Health & Wellness Masthead
September 2014


I hope that the school year is off to a smooth start for everyone!

We have a number of professional development opportunities this fall! Some are annual, such as the California Healthy Kids Survey training on October 15, which covers both survey administration and how to analyze and use data. Also back this year, are the always popular Brief Intervention for Substance Using Adolescents on October 27 and Hot Topics - Increasing Comfort and Facilitation Skills on November 18

Brand new this year is a student mental health series, Eliminating Barriers to Learning (EBL). In addition, we are hosting a NAMI on Campus training on November 13 for high school students and their adult advisors!

Also new this year, we are happy to provide additional support for district implementation of AB 1266. On January 12, we will host administrator and teacher/counselor/etc. presentations on creating safe and supportive environments for all our students. 

Click on the links below for more information on these (and more!) upcoming trainings and events. As always, if you have any questions, or additional technical assistance or training needs, please contact me



Emily Justice
Contra Costa County Office of Education (CCCOE)


Professional Development Opportunities
Space is limited. Sign up now! 

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
Saturday, September 27, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

At the last take-back day in April, 390 TONS of prescription drugs were collected at over 6,000 sites! To locate a take back event in your area, click here

In their continuing effort for California's Winnable Battle: Finish the Fight Against Tobacco, the California Department of Public Health, California Tobacco Control Program (CDPH/CTCP) has launched the 2nd annual "Tobacco and Its Impact in My Community" photo contest. 

Photo submissions will be accepted through October 31, 2014.
Click here for more information.
Thank You
We hope you enjoyed this month's Health & Wellness Matters e-newsletter! If you have suggestions for future articles or resources to share, contact Emily Justice.

CCCOE Educational Services
Emily Justice, Manager, Tobacco Use Prevention Education

Pamela Comfort, Ph.D.,
Associate Superintendent, Educational Services

Pam Tyson, Ph.D., Director, Educational Services
In This Issue
Register Now! Professional Development Opportunities
Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
Photo Contest
Fast Facts & News Articles

Join Our Mailing List


Upcoming Meetings



Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) Grant RFA Review -- RSVP
October 3
9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Contra Costa HIV/Comprehensive Sex Education Network
November 12
10:00 am - Noon

TUPE District Coordinators and Community Partners
December 5
10:00 am - Noon

 Useful Resources



Fast Facts & News Articles


New Drug Craze: 'Wax' Potent, dangerous marijuana product

The Decline of Cigarettes in Two Captivating Map GIFs -- Huffington Post


Youth e-cigarette use tripled between 2011 and 2013. -- CADCA

New research findings show that youth who have used e-cigarettes are almost twice as likely to intend to smoke conventional cigarettes. -- CDC

Colorado Ad Campaign Warns Teens About Long-Term Effects of Marijuana --

Frequent Marijuana Use in Teens and Young Adults Can Affect the Brain --