July 3, 2015

BBVLP wins American Bar Association award

The Birmingham Bar Association will be awarded the American Bar Association Harrison Tweed award at the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago at the end of July for the successful efforts of the BBVLP to reinvigorate its three weekly Help Desks. Thank you volunteer attorneys for making this award possible. Click here to read more.
Mom needs help

This mother of three children, who is an American citizen, is seeking a divorce from her illegal immigrant husband who is in Immigration and Customs Enforcement jail in Louisiana for abusing her. The mother needs the divorce so her husband does not get out, come to Alabama, and continue to hurt her. Please contact Heather Bussey for more information. 

Volunteer at a Help Desk

Volunteer Attorney Maura Goodwyn talks to two clients who are being checked in at the Domestic Relations Help Desk by BBVLP interns Mary Lambert and Karis Hood as Volunteer Attorney Matthew Griffin reviews a file. Goodwyn, a regular and longtime Help Desk volunteer, says: "I volunteer because I believe in the legal system and the BBVLP's efforts to make it accessible to everyone."

The BBVLP holds Help Desks on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday every week. Please sign-up for a two-hour time slot.

Client can pay for his medicine thanks to Attorney Walter McArdle

Client Delmous Perry was having to choose between paying for his medicine or paying for his bills until Attorney Walter McArdle, Spain & Gillon, entered the picture.

"Attorney McArdle was a lifesaver," Perry said. "I have always been one to pay my debt but since being put on disability I just couldn't pay my bills." 

McArdle helped Perry, who he called a "model client," file bankruptcy so he could get a fresh start. 

"It always feels good to help someone," McArdle said. "It's nice to give back to the community."
Thank you to the attorneys who closed cases:

John Aaron, Aaron Law Firm, helped his client negotiate a settlement agreement for a debt owed.

Benajmin Cohn, Williams, Elliot & Edwards, closed two uncontested divorces.

William McArdle, Spain & Gillon
Thank you to the attorneys that volunteered at Help Desks this week:

District Court Help Desk: 27 clients on Monday and Thursday
Rosemary Alexander, Shunnarah Injury Lawyers
Patricia Doblar
Gregg McCormick, Bressler Amery Ross
Ryan Myers, Cory Watson
Moses Stone, Stone Law Firm, LLC

Domestic Relations Help Desk: 28 clients helped on Wednesday
Meredith Busby
Patricia Doblar
Matthew Griffin
Leon Johnson
John Milledge
Margaret Philips, Legal Services Alabama
Thank you to the attorneys who accepted cases:

Rachel Barlotta, Baker Donelson, acceptec an uncontested divorce.
Linda Fiveash is helping a grandmother adopt her three grandchildren after their mother was killed.
James Griffin, James B. Griffin, LLC
Gregg McCormick, Bressler Amery Ross
Jim McLaughlin, Maynard Cooper, is helping a father who overpaid child support
Carolynn Moore
Birmingham Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program
  205-250-5198  | E-Mail | vlpbirmingham.org