Ladies New Aux Banner
March 2013
In This Issue
Auxiliary Adopts
Ambitious List

Bingo Night

Already, Auxiliary supporters have donated almost $7,000 and have funded our three standing projects!
Talk to your women's group, congregational leaders, or interested individuals about adopting one of our projects. 

For more information on the Auxiliary, its mission, officers, representatives, and projects, click here.
Tingting Zhang to Be Keynote Speaker Tingting Zahn   

March and April are spring meeting months for MLC Ladies' Auxiliary. Starting March 16, eight different congregations will be hosting area meetings aimed at promoting the ministry of Martin Luther College. Attendees will hear the most recent news from our college of ministry including information on new programs and facilities that will benefit our whole synod. Updates on Auxiliary projects will be presented along with opportunities for MLC supporters to become involved with these initiatives. The keynote speaker for the area meetings will be Tingting Zhang, our new Mandarin instructor. She will tell her story of coming to faith through Christian teachers and her personal journey that brought her to New Ulm. You won't want to miss her presentation! Follow this link to see the Auxiliary meeting schedule, and mark your calendar to attend one nearest you. 

Auxiliary Adopts Ambitious Project List 

winter banner For over 50 years, the Ladies' Auxiliary has funded over $600,000 in projects for students and faculty at Martin Luther College. Each year, the Auxiliary asks MLC professors to supply a list of items that would benefit their ministry but are not included in their current budgets. The response this year was exciting! If the Auxiliary funds all these project, they will impact classroom instruction, band, early childhood, campus beautification, and dramatics, to name a few. Our list of projects is included in the campus wish list, which is published on the MLC website. Take a look at the many items on this list, and consider how you can help us support our college of ministry.  

Help Us Make Bingo Night a Success! Bingo winners

The MLC Ladies' Auxiliary is once again sponsoring a BINGO Night for all MLC students.  This highly anticipated evening will be held on March 22 in the MLC Cafeteria Conference Center. In addition to snacks, the ladies will also be providing a variety of gifts that will be given to the young people as prizes. The most coveted prizes are the homemade items such as pies, cookies, and bars. Equally appreciated are the many gift cards purchased through cash donations. If you or your company wish to contribute to this event, contact Laurie Millner (507-276-9927), Dinah Spurgin (507-359-9072), or the college (507-354-8221).