Issue #300914                                                                                                                                                    September 30, 2014

 You can view or read last Sunday's Homily by clicking on links below: 


This Week's Devotion: 
Parable of the Two Sons

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Each weekend St. Ignatius specifies a Poor Box collection for a needful cause. This week we are collecting for  Catholic Near East Welfare Agency (CNEWA) - for helping fellow Christians in Iraq. To learn more


Attached is the listing for the music selections at next Sunday's 10:30 Mass.

Weekly updates on Christian persecution around the globe. Keep a prayerful watch on what is happening with your brothers and sisters!

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Pope Francis celebrates Mass at the Ges� in Rome. This liturgy was held at the official start of the yearlong commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the restoration of the Society of Jesus.

My Dear Sisters and Brothers:


This past Saturday, Pope Francis traveled to the Church of the Gesu, the Mother Church of the Society of Jesus in Rome, where Saint Ignatius Loyola and several other Jesuit saints are buried. His purpose was to celebrate a Vespers service commemorating Pope Pius VII's restoration of the Jesuits in August 1814 after more than 22,000 Jesuits, living and working throughout the world, had been suppressed by Pope Clement XIV in August 1773. After greeting his brother Jesuits and the many friends of the Society who were present for the celebration, Francis offered these opening remarks in his sermon.


"The Society under the name of Jesus has lived difficult times of persecution. During the leadership of Father Lorenzo Ricci, 'enemies of the Church succeeded in obtaining the suppression of the Society' (John Paul II, A Message to Fr. General Kolvenbach, July 31, 1990) by my predecessor Clement XIV. Today, remembering its restoration, we are called to recover our memory, calling to mind the benefits received and the particular gifts given. Today, I want to do that here with you."


Francis went on to speak about Father Ricci. (Ricci had been elected General of the Society in 1758 shortly before Portugal expelled all the Jesuits from its territories. This event was followed by the Jesuits' expulsion from Spain and France and several places in Italy. When Clement XIV suppressed the Society throughout the world, he had Ricci and his staff imprisoned in the dreaded papal dungeon of Casa Sant'Angelo. Ricci was put on trial and was found completely innocent of all judicial charges. He should have been released but was left incarcerated under harsh conditions and died in the papal prison in 1775.)


The Pope praised the courageous leadership Ricci gave his brother Jesuits at the time of their greatest trial by encouraging them "to experience the death and resurrection of the Lord. Faced with the loss of everything, even of their public identity, the Jesuits did not resist the will of God; they did not resist the conflict, trying to save themselves. The Society--and this is beautiful--lived the conflict to the end, without minimizing it. It lived humiliation with the humiliated Christ; it obeyed."


Francis goes on to point out that "...Ricci comes, precisely in this time of confusion and bewilderment, to speak about the sins of the Jesuits. He does not defend himself, feeling like a victim of history, but he recognizes himself as a sinner...(H)e sees the hand of God's mercy which invites those who submit to the test, not to confide in anyone but God...Of importance for Ricci is that the Society, until the last, is true to the spirit of its vocation which is for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. The Society, even faced with its own demise, remained true to the purpose for which it was founded. To this, Ricci concludes with an exhortation to keep alive the spirit of charity, unity, obedience, patience, evangelical simplicity, and true friendship with God. Everything else is worldliness."


The Pope continues to address his listeners by encouraging them, "Let us remember our history: the Society "was given the grace not only to believe in the Lord, but also to suffer for his sake," (Philippians 1:29). We do well to remember this." Then Francis recalls one of the major reasons that inspired Pope Pius VII (1800-1824) to restore the Jesuits. "Pius VII wrote of wanting to restore the Society 'to support himself in an adequate way for the spiritual needs of the Christian world, without the difference of peoples and nations'." He points out that "The Society resumed its apostolic activity of preaching and teaching, spiritual ministries, scientific research and social action, the missions and care for the poor, the suffering and the marginalized."


Near the close of his sermon, Francis quotes the words of his predecessor, Pope Paul VI (1963-1978). "I confirm today what Paul VI told us (Jesuits) at our 32nd General Congregation (1974) and which I heard with my own ears: 'Wherever in the Church, even in the most difficult and extreme situations, in the crossroads of ideologies, in the social trenches, where there has been and there is confrontation between the deepest desires of man and the perennial message of the Gospel, there you have been and there are Jesuits.'"


Concluding his remarks, Francis reminds his listeners "The Jesuit wants to be a companion of Jesus, one who has the same feelings of Jesus." He then closes with these final words: "Mary, Our Lady, Mother of the Society, will be touched by our efforts to be at the service of her Son. May she watch over us and protect us always."  

Gratefully in Christ,

St. Ignatius Attends Center Stage

It may be early, but as happens each year, we anticipate tickets going quickly. Join fellow parishioners to see the Center Stage re-telling of Frank Capra's timeless Christmas holiday film, It's A Wonderful Life. We have purchased twenty tickets for the November 30th Sunday matinee at 2:00 PM. This affords us a 20% discount on 'A" location seats at $36 per ticket. Tickets will be sold on a 'first come, first served basis,' so don't delay.


If you are interested in joining us, you may purchase tickets by making a check payable to: St.Ignatius Church. Indicate number of tickets desired.

Send check to parishionerSeamus Dockery
4000 N.Charles St., Apt.1207
Baltimore, MD 21218

Let's enjoy together It's a Wonderful Life at Center Stage, our neighbor on Calvert Street.

