November 2012
Canadian Hypertension Congress will be held in partnership with Vascular 2013 in Montreal
Mark Your Calendars: Vascular 2013

October 17-20, 2013



A one-time Canadian event to bring together Canada's five key medical conferences under one roof and mark a unique educational and community-building effort. The event is co-hosted by Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Canadian Diabetes Association, Canadian Stroke Network and Hypertension Canada.

Vascular Day - Friday October 18, 2013
This unique event will bring together more than 6,500 delegates from across the vascular health and care spectrum to foster cross-collaboration in research, education, networking and learning. 
CHC 2012 Receiving Positive Reports

From our initial reports, the 2012 Congress was a great success. The attendance increased considerably from 210 last year to 293 participants at the 2012 event. The survey results are being tabulated but early indications are positive - the program was very well received, core curriculum sessions were well attended and plenary topics informative. 

Special thanks to Dr. Debra Reid who acted as a consultant with the hotel and the chefs to ensure our menu followed the highly recommended DASH diet. It was much appreciated that healthy menus were created and available for all meals and snacks.
CHC 2012 - Presentation Awards
Congratulations to all the trainees who participated in the 2012 CHC, sharing their research through oral and poster presentations.  The quality of the presentations was acknowledged by the delegates.  The following received awards for their presentations:
Best Oral Presentations:
BSc/MSc/Medical Student Category

Hiba Yusuf (Supervisor - Dr. Rhian Touyz)

PhD Student Category

Ashbeel Roy (Supervisors, Dr. Marco Prado and Dr. Robert Gros

Post Doctoral Fellow Category

Stephane Bourque (Supervisor, Dr. Sandra T. Davidge)


Best Poster Presentations:
BSc/MSc/Medical Student Category
Vlad Diaconita (Supervisor, Dr. Alexander G. Logan)
PhD Student Category
Matthew Ratsep (Supervisors, Dr. Michael Adams and Dr. Anne Croy) 
Post Doctoral Fellow Category
Dylan Burger (Supervisor, Dr. Rhian Touyz)

Up & Up

Update & Upcoming Events

Board Election - AGM 2012:
Hypertension Canada is pleased to announce the official appointment of Dr. Pierre Larochelle as President of Hypertension Canada.  We extend sincere thanks to Dr. Ross Feldman for his leadership commitment over the past two years as the first President of Hypertension Canada.  Ross has accepted the position of Past President on the Board. 
Dr. Sheldon Tobe was elected at the AGM as a member of the Board of Directors. Sheldon brings his extensive experience as Chair of CHEP and currently Chair of the Professional Education Committee and a member of the Operations Committee. Sheldon was a member of the Transition Committee responsible for the formation of Hypertension Canada. Sheldon will provide valued skills and experience in his new leadership position on the Board.

Paul K. Whelton, MB, MD, MSc (Chair) and Jackson T. Wright, Jr., MD, PhD (Vice-Chair) are seeking wider collaboration in a new phase of ALLHAT. In the past, ALLHAT data were available only to ALLHAT investigators. ALLHAT is now making this resource available to the wider scientific community and encouraging new research to use the valuable resources collected by ALLHAT since the study began in 1994.

Publications - 2012

Keep up to date with the current publications of your colleagues and fellow members. The publications of our members in good standing are updated monthly and featured on our website. 

September 2012

October 2012 


Renew your membership now to continue to be part of the Hypertension Canada community.