You can view or read last Sunday's Homily by clicking on links below: 


This issue of  Truth Serum is called "The Spirit of Pentecost."  God gave the Holy Spirit to His Church on the Day of Pentecost, but few understand the meaning of this Holy Day. God's Holy Spirit is vital for true Christian living, but many are unaware of what it is, what Pentecost is, and what it means to Christians today. To read all about it   click here.

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Each weekend St. Ignatius specifies a Poor Box collection for a needful cause. This week we are collecting for Global Health Ministry, the organization that sponsors the medical team going to Peru this year to provide much-needed medical care to impoverished areas. To learn more

Weekly updates on Christian persecution around the globe. Keep a prayerful watch on what is happening with your brothers and sisters!

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My Dear Sisters and Brothers:


This past Friday we began our Annual Novena to the Holy Spirit. It will continue till this Saturday, the day before the celebration of the Feast of Pentecost or the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This Novena reaches back to the earliest days of the Church's life. Chapters 1:12-2:4 of the Acts of the Apostles mention that the apostles gathered for prayer in the Upper Room in the city of Jerusalem after Jesus ascended into glory. With the apostles were Mary, the Mother of Jesus, some women and the brothers - a group numbering one hundred and twenty persons. "All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer." Acts 1:14. This period of prayer occurred over a stretch of nine days between the Ascension and Pentecost. Thus, the name Novena from the Latin word: Novem, meaning "nine."


Earlier in Chapter 1:4-5 of Acts, the Risen Jesus instructed the apostles not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait there for "the promise of the Father about which you have heard me speak; for John baptized with water but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." In obedience to Jesus, they and their whole community prayed in expectation of the Spirit's arrival.


This Novena comes at a special time in light of the surprising meeting that will take place at the Vatican this Sunday.


President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine and President Shimon Peres of Israel.

To the amazement of everyone Pope Francis, during his recent visit to Jordan and the Holy Land, invited both President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine and President Shimon Peres of Israel to join him for a time of prayer at his residence in Santa Marta. Both accepted the Pope's invitation. (Read report from Official Vatican Network)


One of our petitions in the Novena to the Holy Spirit is for our own personal intentions. We are all encouraged to include in that petition the gift of peace built on justice and mutual recognition between Israel and Palestine. Where politicians have failed time and again over the years to work out a treaty of mutual understanding and peace between these two peoples, we place our trust in God and the power of prayer to bring about at least an initial agreement to work toward a just and lasting peace between their nations.


President Jimmy Carter met at Camp David with Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel and President Anwar Sadat of Egypt

The Pope's suggestion that they meet and pray together for this purpose recalls the time 35 years ago when President Jimmy Carter met at Camp David with Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel and President Anwar Sadat of Egypt with the hope of establishing a peace treaty between those two nations. After several days of failed negotiations, President Carter suggested that they all pray to God for enlightenment and a fruitful resolution to their stalled discussions. Within a short period of time, all three were able to announce to the world that Egypt and Israel had found a way to sign a treaty to live in peace and to work together as partners in the Middle East. Thus we should never underestimate the power of prayer and the workings of God's Holy Spirit in the human affairs of countries and peoples.  


I encourage everyone, therefore, to pray for these three leaders and their meeting on Sunday that their time together will indeed lead to solid negotiations and genuine peace between Israel and Palestine.


Gratefully in Christ,

      Watter Signature    

Events of the Next Week

Young Adults Potluck & Movie Night 
- Thursday, June 5 
Join us for a night of fellowship as we host a potluck dinner and a movie on Thursday, June 5th at 7:00PM  in Ignatian Hall. We invite Young Adults to bring a favorite dish to share, to stay for the movie, and to just hang out! Come to meet other parishioners and/or bring a friend. The movie being shown is Central Station. To learn more about the film and to view the trailer, click here.


We will be hosting various events throughout the summer so if you're not on our e-mail list you won't know about it! Email  Duarte Aguiar and he will fix that! Also, check us out at for more events at St. Ignatius.




Corporal Works of Mercy : "Visit the Sick"
 - Saturday, June 7



The Young Adult Ministry is sponsoring a parish wide Corporal Works of Mercy Activity during the Easter Season. This week's Mercy focus will be the 12:10 Mass at St. Ignatius where the Sacrament of the Sick is offered to all who are in need. We welcome all to come!  






