
June 23, 2016  
Paola's flowers
Photo courtesy of Paola Gianturco.  
The first week of summer. 
What a joy! 

A time to refuel.

A time to consider what you plan to do with "your one wild and precious life", as Mary Oliver says in her evocative poem, The Summer Day.

For me summer brings dreams of leisure reading.  I think how empty my life would have been if someone hadn't taught me to read, and if others hadn't given me books and poems which took me to fabulous places, real and imagined.

Thanks to Room to Read, a GG recommended charity, millions of children in Asia and Africa can enjoy these wonderful journeys too.  Look at Philip below.

Click below to donate to Room to Read and other GG recommended charities.
We are grateful for the courage, energy, and thoughtfulness of Room to Read, and so many like them, who give us the opportunity to help the next generation on their wild and precious journeys.


Diana McDonough
Global Grandmothers

P.S.  To learn more about Room to Read's local language book publishing program,  watch this video.

P.P.S.  If you've read this far, you may want to see a fascinating info-graphic on recent Room to Read literacy research. Click here.

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