The Greater Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
Winter 2015 Newsletter |
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General Membership Meetings
are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 8:00am.
Refer to our website front page for updates
Program: VP Security Officer for Suffolk County National Bank Business Security Awareness: ATM Skimming, Cyber Security, Latest Fraud & Scams Binute- Presented by Kevin Wood
Maritime Explorium
Port Jeff Harbor, 101 East Broadway, Port Jefferson
Program:State of the Village Address-Mayor Margot Garant; Swearing in of the New Port Jefferson Board of Directors
Danfords Inn, 25 East Broadway
MARCH 24th
Program:"The 7 Rules for Building an Effective Business" by Marty Cohen
The Arden, Port Jefferson
APRIL 28th
Program:SC Controller John Kennedy
Location: TBA
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 | Brewster House |
Earring Tabu
Small Business Saturday
Photos: Courtesy of Port Jeff Chamber of Commerce
Recapping on the past year as winter is upon us, the Chamber continues to be vibrant and looks forward for another productive year in providing services to our Chamber Partners and visitors.
Being more involved with our community this past year, the Chamber was pro-active in sending in position statements in response to such projects in our local area as 112 deluxe apartment project by TriTec, Upper Port Jefferson Revitalization Plan and the reconfiguration and planning of the Heatherwood Golf Course. In addition the Chamber was asked to sponsor 'meet the candidate night' for the 2014 Village elections and donated money to the capital kick-off program for the renovation of the Rocketship park.
In September for the first time the Chamber sponsored the 'Port Jefferson Dragon Boat Race Festival'. Hugely successful, everything came together after 2 years in the planning! Well attended, perfect weather, great food and entertainment and not to forget the races! Sixteen teams competed with the final first place winner going to our partner Stony Brook University!
In December the Chamber increased the visitation days to Santa's Workshop. Those Saturdays before Christmas gave families an added opportunity to visit with Santa and to enhance their shopping experience.
This February the Chamber will swear in a new Board of Directors with a number of new energized members!
All of this and the Chamber maintains our signature events starting in April with our beloved Easter Parade, May with the Health & Wellness Expo, in June Green Fest, September our NOW Dragon Festival, October the Taste of Port Jefferson and finishing off the year with the Santa Parade and involvement with the Charles Dickens Festival. Not to preclude minor participation in the Boater's
Maritime Festival and Harvest Festival!! In addition to being a Visitor Center and providing member services to our partners, the Chamber remains active and diligent.
So please renew your membership if you have not already done so. Our Board of Directors works tirelessly to help bring continued benefits to the general membership and to the business community as a whole. Hope to see you all at our next GMM January 27th at the Maritime Explorium Museum in PJ Village.
Our Program is with the VP of Security for Suffolk County National Bank on the topic of Business Security Awareness: ATM Skimming, Cyber Security, Latest Fraud & Scams. Also Kevin Wood of LIB2B, a Chamber Partner who will discuss; What is "Binute?"
Happy New Year, Suzanne Velazquez President-Greater Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce
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Chamber Partner the Blue Sapphire Spa, owner Lisa Forsyth has moved on to new adventures and has successfully sold her business to two sisters-Grace Figueroa and Sandra Cummings. The spa's smooth transfer was without interruptive service for their customers. The Chamber welcomes them and wishes them much success.
Buzz around the Village is that a new draught beer tap style restaurant is going in where the old Mesita Coastal Cantina Restaurant was on the corner of Arden and Main Street. Let's hope a new vibrant business opens there soon, hate to see prime real estate vacant!
In November the last comments were made for the Port Jefferson 2030 Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Port Jefferson. TUESDAY January 20, 2015 - 7:00 PM at the Village Center is the last Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing. Hopefully with this New Year the plan will be fully ratified and the recommendations can start to be implemented!
Congratulations to our new 2015 Board of Directors. Newly Appointed and now elected, Wei Guo Gowan and Sherry Sobel. Two new Directors, Wayne Vitale and Kevin Wood.
In addition the re-election of Leah Dunaief, Jolie Powell, Stu Vincent, Joanne Cornell, Melissa Petsco, Suzanne Velazquez, Carol Koutrakos, Joanne Frischling, Jim Karras, Mary Joy Pipe, Peter Moloney, and Maryanne Douglas. Thank you all who were part of this process!
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The south end, east side of Main Street in the Village was the location for this year's house tour. With great diligence the Chamber was able to secure 5 NEW homes for the tour! Again all homes were built in the 1800's and this year there were 3 interior designers who contributed with the homes' decorations. Unfortunately that Saturday, December 6th the weather did not cooperate, with rain all day and into the night. This did not help last minute ticket sales and even the advanced sales were very much down.
