Happy Birthday ICCER
Sienna Caspar and Sandra Woodhead Lyons welcomed specialists from across Alberta
for an engaging interactive presentation.
The Institute for Continuing Care Education and Research (ICCER) marked its fifth anniversary last week with presentations by Sienna Caspar in both Calgary and Edmonton. Currently a PhD candidate at UBC, Caspar spent over 15 years as a certified therapeutic recreation specialist in long-term care (LTC) facilities. Three years ago, she lived with her late husband in a palliative care unit while he faced stage 4 cancer and developed dementia.
Caspar spoke about how the social organization of resident care influences the provision of person-centred care. Participants, including policy makers, researchers and educators, front-line workers and patients, both in person and via video and teleconference came to hear this very informed and informative presentation. Read more...
It's baaa - aack: a unique opportunity for students to learn about patient safety while working in teams. Mark your calendars! October 31 and November 1, 2013.Check the HSERC website for more details in the next week.
Where can students study in ECHA?
All student study spaces are located on floors L1,1 and 2. We have placed new posters around floors 3,4 and 5 to provide students with information about the study spaces available to them; these posters have QR links to maps of all study space. Please feel free to download the poster (linked in the right side menu) for use in your area. Also feel free to direct students to this information if they are not sure where to find quiet space in this building.
(This does not apply to students with touch down or office space in ECHA provided by their faculty or school.)
Get ready for ECHA's chili cook off
Staff and faculty inECHA are invited to participate in the Charity Chili Cook Off, hosted by the School of Public Health. Challenge your colleagues to a friendly competition! Winner(s) of the Fan Favourite will get to donate all profits to the charity of their choice.
- Friday, November 29, 2013
- South Atrium, 3rd Floor
- 12 - 1p.m. (Teams will go from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for set-up and clean-up)
Space is limited, so hurry and sign your team up to compete!
Questions? Contact Shona Williams at 2-6407 or shonaw@ualberta.ca for more details.
You've heard of a life hack - what about a health hack? Do you have a problem that needs an innovative solution? Or maybe you have a great idea and you just need to meet the right people to get it off the ground. Hacking Health may be just the thing for you. The Edmonton Hackathon. Coming to ECHA this November.
Harry Potter Display @ Scott on now until October 26, 2013
Currently on display at the John W. Scott Health Sciences Library is a collection of works that will be used in the upcoming event, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Science, Magic, and Medicine based on the Harry Potter series. "Let's Talk Science" will be hosting the event Saturday, October 26th at the Katz building starting at 10am.
Celebrate Open Access Week October 21-27, 2013!
Open Access (OA) will maximize research investments, increase the exposure and use of published research, facilitate the ability to conduct research across available literature, and enhance the overall advancement of scholarship. Many research funding agencies, academic institutions, researchers and scientists, teachers, students, and members of the general public support a move towards Open Access. Open Access Week is an opportunity for all members of the community to promote greater participation.
Upcoming Workshops
- ERA & You: Preserving and Profiling Your Work ("An Open Access initiative")
- Introduction to Systematic Review Searching - RCPSC CME Credit Available
Dates and times available at http://www.library.ualberta.ca/studenttraining/
Breaking Stereotypes student photo contest
Submit a creative photo of yourself with a poster demonstrating how you are breaking a stereotype on campus to win amazing prizes.
* Email your photos to osdhr@ualberta.ca to enter University of Alberta's Office of Safe Disclosure & Human Rights photo contest.
* Use the hashtag #breakingstereotypes both in the photo and on Twitter @uofahumanrights to share your pictures on our photo blog.
Enter by November 15, 2013 at 4:30 pm MST to win awesome 1st, 2nd and 3rd place p
rizes including gift cards to the U of A bookstore and a mini camera!
Check out the SAW events happening in ECHA next week!
Upcoming Events in ECHA
Having an event in ECHA? Post it in the ECHA calendar
Want to know what else is going on in ECHA? Check the ECHA calendar
Student Study Space poster is here!
Please call
for ALL building maintenance
See FAQ here
ECHA contacts:
Dentistry, Suzanne Roy
Community Engagement,
Physician Learning Program, Debbie Smeaton
Therese Vanden Broek
Trish Whelan
Pam Rock
Medical Laboratory Science,
Jennifer McPhee
Umar Yusuf or Gail Wacko
John Bell
Sandra Pichler
Frank Hanta
Public Health,
Bob Sadler
Louanne Campbell
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