
October 16, 2015

In This Issue
Is the Honeymoon Over?                        
First-years had a great time at the mixer during Orientation weekend. 

Does the following sound familiar? Your student was so excited to come to MLC. And the first few days were great! Orientation was fun. They met cool people at the mixer. Their classes sounded interesting, and the profs were nice. They felt like real college students.

Wow! Things were good. And then . . . CRASH!


Is the honeymoon over? More here.

Is MLC Cliquey?
Kylah Schroeder MLC '18 (right), an LPS grad, has made lots of friends from other schools, like Jess Friebe (MLS, left) and Grace Schultz (FVL, center)

Does your student say they 
feel a little left out because certain kids seem to know everyone? Does it seem that kids from some high schools are sticking together and not mixing with others?

Sophomore Kylah Schroeder, an LPS grad, shares her insight: 

"During the first couple days on campus, cliques definitely exist - most of them made of former high school classmates. 

"But at MLC, making new friends happens quickly and comes naturally! 

"Simply because of my classes, my floor, and the things I was involved in, I was able to meet amazing new friends while keeping my old friendships from Prep.

"You can tell by the random hellos and kind words spoken in the hallways that all the students here know we're more than just classmates and even more than friends. We're brothers and sisters in Christ and future coworkers in the ministry, which kind of makes us one giant clique!"
What's There to Do?                           
Flandrau State Park


We won't pretend to be New York, but New Ulm does have its diversions. If your student calls home with the classic "I'm bored," suggest these activities.


New Pictures!

The MLC Photo Gallery is updated regularly. Check out Homecoming and Parents Day photos like this one, as well as the frosh ladies' brick painting!

Wind Symphony


Homecoming Week


Homecoming Worship


Fall Sports

I've Got Shotgun!rides home


Your students can find and offer rides to Wisconsin, Michigan, the Cities - wherever - on the Ride Share link on the Portal, and also through posts on the Ride Board in the main hall of the WCC (Wittenberg Collegiate Center). By carpooling, they can save some gas money and get to know other students at the same time.

 Mark the Date 

Oct 31: College Choir
Nov 22: Wind Symphony
Dec 5-6: Christmas at MLC
Feb 14: Wind Symphony
       Mar 11-21: College Choir Tour
       Apr 3: College Choir 
       Apr 16: Wind Symphony
       May 13: MLC Commencement
       May 15-20: Wind Symphony Tour

Nov 6-8: Fall Musical Guys and Dolls 
Dec 11-12: Readers' Theater It's a Wonderful Life 
Feb 19-21: Winter Play You Can't Take It With You 
Apr 28-30: Children's Theater Once Upon a Wolf 

Parents UKnighted! 
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