Vol. #6; Issue 9

Sep 21, 2016  

SHINE Youth Clinic: Become a Preceptor

SHINE is looking for dedicated health science professionals who are interested in volunteering as preceptors for our programs at iHuman Youth Society. Preceptors are responsible for supervising two volunteers during the course of their volunteer shift. All shifts are 2 hours long and occur between 4-8 pm on Friday evenings. Volunteering with SHINE is a great way to get involved in our community and make an impact on the lives of youth in our city.

If you would like to apply or have any questions about becoming a preceptor, please email directors@shineclinic.ca

One world: Our health

The School of Public Health welcomes you to attend the Douglas R. Wilson Lecture on public health.

One world health-not first or third world health-touches all people in all communities.

Focused on the shared issues we face around the world, from epidemics to climate change, Lord Crisp explores the future of the health in our global community.

"We need to better understand the things that unite and divide us: increasing interdependence, shared opportunities and the need for shared action on the one hand-and shared risks, vulnerabilities, conflicts and massive inequities on the other. There is much to learn from one another-and the West does not necessarily know best."

Join the School of Public Health in welcoming Lord Nigel Crisp for the 2016 Douglas R. Wilson Lecture on public health.
Friday, October 21, 2016
12 to 1 p.m. Reception to follow
L1-490 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy 
This is a free public lecture. Registration is not required.
For more information visit the School of Public Health's website

This event is hosted by the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta and co-sponsored by the Institute for Health Economics at the University of Alberta

Could YOUR food be the victim of mistaken identity?

Over the summer there has been a rise in complaints of missing lunches.

This message is to remind everyone that when they retrieve their lunch or snack from the fridge - to take a moment and ensure that the bag or container is indeed their own.

With the amount of staff in our building, it's possible that many of us have similar or identical stylish lunch bags or food containment systems. Which increases the odds of grabbing someone else meal by mistake.
Should you realize, once you've sat down to eat your lunch, that the creamy yogurt or sweet apple you were about to take a bite out of is not yours. Please return untouched items to the fridge with a note apologizing for the error. Already taken a bite out of that apple? Consider replacing the item in addition to the note.

Graduate student uses media fellowship to create informative radio series

Department of Pediatrics PhD student Lauren Albrecht created two series to be aired in September 2016: one on child health and one on gender bias in science and research. Both series feature local, provincial, national and international experts and scholars.

1. Child health series: The 7 parts of the series will be played over the course of two weeks (detailed below). Please tune-in to 93.9FM in Edmonton/Northern Alberta between 3:00 -6:00 pm on the days below to listen! You can also see/listen to the whole series online.

2. Gender bias in science & research series: This four-part series will be played over the course of one week (detailed below). Please tune-in to 93.9FM in Edmonton/Northern Alberta between 3-6pm on the days below to listen! You can also see/listen to the whole series online

More information can be found here.
WCHRI logo
Connecting Through Research: Understanding and doing things with pediatric qualitative research

Qualitative research, as a method of inquiry, is a diverse field that encompasses multiple empirical methods and theoretical understandings. In this workshop, Michael van Manen, MD, PhD will discuss a spectrum of pediatric qualitative research projects that have practical value given their ability to offer understandings and contribute directly to the practice of pediatrics.

Michael van Manen, MD, PhD is an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics. He has a clinical practice as a physician in neonatal-perinatal medicine with the Stollery Children's Hospital. Michael van Manen's research program is funded by the Women and Children's Health Research Institute and the Canadian Institute for Health Research.

Date: September 26
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: TBD Keep an eye on WCHRI's  Calendar of Events for updated details.

Pizza lunch provided. Register today!

The Connecting Through Research series is presented by the Women and Children's Health Research Institute and the Department of Pediatrics.
Participants needed for research on student success

What does student success look like? What is helping make student success possible on campus? What might be standing in the way of student success?

If you are interested in participating in the research that the Healthy Campus Unit is doing in partnership with the PLACE lab in the School of Public Health related to student success, please email us at hcu@ualberta.ca for more information.

The time commitment for this study is about 3-4 hours total. We are looking for students, staff, and faculty to participate and offer their insights. In thanks for your participation, we will provide a $20 gift card for the University of Alberta bookstore.
Dental hygiene program changes to degree-only program
The School of Dentistry's dental hygiene program has just made history. Since the program was founded in 1961, it's been a diploma program, but now, we are proud to announce that it is officially a degree-only program.

"Over the years, the profession has changed considerably. To keep up with this change, we kept adding courses to the program, but kept the program length the same," says professor and director of the dental hygiene program Sharon Compton. "Moving from the diploma program to a degree program will best address student learning and student wellness resulting in an enriched overall program experience for our students."

Welcome back!

The John W. Scott Health Sciences Library team would like to welcome students, faculty and staff back to the Library for the Fall Term 2016!  For our Fall Hours, see https://hours.library.ualberta.ca/#view-jws.  

On Display - What do Health Librarians Do?

Not sure what we do? This exhibit explores some of the help and services the Health Science Librarians at the University of Alberta provide to the U of A community.
Date: September 5 - November 11, 2016   
Time: During normal library hours

Take advantage of some four-legged TLC!

We invite everyone to take break from their work and studies to spend some time with these canine therapists. The dogs will be waiting for you near the JWS library entrance. Click here for dates and locations throughout the library system.
Next visit at the Scott: October 26, 2016 @ 12:30 pm

Upcoming Workshops

Introduction to ProQuest RefWorks
The emphasis in this session will be on the use of ProQuest RefWorks for health sciences databases and resources.
Sep 20, 2016
WCM Health Sci Ctr 2F.102

Setting yourself up for success: Research impact for early career scientists

Oct 5, 2016

Time: 09:00-10:00 

WCM Health Sci Ctr 2F.102

Effective Searching in the Health Sciences

Oct 18, 2016
ECHA L1-250
Nov 14, 2016
WCM Health Sci Ctr 2F.102

Harvest Celebration

The EHCA Terrace Garden Committee celebrated the harvest with the prettiest potluck that's ever been. From the deep rosy pink beet hummus, to the grassy green fresh mint water, luscious red tomatoes and even sweet orange apricots baked into a flakey perfect galette (yes - they were from local trees) - the group had a spectacular lunch.

Missed out? Time to join the committee. Never too early to start planning next year's garden :)

Upcoming Events in ECHA


Having an event in ECHA? Post it in the ECHA calendar


Want to know what else is going on in ECHA? Check the ECHA calendar

2012 Constant Contact All Star Award Winner

In This Issue

ECHA contacts 
Community Engagement 
Office of Lifelong Learning
Abraham Fora

Pam Rock

Medical Laboratory Science

Gail Wacko


Francois Paradis


Public Health

Bob Sadler







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