Save the Date!
Auxiliary Annual Meeting
October 5, 2013
Already, Auxiliary supporters have donated almost $13,000 and have funded our three standing projects and four annual projects!
Talk to your women's group, congregational leaders, or interested individuals about adopting one of our projects.
For more information on the Auxiliary, its mission, officers, representatives, and projects, click here.
Auxiliary initiates "Befriend a Student" program
The MLC Ladies' Auxiliary would like to assist congregations in finding one (or more) students who would appreciate some encouraging words during their time at MLC. The Auxiliary is naming this the "Befriend an MLC Student" program. When a congregation expresses an interest, Auxiliary representatives will send the congregation a photo, mailing address, e-mail address, and birth date of the selected MLC student(s). The Ladies' Auxiliary will also send suggestions of encouragement that other congregations have used in the past. The goal of the program is to set up a "friend" for as many MLC students as possible.
Auxiliary projects still seeking funding
2013 Auxiliary Board Members
The Ladies' Auxiliary project list totals over $20,000, and there is still much to be accomplished as we strive to meet that goal and provide materials for MLC professors and students. The MLC Auxiliary is committed to funding three standing projects each year: scholarships - $3,000, library materials - $1,250, and outreach projects - $2,500. The other projects are chosen at the annual fall meeting. To date, Auxiliary supporters have funded almost $14,000 in projects, including a project adopted by an individual donor! If you would like to help us reach our goal, send a check to MLC Ladies' Auxiliary, 1995 Luther Court, New Ulm MN 56073. Read the list of 2012 - 13 projects.
Spring meetings remain popular
New Ulm Area Spring Meeting
Women and men from across Minnesota gathered this spring at various churches to learn more about MLC and the Ladies' Auxiliary. A campus video allowed attendees to hear reports from MLC President Mark Zarling, an Auxiliary scholarship recipient, and a family who uses the MLC Food Bank. In addition to the video, new Mandarin instructor Tingting Zhang shared her life story, including the experiences that led her to New Ulm. Wonderful fellowship was enjoyed by all. One spring meeting attendee commented, "These meetings are so informative! I wish every woman in our congregation could hear about the work that's being done at MLC!"
Auxiliary Board plans for the next school year
At its May meeting, the Ladies' Auxiliary Board took some time to review their activities of this current school year and plan for improvements in the upcoming term. Evaluations of our annual fall meeting were very positive, but areas of improvement were noted. Interesting workshops and speakers will highlight that October 5, 2013, event. Bingo night continues to be a highly anticipated activity among students. The Hospitality Tent also serves a great function as the Auxiliary greets families to the campus during Freshman Orientation. The "Befriend an MLC Student" program generated much excitement among the board members. Look for more news on these and other Auxiliary initiatives in future months.