VCIC Building Inclusive Schools

June 2015

Diversity & Inclusion Conference
20/20 Campaign
Resources List


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 Initiatives and observances

to advance character education 

Ally Week

~ October 12-16, 2015 ~


Mix It Up Day

~ October 27, 2015


No Name-Calling Week
~ January 18-22, 2016 ~ 



 Grant opportunities to recognize individual
leadership or support class projects and clubs.

$200 grant

Deadline: June 8, 2015


Crayola Creative
Leadership Grants

$2,500 grant
Deadline: June 22, 2015 



Student competitions
linked to diversity
and inclusion.

Virginia Center for

Inclusive Communities

5511 Staples Mill Road 

Suite 202

Richmond, VA 23228

Ph:  (804) 515-7950
Fax: (804) 515-7950   



The end of a fiscal year always gives us an opportunity to look back and look ahead.  As we reflect on another year helping Virginia's schools, businesses, and communities achieve success through inclusion, there is much to celebrate and much to look forward to at the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities!


Over the last twelve months, VCIC has broken every record in our history in terms of number of programs conducted, number of people reached, donations received through individual giving, and amount of grant funds secured to support our program work.  


We are especially proud that our engagement of over 20,000 Virginians in FY15 reflects an increase of over 150% since last year and a nearly 500% increase over the last decade!

FY16 starts on July 1, and there are many new and exciting program initiatives already in the works that will move us closer to VCIC's vision of a Virginia where every person is included and where prejudice, intolerance, and fear of facing those issues don't stand in the way of success for our schools, businesses, and communities.

Our next update will be sent in September.  As you plan for the 2015-2016 school year, please let us know how VCIC can partner with you to build more inclusive, affirming, and just school communities.  Contact our office by phone at (804) 515-7950 or by emailing Jessica Hawthorne, Youth Program Coordinator, Meriel Mart�nez, Education & Training Coordinator, or Jonathan Zur, President & CEO.


2nd Annual Eastern Virginia Regional Diversity & Inclusion Conference


Earlier this year, the Hampton Roads Diversity & Inclusion Consortium entered in to a formal partnership with the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities.  Together, we are proud to hold the 2nd annual Eastern Virginia Regional Diversity & Inclusion Conference on Tuesday, October 20 at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel & Conference Center.


The conference aims to bring together change agents, aspiring business leaders, community leaders, and those who want to improve the bottom line of their organizations.  The 2015 conference theme is "Promoting Inclusive Excellence."


Early-bird registration is available through June 30.  Group discounts are also available.


20/20 Campaign: A Vision for a More Inclusive Virginia


In August, the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities will once again hold the "20/20 Campaign: A Vision for a More Inclusive Virginia."  This campaign engages supporters including board members, chapter members, and program participants to get 20 friends to donate $20 over a 20-day period.  Over the last two years, nearly $20,000 has been raise for Inclusive Communities. 


This year, VCIC will provide individual guidance to all 20/20 participants to help you set up your online fundraising page, and a toolkit will be developed with fundraising ideas, sample messages, and other resources to support outreach efforts.


Please email Jonathan to let us know if you will participate as a fund raiser in the 20/20 Campaign this year!


Multicultural Education


This month's resources list focuses on multicultural education.  Please share your ideas and suggestions for future updates!