Trying to create a new buzz with the tour the Chamber included a new feature for ticket holders by adding a cocktail hour before the tour started. Hosted by the new restaurant Old Fields, this tiered ticket of $45 included a selection of hot & cold passed hors d'oeuvres with a choice of wine & craft beer. (Standard ticket $25)
The Chamber also created printed 'gift-cards' for purchase that reproduced the homes portraits. This year the original home portraits were done by artist Donna Drake. These graphics make up the actual ticket and with the well written personal and historic narratives of each home written by Cathy O'Sullivan, created a substantial keep-sake ticket.
With the extreme effort that goes into the production of this traditional event and the concerted struggle to always have good value and fresh ideas, there is much discussion regarding revamping the entire tour. After 19 years and lackluster ticket sales, there is strong consideration to not only change the venue but to move the date from the Dickens Festival to the following weekend. Also no longer limiting to homes just in downtown Port Jefferson Village, but opening up to the idea of using private grander homes, not necessarily historic.
So stay tuned for the 2015 house tour. Look for surprises and newfound energy!
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The Chamber held its annual Santa Parade Thanksgiving weekend, always the Saturday right after Thanksgiving. The weather held up, cold and a bit over cast, but dry! Each year the parade seems to get longer and longer with no exception this year. With a request from our business community the parade was started later this year, 3:00 pm instead of our regular 1:00 pm. This seemed to be well received by the merchants, having the shopping day not so split up. It also enhanced the natural lighting as dusk closed in; highlighting the lights decorating Santa's Workshop and the Village.
Long Island Street Rod made their usual appearance again, with a large presence coming down the hill from the Long Island Railroad! Our standard parade attendees showed up with their floats, marching units, and specialty cars. Thank you to all our Chamber partners and special VIP's who joined in.
Since it was not too dark, safety being a priority for the long line of children waiting to see Santa, the Santa's Workshop was well attended. Santa sat in his gorgeous dark green velvet oversized chair where he received all the children and listened to their gift wishes. They left with big smiles and a candy cane! Santa, played by our Chamber friend Tad Cox, truly has Santa living in his heart. His gorgeous flowing natural white beard and jovial personality really reflected in his interaction with ALL the children! This year the Chamber also sponsored 2 additional Saturdays in December for photo opportunities with Santa. He was also there during the Charles Dickens Weekend. All of this was to help enhance the shopping experience for visitors and residences who patronize our local businesses.
Thanks to Pat Darling and her creativity the 'Drowned Meadow Cottage' turns into a Santa wonderland with beautiful confectionaries, vignettes, and toy shop. Santa arrives by horse and carriage sponsored by Jimmy Miller owner of Miller Marine. Our favorite horse Oreo pulling the large wagon adorned with bells, sparkly painted hoofs and reindeer antlers, adds hometown flavor to this traditional custom of bringing in the Holiday Season!
Thank you to Port Jefferson Code with the assistance with traffic control and pedestrian safety.
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December 16th the Chamber held its holiday breakfast at Lombardi's on the Sound. Instead of having yet another 'holiday' party to attend during the very busy month of December the Chamber for the past few years has opted to have their standing general membership meeting act as a holiday meeting and not having the usual continental breakfast, but a full one and no formal program. This year Chamber partners and guests arrived with the live background musical performance of Chamber Partner Sophie Arbuckcle owner of Port Jefferson Music Academy and her little daughter accompanying her with their duo violin playing. The buffet style breakfast consisted of scramble eggs, french toast, sausage, bacon, potatoes, assorted muffins/bagels, juice coffee and tea.
The festive mood was relaxed and gave attendees a moment to catch up with friends.
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The Brookhaven Chamber of Commerce Coalition is once again offering their 'Small Business Improvement Award Grant. The Port Jefferson Chamber's Partners are eligible to submit their letters of request. Guidelines and contact info are below. Your letter of request is your 'formal application'.
Small Business Improvement Award-$1,200:
- Businessmay not be larger than 50 employees
- Business must be a member of their local chamber or any chamber in the Town of Brookhaven.
- That chamber must be a member of the BCCC in good standing.
- Only Business owners or main principles of the business may submit an application for the award.
- Proof of ownership or entitlement (manager, executive) must be presented with the application.
