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Peoples' Wellness News
     Holistic. Local. Timely.
Happy New Year!
January 2013
Hope your 2013 is off to a great start! Peoples is ready to help you keep it that way! As Oprah said, "Cheers to a new Year, and another chance for us to get it right."
Peoples' 3-Day Winter Cleanse
Featuring organic, cold-pressed juices, nutrient dense smoothies, and homemade vegetable broths, this 3-day cleanse was specifically designed by naturopathic doctor, Julia Strickler* to promote a sense of rejuvenation. People often report weight loss, improved energy, clearer thinking, and better digestion as a result of cleansing. Come in to any one of our locations to learn more!  
*The state of Texas does not license naturopathic doctors.
Ask the ND: "Beating the Winter Blues"
Depression Sad
Each month we ask one of our naturopathic physicians* to answer a question we're hearing a lot on the floors at Peoples. This month, Becky Andrews, ND, MSA offers a helpful guide to surviving and thriving through the often stressful winter months.                                 Read more →
Product Pick: Immune Essentials
Immune Essentials by Xymogen
Immune Essentials by Xymogen features Whole Beta Glucan particles, Olive Leaf extract and Vitamin C to support the body's innate defenses against acute immune challenges like the cold and flu virus. In clinical trials, purified 1,3/1,6 Beta Glucan significantly reduced the number of days with immune distress. The olive leaf extract in this formula inhibits the growth of microbes by stimulating the immune system's defenses, while vitamin C adds healthy antioxidant support. At the onset of symptoms, take 3 capsules twice a day and repeat as needed.
21-Day Group Cleanse Starting Up!
Green Juice

LoveLife Method is turning it's revolutionary Coach-Guided, food-based cleanse program into a group option. Countless clients have called their experience "Life Changing".  Kick off is this Saturday, January 26th or Tuesday, the 29th!                Read more  

Monopolies Tie the Hands of Healthcare
hands tied

Even though The World Health Organization estimates that between 65 and 80 percent of the world's population rely on naturopathic or homeopathic medicine as their primary form of health care, there is a clear intent by US conventional health care trade organizations to limit or restrict public access and freedom of choice.               Read more → 

Upcoming Events
Lecture Seminar Matt DeBow

The Gut/Mood Connection
Jan. 29th Tues. 

Lifestyle Transformation & Weight Loss in 2013
Jan. 31st Thurs. 7pm
Intro to Homeopathy & Common Remedies
Feb. 5th Tues. 

Women's Health: Menopause
Feb. 12th Tues. 7pm

At Peoples Lakeline:


ADD & ADHD: Taming the Beast
Jan. 29th Tues. 7pm

Gluten-free, Dairy-free Easily
Feb. 4th Mon. 6pm

Naturally Beat Heart Disease, Cholesterol & Blood Pressure
Feb. 4th Mon. 7pm

Soaking, Sprouting & Dehydrating
Feb. 11th Mon. 6pm

Healing Through Medication & Relaxation
Feb. 11th Mon. 7pm

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