Project Update
The MLC Ladies' Auxiliary has adopted an annual project list of over $10,000 in addition to the three standing projects totaling $6,750!
Talk to your women's group or interested individuals about adopting one of our projects for this coming year.
For more information on the Auxiliary, its mission, officers, representatives, and projects, click here.
Caribbean Students to Speak at Spring Meetings
March and April are spring meeting months for MLC Ladies' Auxiliary. Starting March 15, nine different congregations will host area meetings aimed at promoting the ministry of Martin Luther College. Attendees will hear the most recent news from the WELS College of Ministry, including information on new programs that will benefit our whole synod. Updates on Auxiliary projects will be presented along with opportunities for MLC supporters to become involved with these initiatives. The keynote speakers for the area meetings will be students like Evodia Cassius (pictured) from the Caribbean. They will talk about our WELS ministries on those islands, the scholarship program that brought them to MLC, and how their preparations here will spread the gospel in their home communities. You won't want to miss their presentations! Follow this link to see the Auxiliary meeting schedule, and mark your calendar to attend one nearest you. To promote these spring meetings in your congregation, you can download the bulletin insert and meeting poster for your area.
Auxiliary Projects Strengthen MLC Programs
MLC Ladies' Auxiliary
gathered about $15,000 this past year, funding non-budgeted materials for many different departments, including scholarships, outreach programs, Early Childhood Learning Center furniture (toddler changing table pictured), classroom materials, and music equipment. In the past 50+ years, the MLC Ladies' Auxiliary has donated over $600,000 toward scholarships, classroom materials, dorm renovations, and outreach activities. Auxiliary projects for 2014 total more than $17,000. Read about this year's projects. We are so thankful for the wonderful generosity of all the congregations, ladies' groups, and individual donors. Gifts this year have already exceeded $9,000! If you would like to contribute to our projects or even adopt a project yourself, make checks out to MLC and mail it c/o Ladies' Auxiliary. You can also donate to the Auxiliary online! Visit our donation page, select Ladies' Auxiliary on the drop-down menu, and donate by credit card.
Help Us Make Bingo Night a Success!
The MLC Ladies' Auxiliary is once again sponsoring a BINGO Night for all MLC students. This highly anticipated evening will be March 28 in the MLC Cafeteria Conference Center. In addition to snacks, a variety of prize gifts will also be provided by the ladies. The most coveted prizes are the homemade items, such as pies, cookies, and bars. Equally appreciated are the many gift cards purchased through cash donations. To publicize this event at your local congregation, download the Bingo Night bulletin insert. If you wish to contribute to this event, call Dinah Spurgin (507.276.0356) or the college (507.354.8221).
"Befriend an MLC Student" Program Begins
Sunday School students prepare greetings
for an MLC student
The MLC Ladies' Auxiliary would like to assist you in finding an MLC student who would greatly appreciate some encouraging words from you. This new program of the Auxiliary is called "Befriend an MLC Student." This program matches students with individuals and congregations who provide encouragement in the form of cards, emails, or visits during the school year.
Once you have notified the Auxiliary that your church would like to take part in this program (email, we will send you a photo, mailing address, e-mail address, and birth date of one of the MLC students. We will also send you a list of ways other congregations have encouraged MLC students. Your congregation can decide how best to encourage this young person. If there is an individual or family within your congregation who would like to befriend a different student, please give them this information and ask them to contact us. Our goal is to set up a "friend" for as many students as possible. Visit the MLC website for more details.