- Requests for the award will be judged by how beneficial the money will be used to improve the business. i.e. updating and purchasing equipment, capital improvements, professional services; i.e. consulting evaluations, business plans, marketing strategies, promotional advertising, signs, energy efficient improvements-lighting, insulation etc.
*Money may not be used to supplement operating expenses of the business.
*Proof of expenditure must be presented 6 months after the award, unless other pre-approved arrangements have been made.
Letters of request must be emailed to with BCCC 'Small Business Improvement Award' in the subject area. ALL requests MUST BE EMAILED BY FEBUARY 27TH DEADLINE.
The award will be given out at their Annual Member of the Year Reception April 21, 2015 at West Lake Inn in Patchogue.
All questions can be directed to Barbara Ransome at 631-474-5019 or email at
In addition the BCCC is accepting applications for their Scholarship:
Value $1,000.00
- Any Town of Brookhaven 2015 graduating High School Senior
- Must be continuing their education in business-college, trade school, etc.
- Must submit a 500 word essay answering, "Why I want to continue my education in business."
Essays must be emailed by 2/27/15 at
Judging for scholarships takes place March 4, 2015
AND if you know of any chamber member you would like to nominate for the Port Jefferson Chamber Member of the year please read the below criteria.
A letter must be submitted explaining how this Chamber Partner of good standing has demonstrated their commitment to the Greater Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce.
Examples of Service: Length of membership Chaired committees Has been an officer Increased membership Created a new event Brought the organization up to a new level Developed new and better membership services
- In addition make sure the letter is signed by a Chamber member of good standing, i.e. an officer of the organizations or director.
- Some personal information is helpful to add to the letter representing a well-rounded individual, i.e. other commitments to their community, family, and any additional volunteerism that balances the resume.
Please note that the letter of introduction IS the application. There is no other formal document needed.
ALL letters MUST be emailed by February 27th so that they maybe review for consideration for the awards dinner in April 21st.
Email at
Questions: 631-474-5019-Barbara Ransome-BCCC, President
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MAY 9th
Health & Wellness Expo
Easter Parade, Easter Sunday
JUNE 6th-7th
Boater's Maritime Festival
JUNE 13th
Green Fest
Port Jefferson Dragon Boat Race Festival
SEPTEMBER 25th-27th
American Music Festival
A Taste of Port Jefferson
Harvest Festival-Scare Crow Walk
Santa Parade
DECEMBER 4th-6th
20th Annual Charles Dickens Festival
'Homes of Harbor Hills-Lantern Light House Tour
are held the 4th Tuesday of the month at 8:00am
Program: VP Security Officer for Suffolk County National Bank Business Security Awareness: ATM Skimming, Cyber Security, Latest Fraud & Scams
Binute-Presented by Kevin Wood What is "Binute"? A high quality, captivating video communicating your business. You can use your Binute on social media and beyond to promote your business continually at no cost!
Location: Maritime Explorium at Port Jeff Harbor, 101 East Broadway, Port Jefferson,
Program:State of the Village Address-Mayor Margot Garant; Swearing in of the New Port Jefferson Board of Directors
Location: Danfords Inn, 25 East Broadway
MARCH 24th Program:"The 7 Rules for Building an Effective Business" by Marty Cohen Location: The Arden, Port Jefferson
APRIL 28th Program:SC Controller John Kennedy Location: TBA
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$5 Off |
156 West Broadway
Port Jefferson, NY
(631) 509-5744
$5 off any $20 order!
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640 Belle Terre Rd., Bldg. 14 Port Jefferson, NY 11777 (631) 928-4599
hearing aids from our practice. (Not to be combined with other offers)
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EVO Merchant Services
will waive the yearly fee of $79.00 to anyone who signs up with us.
Ginny Bove-Grier
515 Broad Hollow Road
Melville, NY 11747
(631) 786-3667
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Contracting & Handyman Services!
Jolie Powell Realty
406 Main St
Port Jefferson, NY 11777
631-473-0420 office
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Michael J. Beck
4747-28 Nesconset Highway
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776
Receive a 5%-10% Discount on Auto and Home Insurance
accident forgiveness immediately as long as you have a clean license
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Accounting & Consultants
Joseph O'Hara
1125 Route 112
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776
(631) 403-4283
Offering Chamber Members $50 off all tax services during tax season
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Free Consult |
Tess Son 'Helping entrepreneurs build their presence online'
248 Rte. 25A Suite 80
East Setauket, NY 11733
(631) 523-6431
FREE website report and a 15 minute strategy consultation to build your online presence and be easily ranked in the top search engine.
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