Ladies New Aux Banner
Summer 2015

Project Update
Auxiliary supporters have already donated over $22,000 to fund our three standing projects and ten  of our 2014-15 annual projects. Let's keep the momentum going! 

To donate to our projects, send a check payable to MLC with "Ladies' Auxiliary" in the memo line. 
Mail the check to
Martin Luther College
1995 Luther Court
New Ulm MN 56073 
You can also donate by credit card on the MLC website

For more information on the Auxiliary, our mission, activities, and Befriend an MLC Student program,  click here.

Auxiliary projects still seeking funding

The MLC Early Childhood Learning Center has received great assistance from the Auxiliary
The Ladies' Auxiliary project list totals almost $40,000, and there is still much work to be accomplished in providing materials for MLC professors and students.  The MLC Auxiliary is committed to funding three standing projects each year: scholarships - $3,000, library materials - $1,250, and outreach projects - $2,500. The other projects are chosen at the Annual Fall Meeting. To date, Auxiliary supporters have funded over $22,000 in projects including projects funded by individual donors! The deadline for funding this year's project list is June 30. If you would like to help us fund remaining projects, send a check to MLC Ladies' Auxiliary, 1995 Luther Court, New Ulm MN 56073. You can also contribute online. Just select Ladies' Auxiliary on the Designation drop-down menu. Read the complete list of 2014-15 projects.
Spring Meetings are popular
Ladies from the St. Croix Conference enjoy 
fellowship at the Spring Meeting

Women and men from across Minnesota gathered this spring at various churches to learn more about MLC and the Ladies' Auxiliary. Attendees viewed a video report from MLC President Mark Zarling. Also, a second-career preseminary student recorded a video telling his story of coming to faith and deciding to become a pastor. Watch the video now. In addition to the videos, MLC students in the Spanish program presented information on their immersion trips and the benefits of our Spanish program.Wonderful fellowship was enjoyed by all. One attendee commented, "I brought two friends with me to the meeting this year! I wish every woman in our congregation could hear about the work that's being done at MLC!" 

Auxiliary Annual Meeting offers great variety
Virginia Backer won an MLC flag as a door 
prize at the 2014 Annual Meeting

The 2015 Ladies' Auxiliary National Meeting will be Saturday, October 10, with registration in the Luther Student Center (LSC) at
8:30 am. Based on the theme "Lord Give Us Your Light," attendees will learn about the new programs at MLC, select new projects for 2015-16, and work together with other MLC supporters. Lunch will be available in the LSC. A behind-the-scenes MLC Report as well as student entertainment will highlight the morning, with workshops on "Timely Topics for Today" and a closing service in the Chapel of the Christ rounding out the afternoon.  Make plans to attend this annual event in support of our WELS College of Ministry. Childcare will be available and MLC Food Bank donations will be accepted.

Martin Luther College | 1995 Luther Court | New Ulm | MN | 56073