News from the Corner
March 31 - April 13, 2013
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RBC 411
| Ravensworth Baptist Church 5100 Ravensworth Road Annandale, VA 22003
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sunday School -- 9:30 a.m. Worship -- 11:00 a.m. ________________________
Ravensworth Baptist Church is an inclusive and welcoming Christian community where expressing the love of God to all people is central to our worship, study, and service.
In the middle of this Holy Week, I want to pause with a grateful prayer for Gordon Cosby, who died last week at the age of 95. He is survived by his wife, Mary. The two of them envisioned, during the 1940's, a community on mission which became the Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C. It would be impossible to fathom or exaggerate the influence of the Cosby's lives and ministry, and their vision which never became a valley of dry bones. Many of you know the story of the Church of the Saviour, and how the communities of worship and mission which continue to bear witness to its vision offer an ongoing challenge to the church at large--every church, including ours.
Two years ago, when Gordon was a mere 93, I attended a noontime prayer with him and a few others in the small chapel at the Festival Center. I was with a friend who has been very close to the Cosby's for many years. After lunch at the Potter's House, my friend said: "Gordon, what would you like for me to pray for you?"
Without hesitation, as if he knew the question was coming, this great Christian visionary said with deep humility and an expression on his face of utter sincerity: "Pray that I will be given a new vision for the church."
Imagine that! He never stopped envisioning, never stepped outside the flow of the Spirit who is always making things new. Gordon Cosby meant so much to so many, and I will never forget the impact his prayer request had on me. I am taking it to heart during this Holy Week, and I offer it to all of you. On the edge of Easter, Gordon Cosby continues to inspire keep praying for a new and fresh vision, for what it is that's coming up next in our life with God and our mission to the world, as we serve the crucified and risen Jesus.
Prayer Concerns:
- Betty Weimer
- Carrie Karegeannes
- Betty Smith
- Mary Nelle Evans
- Wanda Dobbins
- Walter Duncan, Jr., Kathy Ichter's brother
- Daniel Van Gorder and family
- Anita Lawrence, James Parker's daughter
- Wylene Roan
- Jerry Haas, Cathy Baskin's brother
- Barbara Farmer, Dorothy Farmer's daughter
- Lisa Eversburg
- Jim Weber, Carol Weber's brother
- Oakley Fender, and Bob Moss, Gail Fewell's uncles
- Bea Fones
- Gail Fewell
- Dot Runion, Mary Padgett's sister
- Diane Hines
- Billie Moore, Bea Fones's sister
- The men and women of the armed forces and their families
- J. D. Lawrence, 2nd deployment to Afghanistan
- Tyson Becker, 2nd deployment to Afghanistan
- John Janek, Clarence Hoop's son-in-law
- Thomas Duncan, deployment to Afghanistan
Congratulations... Clarence Hoop on the birth of his newest granddaughter, Bronwen Felicity Janek. Bronwen was born March 20, weighing 7 lbs. and 11.1 oz. Her parents are Melissa and John Janek.
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Holy Week began Palm Sunday. We will have a Maundy Thursday service, at 7:00 p.m. on March 28 in the Fellowship Room. Join us for refreshments and fellowship beginning at 6:30 p.m. Our guest speaker will be Rev. Midiam Lobaina, from the Christian Women's Network, our mission partner in Cuba. We will have a Good Friday Service at 7:00 p.m. on March 29.
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Fellowship Room
Sunday, April 7, 6:00 p.m.
The Youth and Young Adults (YAYAs) of the National Farm Worker Ministry (NFWM) will be traveling to the DC area to participate in a Farm Worker advocacy event. We are pleased to host them at Ravensworth, after their long journey, on the evening of Sunday, April 7th. We will have refreshments at 6:00 p.m., followed by their presentation at 6:30. After the presentation and time for questions, we will have supper for them, and dessert for those from RBC who are able to stay and visit.
This is an extraordinary opportunity to hear about how these young people, mostly college-aged, are active on behalf of farm workers. Here is a quote from the YAYAs web site, : "Inspired by the principles of nonviolence of the farm worker movement, YAYAs support a variety of national and local campaigns led by farm workers. These campaigns seek to improve the oppressive conditions faced by the workers who harvest our food."
We especially hope our own youth and young adults will come support the YAYAs, and be inspired by their commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of farm workers. According to Sylvia Campbell, who is on the NFWM board, "They are a vibrant, engaged group, critical to the success of the ministry."
The Missions Commission will provide food for the event. If you would like to help, please contact Sylvia Campbell, 703-765-2094.
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April 10, Washington National Cathedral
Steve Hyde will interview Father Elias Chacour, Archbishop of the Melkite Catholic Church of Galilee at the Washington National Cathedral, Perry Auditorium on April 10, 7 - 9 p.m. No reservation is required. The event is free and open to the public. This talk, sponsored by the Palestine Israel Advocacy Group of the Cathedral Congregation, is on the topic of "What Are the Things that Make for Peace?"
