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People Cover 

page 2

Rachel and Diony
The Victorin Family, Rachel, Esther Hope, ( with Elisha Lancaster) and Diony Victorin at the KCIS AM 630 Studios on the air with Carrie Abbott and The Legacy Institute.
Now you can LISTEN to the story!
with Carrie Abbott on Legacy Out Loud Radio Program
On December 17th & 18th they were all together in the studio, and
now you can hear the story in their own words.


Listen HERE   Part One, December 17th
 Listen HERE   Part Two, December 18th 

Carrie Abbott
Carrie Abbott : President www.TheLegacyInstitute.com
Thank you Carrie, for having us all "in studio"! -Maria Lancaster
Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park
Contact Us:
Maria D. Lancaster, Executive Director
Toll Free 888-959-7712
Office 425-214-4512
Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park
A ministry of Cedar Park Church...
....Dedicated to uniting families for life!  
Pastor Joe
Dr. Joseph B. Fuiten Sr. Pastor
Cedar Park Church, Bothell, WA


Look What the Lord 

Has Done! 

Christmas Family

Photos 2012


Here is big boy Cooper with
Nic and Melissa. His second
Christmas! It only gets better
from here Mom and Dad! 

Laura & Matt with William
Another big guy discovering the

 new world and all Santa has to

offer! Matt and Laura love their

baby boy, William. 


Here is one of my favorite families

  Tom and Stacy, and ALL girl Haly.

She's 2, and Christmas expert

by now. Stacy is our facebook

manager! Thank God!

 Love the hair, Tom.  




Allie Batism
This is Allison Marie's first

Christmas. Congratulations

Julie and Rob, enjoy every

minute of the season with

your new gift of LIFE!




Here is Matt & Colleen with the three miracle girls, and Grama

and Grandpa. A beautiful family portrait. Merry Christmas to

you all!


Tax Deductible Year End Giving Opportunity!

The Gift of Life
Last year your generous gifts
enabled us to get little girls like
this one (and boys to!) out of the
freezer, and  into loving families.
We are a non-profit organization,
and we depend on you,
thank you!
Donate Button 

Esther Hope
We are on track for 12 babies to
 be born in the first part of 2013!!
Your help means we can help
more families to adopt frozen
embryos. It's as simple as that.
If you would like to particicate 
through sending a check, 
our mailing address is:
Embryo Adoption Services
of Cedar Park
Lake Place Office Center
1605 NW Sammamish Road
 Suite 250
Issaquah, WA  98027
jeff and maria


We sincerely thank you for the consideration of your gift to Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park. You, make a difference!

Maria Lancaster

Executive Director