- Sunday, June 8 


On June 8 we will rejoice in the coming of the Holy Spirit to the first disciples and to us. At the 10:30 Mass, parishioners from various countries throughout the world will wear their native dress and present intercessions in their native languages during the Prayer of the Faithful. Please join us. Everyone is invited to wear clothing representing the land of your ancestors, and to bring food from other lands for a special reception after Mass.


Upcoming Events to Mark on Your Calendar 

Celebrate Pride Month with the St. Ignatius Community! 
 - Friday, June 13


Embracing God's Gifts, St. Ignatius' Gay & Lesbian ministry, is inviting you to join us on Friday, June 13th at 7 PM in the Chapel of Grace, where we will give thanks to God for the gift of family. Through music, readings, prayer and a spirit of gratitude, we will gather to celebrate being members of God's family.  Please contact Gordon Creamer at 410.236.8225 if you are interested in participating in the planning process.  All are welcome and please bring a friend! A light Reception will follow in Ignatian Hall. To learn more about the Embracing God's Gifts Ministry, click here.


Prayer Service for Peace

- Sunday, June 22

On the 22nd  of every month somewhere in the Baltimore area, people of all faiths gather in a church, mosque or synagogue to pray for peace in the world, particularly in the most troubled areas including the Middle East. On June 22, the interfaith prayer service will take place in the Chapel of Grace at St. Ignatius Church at 7:30 PM.  Mark your calendars now and plan to come and pray for peace in our world!
Young Adult Council
- Sunday, June 22

Our first meeting on June 1st was great with 30 people in attendance. We had a great conversation regarding the growth of the ministry for our Young Adults here at St. Ignatius. Interested in helping out with the planning of this important ministry? Come to our next Council meeting on June 22nd after the 6:00 PM Mass in Gonzaga Hall. 


All Church "Get Away Weekend" and Parish Picnic 

- Friday, July 11 through Sunday, July 13

As you are planning your weekends for the next month or so, remember the "Get Away Weekend" being held the weekend of Friday, July 11 through Sunday, July 13. Come away for a "mini vacation" of camping (either in tents or houses), outdoor activities of hiking, nature walking and swimming. If you can't make the whole weekend, that's OK, come for the culmination of the St. Ignatius All Parish Picnic on Saturday. We want to make this year's time the most well attended, most fun event yet! To accomplish this, we need your presence! Be sure to place this weekend on your calendar now; tickets will go on sale in mid June. To view last year's event, click here.


Young Adult Parish Picnic/Retreat

- Friday, July 11 and Saturday, July 12


On July 11th-12th we will have a retreat for our Young Adults in conjunction with our annual Parish Picnic. Bring your swimming gear, a bible and a tent to make for a fun and prayerful weekend. Carpool will be available from St. Ignatius to Blue Ridge Summit, PA. More information to come.

The Way We Care for the Poor

At St. Ignatius Church we're all about picking up the ministry of Jesus. He cared about the marginalized of society - the least, the last, the lost. Sometimes he referred to them as 'the oppressed poor.' If you have been at St. Ignatius for very long, you will find that this focus is central to the life of our Parish. Yet, we always have so much to learn in regards to 'how do we most effectively do the work and ministry of Jesus, and reflect his love and values?' This past week RELEVANT MAGAZINE posted a fantastic article about this very topic. We share it with you now.


 The Wrong Way to Approach the Poor

A few attitudes to get rid of before we attempt to help.


There is a heartening development within the mainstream Church of late: people are starting to take what Jesus said about the poor seriously.


Indeed, gone are the days when simply taking up a collection for inner city, rural, or overseas missions would suffice. Instead, Christians of all ages are rolling up their sleeves and getting far more hands-on in matters of poverty. We take mission trips, we volunteer in homeless outreach ministries, some of us even do advocacy work in our spare time. We are involved.


Yet as a new generation of Christians heeds God's call to serve "the least of these" in our society, I feel that it is necessary to stop for a moment and reflect upon our approach to serving with those living in poverty.  MORE

Spotlight on Ministry...Elizabeth's Closet


Elizabeth's Closet, a ministry of St. Ignatius Church, is a maternity clothes exchange, enabling moms to loan or donate clothing to the church so that expectant moms have access to an affordable maternity wardrobe. This ministry gratefully accepts gently used maternity clothes which may be loaned and returned later, or donated permanently.