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Saturday, April 13, 2013, 6:00 p.m.
Join us for a cook out at the home of Jeff Van Ness, 2910 Huntington Grove Square, Alexandria, VA, 22306. We will have food, fellowship, fun, and....a possible Field Trip to the Krispy Kreme Donut Shop (about a block from Jeff's home)!
Jeff will grill hamburgers and hotdogs and also provide beverages! If you can, bring a side dish. If you have a favorite beverage you can bring it, too. Most importantly bring yourself/significant other/friend(s ) if you want! (FYI, Jeff has been providing the treats on Sunday mornings.)
Please RSVP so Jeff will know how many to cook for:, or 703-927-0047.
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Sunday, March 31
- Easter Sunday
- 9:00 Prayer Group
- 9:30 Sunday School
- 10:30 Young Adult Fellowship
- 11:00 Worship
Sunday, April 7
- Second Sunday of Easter
- ACCA Food Sunday
- 9:00 Prayer Group
- 9:30 Sunday School
- 10:30 Young Adult Fellowship
- 11:00 Worship
- 6:30 YAYAs from National Farm Worker Ministry (refreshments 6:00)
Tuesday, April 2
Tuesday, April 9
- 10:00 Tuesday Mornings
- 7:00 Students for Justice in Palestine at GMU
- 7:30 Al-Anon
- 8:30 AA
Wednesday, April 3
- 7:00 Missions Commission
- 7:30 Education Commission
Wednesday, April 10
Thursday, April 4
Thursday, April 11
Friday-Saturday, April 5-7
- Alliance of Baptists Annual Gathering, Greenville, SC
Saturday, April 13
Sunday, March 31
Sunday, April 7
Easter Sunday
Second Sunday of Easter
Sermon by Steve Hyde:
Sermon by Rev. Dr. Y'Lon M. Dozier:
Remember How He Told You
The Nature of Christian Witness
Scripture Readings:
- Isaiah 65:17-25
- Psalm 118:1-2, 4-24
- 1 Corinthians 15:19-26
- Luke 24:1-12
Lectionary Readings:
- Acts 5:27-32
- Psalm 118:14-29
- Revelation 1:4-8
- John 20:19-31
Worship Leader:
Worship Leader:
Erik Giblin
Marshall Marks
Children's Time:
Children's Time:
Cathy Baskin
Jeff Van Ness
Worship Committee Rep.:
Worship Committee Rep.:
Patti Brockmeier
Heather Diamond
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Sunday, March 31
Sunday, April 7
Patti Brockmeier
Ann Hatcher
- Hosts: Elsie Cunningham & JR Carper
- Caller: Bob Sampson
- Cookies: Charlene Christensen
- Committee Rep: Dave Farmer
- Host: Kay Tarazi
- Caller: Ray Roan
- Cookies: Lucyann Billups
- Committee Rep: Steve Gallo
Children's Worship:
Children's Worship:
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Sandi Pope
Jeremy Stokes
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Would you like to become more involved in the life of the church? There are still several unfilled positions for 2013. We ask that you prayerfully consider if you might be a match for one of them, described briefly below:
COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR: Responsible for communication within the church; attends monthly Leadership Council meetings.
ADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSION: One at-large position. Commission is responsible for conducting the business affairs of the church. Usually meets monthly.
CHILDREN'S AND PRESCHOOL DIVISION DIRECTOR: Serves on the Education Commission; usually meets monthly. Coordinates Sunday school programs and acts as liaison between Children's and Preschool Committees and the Commission.
FLOWER COMMITTEE: Three positions. This committee is responsible for providing flowers for worship services and other church programs as needed.
OUTREACH COMMITTEE: One position. Help organize and administer a program of outreach to those who visit our church and within the community.
CHILDREN'S COMMITTEE: One position. Help plan and develop children's activities in coordination with staff and the Education Commission.
YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE: One position. The committee plans and develops youth activities working with staff and youth and through the Education Commission.
Church membership is required for any Commission member but not for Committee members. If you would like more information, please contact Carol Weber. Other committee members are Marshall Marks, Lydia Mercado, Bea Kirby, and Geneva Pope.
Nominating Committee
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Parenting Workshop, Sunday, April 21
4:00--6:00 p.m.
Former member and long time friend, Myra Binns Bridgforth, (daughter of Ercell Binns) will lead a seminar on ScreamFree Parenting at our church on Sunday, April 21st. There is no cost and child care is available with reservations. We already have over 20 families and 20 children pre-registered! Registration closes April 10. You can click here for more information. You can register by contacting the church office, 703-941-4113 or email. We especially want to thank Myra, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, who is donating her time for the planning and the presentation.
