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   September  2011  Newsletter                     Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park 


"Everyone shall stand in awe and confess the greatness of the miracles of God....  

they will realize what amazing things He does."

Psalm 64:9    


Esther Grace newborn


Happy Birthday! - September 28th, 2011  

Born at 6#5oz. 18.5 inches long! A special day for a special family! 

Esther Hope, once in the freezer for several years, now the new beautiful daughter to Rachel and Diony!   


  Rachel and Diony Victorin by water  

Proud parents, Rachel and Diony 

Congratulations, Mom and Dad!     


Esther in basket 

 Look what the Lord has done!    



The Lancasters at Cedar at Cedar Park
Jeff and Maria Lancaster with Elisha, adopted as a frozen embryo in 2003.

Maria D. Lancaster  

Executive Director

email me here.. 








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esther with her hand
Life is good!
What a great day to be born!

Embryo Adoption Services is a ministry of Cedar Park Church. All contributions
are tax deductible. 
Click here to offer your tax-deductible gift!
(Designation: Adopt an Embryo)
About Us
Faith for Life

Pastor Joe Fuiten

Dr. Joseph B. Fuiten
Founder, Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park 


Greetings from the
donor family!

Dear Rachel and Diony,

"We are thrilled to know that you are now the parents you longed to be! It is our great joy to know that our embryos, and now Esther Grace have brought you the happiness of being a mom and dad. It is a great gift to us, to know that you are her parents, and that we were able to be part of your miracle. We could not be more
at peace"!

"When we heard about this program, it was the answer to many prayers. We did not know what to do until we saw an article in the newspaper about Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park. Thank you for helping our family. We are so grateful to know Esther Hope has been born"!       
- Jodi and Larry   
Embryo donors to  
Rachel and Diony


Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park


Lake Place Office Center

1605 NW Sammamish Road #250

Issaquah, WA 98027



425-214-4512 or