Email: Stephanie HoltzTo learn more about this ministry go to our webpage by clicking here





You can also download a brochure and registration form for Elizabeth's Closet by clicking here





To view video on Elizabeth's Closet Ministry, click on video below.


Elizabeth's Closet 
Elizabeth's Closet


In Remembrance of Carol Hillery


So many of you remember Carol Hillery, a remarkable woman and a devoted member of our parish who faithfully served as the Liturgy Coordinator at St. Ignatius for over ten years. Carol passed away on April 4th.


As a permanent remembrance of Carol's faithful shepherding of our Liturgies at St. Ignatius, our Lectors will be invited to wear these Pope Francis 'Good Shepherd' crosses as they proclaim the Word at our Sunday Liturgies.


The above Memorial Mass photo of Carol's smiling face looking up to God will greet all our ministers as the photo will be placed next to the cross tabernacle in the sacristy. Surely, Carol still watches over us as we celebrate His joy with our beloved Carol in His company. 

The Justice and Peace Committee of St. Ignatius Parish Needs Your Help!

JusticeOne of our goals is to deepen our understanding of the principles of Catholic social teaching and then, through word and action, to help integrate these principles more fully into the life of our parish community.


How you can help? By supporting us with your time, talent, and ideas; and expand Saint Ignatius' efforts to new areas. If this sounds interesting and you want to get involved with the parish's newly forming Advocacy Ministries in the areas of Immigration and Economic Issues; or our Education Endeavors and Projects, we invite you to join us at our next meeting on Thursday, June 12 at 7:30 PM in Ignatian Hall.


For a copy of our agenda, contact the committee chair, Candra Healy, All are welcome! 

A Couple of Reminders From the Church Office.


As we've had many new members this past year, we wanted to encourage you to make your giving and support an easy and regular part of your church participation. Faith Direct simplifies your regular offertory and Historic Trust Fund contributions by arranging to have one electronic transfer each month directly from your bank account to ours. 



To learn about Faith Direct click on the button on the left. When asked to enter the church code for your transactions, our church code is MD301. We depend on the kindness and faithful contributions of you, our members! 




It's time to register your children for the 2014-2015 Parish Religious Education Program (PREP). PREP is made up of dedicated teachers that devote their time to serving the children of our parish. For planning purposes, we are so appreciative of your early sign-up. To register quickly and painlessly click on the PREP icon...or  click here

In the Media

Pope Francis Sets Date for Prayer Meeting With Presidents of Israel and Palestine


Israel's President Shimon Peres (R) welcomes Pope Francis at the president's residence in Jerusalem on May 26, 2014. Peres accepted an invitation from Pope Francis to go to the Vatican for a joint prayer for peace with his Palestinian counterpart Mahmud Abbas.


VATICAN CITY - Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will join Pope Francis for an afternoon praying for peace at the Vatican on June 8, the Vatican said Thursday.


Francis had invited both men to "my home" to pray during his recent trip to the Middle East. Speaking from the biblical town of Bethlehem, Francis said: "Building peace is difficult, but living without peace is a constant torment."

Both men immediately agreed, and subsequently approved the June 8 date, the Vatican said in a statement Thursday.


Francis has stressed that he is not seeking to jumpstart peace negotiations, but merely bring the two sides together to pray. He said he had arranged for a rabbi and a Muslim cleric to lead the prayers, along with him.


"It will be a prayer meeting. It's not to do mediation or find solutions," he told reporters on the flight home from Jerusalem on Monday. "We'll meet just to pray, and then everyone will go home. But I think praying is important, praying together."


He called both Abbas and Peres "men of peace." READ MORE




The Atlantic

Christian Leaders May Return to Nicaea: What Does It Mean?


FOX News 
The Wall Street Journal 

Three Catholics Released in Cameroon After Two Months in Captivity


National Catholic Review 
Film Review: 

'Walking the Camino': Six Ways to Santiago



The Telegraph 

Maya Angelou: I'm Trying to be a Christian



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 e-zine compiled by John. C. Odean