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Saturday, April 27, 2013 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wesley Theological Seminary
You are invited to participate in the second annual Sabeel spring workshop: "Palestinians in DC Speak to the Churches." This will be a joint project of Sabeel DC Metro, and the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace. Eight Palestinian women and men from the DC metro area, including our own Dr. G.J. Tarazi, will speak about their personal stories and their passion for doing justice. The cost is $30. You can pay online at For further details and a registration form, click here. Questions? Contact Paul Verduin,, 301-518-5551; or Melinda Thompson, 301-593-0994.
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Food Pantry
The Food Pantry needs additional drivers to pick up items from the food pantry and deliver them to local families. You need to be available once every several months, and you can opt out at any time.The pantry is in special need of rice, dried red and black beans, packaged cookies, canned fruit, and canned meat. Thanks for your continuing support.
Rebuilding Together
One of the first signs of spring is the first announcement of the date for Rebuilding Together--Saturday, April 27. Brad Moffett is our captain again this year. Mark your calendar; more details to come. There will be more something to do for all levels of house and yard skills as we improve housing for neighbors in tough situations.
The Crib Fund
ACCA volunteers delivered the last available baby crib to a new born in February. The furniture program cannot accept cribs and crib mattresses as donations because of new safety regulations that took effect in June 2011. The waiting list for cribs is forming with several families and their babies waiting until more cribs are available.
The Crib Fund was activated when a furniture donor sent $20 in appreciation for the work of the volunteers who picked up her donations. ACCA hopes to raise $6,500 to purchase 30 to 50 new cribs and mattresses. Contributions to the Crib Fund can be sent to ACCA, 7200 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003, or donate online and indicate "Crib Fund."
Bob Sampson
To register for anything you see under "SCAS Events" below, or to get additional information, call the Shepherd's Center of Annandale-Springfield (SCAS) office at 703-941-1419, check out their website, or email them. Send your check to SCAS, 7610 Newcastle Road, Annandale, VA 22003. The office is staffed from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. every weekday.
Volunteer Needs
The Shepherd's Center is currently in real need of volunteers who can drive area seniors to medical appointments. There is a critical and growing need for this service in our area and we currently have too few volunteers to meet the demand. If you have a car and even a day or two a month, this is a great way to really touch the lives of seniors in your community. Drive only as often as you wish and only when it fits your schedule.
SCAS Events
Save the dates:
- Spring Adventures in Learning classes: Wednesdays, April 10 - May 29, 9:15 - 1:00 p.m. each Wednesday for eight weeks. Come early to the first class to register--April 10, 9:00 - 9:15 a.m. Classes will be held at United Baptist Church, 7100 Columbia Pike in Annandale. Classes include: Easy Does it Yoga, World War II Memories, and Multiple Area Cultures, Traditions, and Lifestyles. Cost: $45. This payment entitles you to attend one or all of the classes on each Wednesday during the winter term.
- Lunch N' Life, Thursday, April 25, 11:30 a.m., at St. Alban's Episcopal Church, 6800 Columbia Pike, Annandale. Speaker: Dennis Hardy, PhD. Join us for this unique program to hear Dennis Hardy, PhD, speak on "Solar Energy on a Personal Level (Your Home) Made Easy". Learn the nature of solar energy as it hits the ground (or your roof), understanding the energy units used, and your current personal use of electricity at home. Cost: $10 -- for lunch, fellowship, and information.
Tuesday Mornings
10:00 a.m. -- Bible study
11:15 a.m. -- exercise 12:15 p.m. -- brown bag lunch
Retirees' Breakfast
The Retirees' Breakfast will be held Thursday, April 11 at 9:00 a.m. Cost: $2.50.
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Sunday, April 14
Young Adult Fellowship, 10:30 a.m.
Coffee and Fellowship, 12:15 p.m.
Tuesday, April 16
Tuesday Mornings, 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, April 17
SCAS Spring Adventures in Learning, United Baptist, 9:15 a.m.
Quarterly Business Meeting Reports Due
Thursday, April 18
Leadership Council, 7:00 p.m.
Adult Choir, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 20
Cafe' Ravensworth
Sunday, April 21
Scream Free Parenting Workshop, 4:00 p.m.
Monday, April 22
Deacon Commission, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 23
Tuesday Mornings, 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, April 24
SCAS Spring Adventures in Learning, 9:15 a.m.
Thursday, April 25
SCAS Lunch N' Life, St. Alban's, 11:30 a.m.
Adult Choir, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 27
Rebuilding Together, 7:00 a.m.
Sabeel DC Metro Spring Workshop, 9:30 a.m.
Sunday, April 28
Quarterly Business Meeting, 12:30 p.m.
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