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Peoples' Wellness News
     Holistic. Local. Timely.
in the City!
June 2013
Dear (Contact First Name),
The heat has arrived and Peoples has you covered, from sunburn remedies to travel tips! If the bugs get bad, remember that all locations carry natural, DEET-free insect repellants that are safe for kids, such as one of our favorites - All-Terrain Herbal Armor! If you're looking for a little reset this summer, don't forget about our 3-Day Seasonal Cleanse featuring our new, delicious cold-pressed juice blends. Here's to a great summer!

"Genius is initiative on fire."  

~ Holbrook Jackson

Homeopathy for Sunburn

Summer may not officially begin until the solstice later this month but the weather here in Texas already has many of us thinking of outdoor activities. Hopefully we also remember the strength of the summer sun and how to protect our skin from increased exposure.                                                                         Read more 

Strategies for Immune Support on Vacation

You're preparing for a summer excursion and the excitement is welling up. You've remembered to pack all of the important items and get the kids ready to go, but what about your immune system once you depart? Here are some helpful tips to stay well while traveling!           

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Tips to Avoid Blood Clots While Traveling

 While blood clots may seem like something  only suffered by individuals who aren't in  the best of shape, did you know that anyone  can get a blood clot simply by sitting too  long?                                                  

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The Juice is Loose!
If you've lived in Austin for more than 20 minutes, chances are you've passed by a shop that sells fresh juice. However, there are problems with many of these shops: they don't always use organic produce and they usually use a typical centrifugal juicer. So, what's the alternative?                                                       Read more →
Healthforce Nutritionals' Fruits of the Earth
Peoples is excited to carry a new superfood blend that is perfect for natural energy support this summer! Healthforce Nutritionals' Fruits of the Earth boasts an exceptionally high ORAC/antioxidant value and is composed of 80% superfruits and 20% alkalizing vegetables.   
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Ask the ND: Male Reproductive Health Tips
In honor of Father's Day on June 16, we are celebrating Men's Health Week June 11-17What is more fitting than discussing a man's reproductive health, as that is what leads to fatherhood!                
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An Overview of the Hiatal Hernia Diet
A particularly overlooked and lesser-known diet is the Hiatal Hernia Diet which focuses on eliminating foods that exacerbate gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Click to find out more about this diet's extensive benefits.                                                                                                                              Read more  

20% OFF 
all Seaweed Bath 
Company products!
Savings may not be combined with any other discount program.
Offer valid at all locations. Printed coupon not necessary.
Offer Expires: June 30th, 2013

15% OFF
 Transformation Enzymes Probiotic 42.5!
Savings may not be combined with any other discount program. 
Offer valid at all locations. Printed coupon not necessary. 
Offer Expires: June 30th, 2013
Upcoming Events


Seasonal Cleanse Lunch & Learns
Tuesdays in June, 12:15pm-12:45pm

Cook to Live: Series I
Mondays in June, 7pm

Flower Essences: Keys to Emotional Well-Being
June 4th, Tues. 7pm

Food Allergies: The Hidden Epidemic
June 11th, Tues. 7pm

Mind-Body Connection
June 18th, Tues. 7pm

Anxiety & Sleep Disorders
June 25th, Tues. 7pm

At Peoples Lakeline:


Summertime Blues: Beating Depression Naturally 

June 3rd, Mon. 7pm


Yoga Support for Thyroid Issues

Thursdays in June, 6:30pm


Candida: The Enemy Within

June 11th, Tues. 7pm


The Trouble of Thyroid

June 17th, Mon. 7pm


Laughter is the Best Medicine

June 24th, Mon. 7pm


Neuro-Emotional Technique for Stress
June 6th, Thurs. 6:30pm

Hill Country Fasting Retreat
June 20th-24th

ADHD Clinic Meeting
June 27th, Thurs.
6:30 pm

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