the most glorious era of western music.  Formed by several friends who met while studying at the Peabody Conservatory, CCB brings the music of the 17th and 18th centuries to vivid life through the use of period instruments and insight into historical performances practice.  Find them here on Facebook.       


Ethics of Luxury: Loyola University's Ethics Week 2015

- Monday, February 9 - Thursday, February 12

Loyola University Maryland's Ethics Week is an annual series of speakers and presentations around the topic of ethical business and social issues. Now in its sixth year, Ethics Week is a collaborative effort across the University to inspire intellectual curiosity, support thoughtful discussion, and raise awareness about topical ethical issues.

This year's sessions include:

  • Ethics of Luxury in Contemporary Music
  • Gone Girl: What Price Are You Willing to Pay for Luxury?
  • The Business of Luxury
  • Keynote Address: Can Haute Couture Clothe the Naked? 
For complete information click here.

Young Adult Bible Study 
- Monday, February 9 
Join us on Monday,February  9th in Ignatian Hall for bible study which begins at 8PM. We will continue to use Mary-Virgin, Mother, and Queen: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. - you can find the book on Amazon by clicking here. Meetings are held on the second and the last Mondays of the month. If you are between the ages of 20 and 40, join us! For more information, contact Duarte Aguiar at
Loyola University's Music at Loyola Concert Series 
  - Monday, February 9 

julie St. Ignatius' own Cantor at the 9:00 and 10:30 Masses, Julie Kurzava will be presenting a faculty recital at Loyola next Monday as part of the University's Music at Loyola Concert Series. This is free and open to the public, so anyone who would like to come up to the Evergreen campus next Monday, is welcome!


Julie will be joined at the piano by Diane Kinsley. They will be reprising their new cabaret "Finding Our Way", which features vibrant songs of unreasonable, inexplicable love whose beauty, clarity and humor will touch, refresh and embolden the spirit. This program features music by contemporary American composers, including songs of Stephen Sondheim, Adam Guettel, Jake Heggie and Ricky Ian Gordon, plus a little Poulenc.

Just the thing for a cold winter's night!  



    Monday, February 9, 7:30 pm

    Fine Arts Recital Room

    DiChiaro College Center

    Ground Floor, below the McManus Theater

    Parking in the Jenkins lot off Cold Spring Lane

    This event is free and open to the public.

    For more information, contact Julie at    or 410-258-4453.


I�igo Book Group

- Tuesday, February 10   

The I�igo Book Group will meet on Tuesday, Feb.10 in Ignatian Hall to discuss "The Orphan Train" by Christina Baker Kline. The meeting begins with social time from 6:30-7:00 and is followed by the discussion until 8:30.  All are welcome!  On March 10 the group will be discussing "Cutting for Stone" by Abraham Verghese. Please contact Catherine Young at with any questions.    


Justice & Peace Committee

-Thursday, February 12  

The Justice and Peace Committee is dedicated to the service of faith and the promotion of justice.   Please join us on Thursday evening, February 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Ignatian Hall.  For more information contact the committee chair, Candra Healy,    




St. Ignatius Movie Night - "Brother Sun, Sister Moon"  

- Friday, February 13    


In conjunction with the start of the Lenten Season, St. Ignatius Catholic Community is presenting Brother Sun, Sister Moon. Stunning visual metaphors irradiate this 1972 production about a man who gave up everything - wealth, rank, and the pleasures of the flesh - to wear rags, beg food, and seek God in a leper or a field of flowers. More a poem than a biography, the film exalts Francis of Assisi's spirit and message. For more information click here.   


Women of the New Testament 

- Thursday, February 17 
The Women of the New Testament is now reading the book, Lost Women of the Bible. The Women We Thought We Knew by Carolyn Curtis James.


Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, February 17 at 7 p.m. in Ignatian Hall  We will discuss Chapter 6 - Hannah and Chapter 7 - Esther.  Hope you will join us.  For more information contact the committee chair, Melody Gordon-Healy,


Ash Wednesday Masses  

- Wednesday, February 18 
The time has now come in the Church year for the solemn observance of the great central act of history, the redemption of the human race by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the Roman Rite, the beginning of the forty days of penance is marked with the austere symbol of ashes which is used in today's liturgy. The use of ashes is a survival from an ancient rite according to which converted sinners submitted themselves to canonical penance. The Alleluia and the Gloria are suppressed until Easter. To learn more about the practices of Ash Wednesday, click here. To view Mass schedule click here


Young Family Social Event

- Saturday, February 21 

We are kicking off the Young Families Ministry this year with a potluck get together on February 21 at 3pm at Jack & Jenny Linehan's home in Hampden. All young couples and families (including children) are welcome. If you would like more details or just want to RSVP, please email Jack directly at  Please propose any drinks (juice, soda, beer, wine) or food (finger food or snacks) you intend to bring. Father Steve Spahn will join us as well for a lovely afternoon to connect, commune, and celebrate marriage and family.    

Mark Your Calendar

Spring 2015 Weekend Retreat -"Behold the Face of God"
Friday April 24 - Sunday April 26, 2015  

Loyola on the Potomac, Faulkner, Maryland


Join our parish-based Spring weekend retreat,  Behold the Face of God, at Loyola-on-the-Potomac ("Faulkner"), Maryland,  Friday, April 24 thru Sunday, April 26, 2015.  Retreatants can explore the Ignatian principles of being "Contemplatives in Action" and "Finding God in all Things."  Fee is $235, or $185 for first-time retreatants, and $185 for those up to the age of 30. The parish is offering a $35 discount to registered members of our parish.
The retreat is open to anyone who desires to grow in their relationship with God through prayer. For fees, registration, and further information CLICK HERE.
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