Upcoming Events

Lecture: Reflection on the Jesuits

- Thursday, October 2

Father Matt Malone, S.J., editor-in-chief of America magazine, will be presenting A Reflection on the Jesuits from the Suppression to the Papacy of Francis, a talk in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the restoration of the Society of Jesus, on Thursday, October 2, at 7:00 PM in the Andrew White Student Center at Loyola University Maryland.  All are welcome.  Because space is limited, please RSVP to [email protected] by Tuesday, September 30.



Morning of Ignatian Reflection 

- Saturday, October 4


The first Saturday of the month, Ignatian Morning of Reflection will resume on October 4 with Jesus, the Man of the Beatitudes. Father Bob Hamm, S.J., Director of the Xavier House will guide us in an experience of Ignatian Spirituality starting at 8:45 AM and concluding before the 12:10 Mass. Morning of Ignatian Reflection is held in Ignatian Hall. All are welcome.


Panel Discussion: Immigration Crisis: "Children At Our Border"

- Monday, October 6 

Next Monday, October 6, the Justice and Peace Committee of St. Ignatius Church will present a panel discussion on the Immigration Crisis entitled "Children At Our Border." The panel will include Sister Patricia Ann Rogucki, SFCC, a Baltimore resource for immigration issues, particularly those surrounding Central America which was her home for many years, and Rosemary Thompson, long-time Catholic peace activist and Executive Director of the P. Francis Murphy Peace and Justice Initiative. In this panel discussion we will look at:

  • Roots of the Crisis: Wars, Gangs and Poverty
  • Which organizations are already working for the children? 
  • What are they doing? 
  • What are their priorities? 
  • How can we help?

The panel discussion will be held in Ignatian Hall at 7:30 PM. There will also be a variety of finger foods inspired by the cuisine of Central America. There is no charge for this event.

To download flyer for this event, click here.


I�igo Book Group 

- Tuesday, October 14


The I�igo Book Group will meet on Tuesday, October 14 to discuss the book "View from Castle Rock" by Alice Munro. On Tuesday, November 11 the group will hold its annual planning meeting to decide what books to read during 2015. All are welcome. The group does not meet in December.


Annual Ministry Fair 

- October 18 & 19


Plan to come to Ignatian Hall after Mass this weekend where our various ministries will be featured. Learn about the many ministries and volunteer opportunities available at St. Ignatius Church. See the exhibits, talk with those who serve on the committees, pick up literature, and sign up to participate in their activities. The fair will be open to all after each of the Masses.



New Socks and New Underwear Drive 
 - Weekend Masses on October 18 and 19

"Do you have any socks? Any Underwear?" Now that the cold weather is approaching, those are the questions that our Loaves and Fishes volunteers get asked frequently when they are serving patrons on the streets of Baltimore. Socks and underwear are not just an accessory - they're a necessity. Last year, we had such a generous response to our plea for warm socks, we're expanding it this year to include men's underwear, which is desperately needed. And so, on October 18 and 19, we will be collecting NEW men's socks, large sizes and the warmer the better, and NEW men's underwear, also with the larger sizes preferred, in special boxes which will be in the narthex upstairs and in the gallery outside Ignatian Hall downstairs. We thank you in advance for your generosity in meeting this important need.


Adult Confirmation

October 19

Are you a Catholic who has never been confirmed?  Do you wish to experience the fullness of the initiation sacraments of the Catholic Church by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation?  Archbishop William Lori will be conferring the sacrament of Confirmation on adult Catholics (age 16 and older) on Sunday, October 19, at the 4:30 p.m. Mass at the Basilica of the Assumption. The Department of Evangelization of the Archdiocese of Baltimore in conjunction with the Basilica will offer three sessions to prepare adults to receive this sacrament.  The sessions are designed to offer immediate preparation for Confirmation focused on catechesis on the Holy Spirit, discipleship, prayer, the sacramental life, and a review of core Catholic beliefs.


The formation series will be held at the Catholic Center, 320 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, 20201, on Saturdays, October 4, 11 & 18, 2014, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  To register or for more information, please call Kathy Wandishin at 410-727-3565 X220 or email [email protected].  


Young Adults Seekers' Retreat 

November 8-9 

Charis Ministries, founded in 2000 and and dedicated to nurturing those in their 20s and 30s through retreats based in Ignatian spirituality, is holding one of their Young Adult Seekers' Retreats.

Is your life feeling crazy? What's important in my life? How do you even figure this out? Where does God fit into this? Come and find out how other young adults answer these questions. Learn how faith plays a role in their journeys and take the time to reflect on your own path. Click here for more information and to register.

Try To Remember...
Still 'Fantastick': Returning to the World's Longest-running Musical

FOREVER YOUNG. Max Crumm as Matt and Samantha Bruce as Luisa in "The Fantasticks"


As I read through this week's edition of America Magazine, I had a wonderful trip down memory lane. There was an article about Off-Broadway's longest running show, The Fantastics. It's one of those shows that has become so endearing to a few generations with it's songs such as Try to Remember; Soon It's Going to Rain; Never Say No; Round and Round; They Were You; - and many more. I remember seeing my first production of The Fantastics in the late 1960's...and have been singing the songs ever since. Since there was an article posted in the highly spiritual America Magazine, I thought it was fair game to post it here. (CLICK HERE TO READ 'STILL FANTASTIC'). Believe it or not, I found a video link to an entire production of it, for those with the time...CLICK HERE.


Try to Remember...


In the Media


The Providence Journal:
The Pope's Women Theologians

ABC News:

The Gospel Herald:

Denver Broncos QB Peyton Manning Discusses Christian Faith, Importance of Prayer and Humility 

Religion News Service:

The Jesuit Post:

America Magazine:


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e-zine compiled by John. C. Odean