Dakotas Conference UMW Annual Meeting
St. Paul UMC, Jamestown, N.D.
Click here for details
Sakakawea District Welcome and Installation Event at Bismark McCabe
Click here for more details
Eastern Sunrise Welcome and Installation Event at Fargo First UMC
Click here for details
Dakotas Annual Conference 2013 will be held in Bismarck
The Dakotas Annual Conference will be in session June 5-8, 2013
at the Ramkota Inn in Bismarck, N.D. Hotels in Bismarck fill up often so make your room reservations now. There have been several blocks of hotel rooms reserved at the Bismarck hotels.
Click here to
see hotels available...
The 2012 Journal is now available online HERE
Ten Fold. 1 Click. Be Counted
It's October and 10-Fold, an annual interactive global gathering that features United Methodist projects around the world supported by Global Ministries and UMCOR, has returned. This year 10-Fold features five projects, each highlighted for a full week.
October 2012 Schedule
Week 1: Disaster Relief
Week 2: Young People in Mission
Week 3: Mission Initiatives
Week 4: Missionaries
Week 5: Fair Trade

Photo by Rick Craig
Loads of Gifts
Kevin Kelley, Tyler Sarringar, and Nick Hutchinson, DWU wrestlers help to load a ton of UMCOR kits on the semi trailer.
Mitchell, S.D. -- The semi is loaded with gifts from across North Dakota and South Dakota. Thanks to all who collected mission kits and delivered them to locations this past month. The collective effort is impressive.
Thanks to the efforts Matt Sedivy, Dakota Wesleyan University (DWU) wrestling coach, along with DWU wrestlers Kevin Kelley, Tyler Sarringar, and Nick Hutchinson box after box was loaded unto a semi trailer. The semi left the Dakotas Conference Office in Mitchell, SD bound for the UMCOR depot.
Snickers reminds us to forgive by Kari Shea, Dickinson, UMC
As a professional, I am required to take a bunch of continuing education classes to keep up with current trends in my profession, to keep my skills sharp and to keep my professional certification so I can keep my job. This usually means going to conferences or meetings some place and enduring hours of speakers, some good, some not so good, some painfully horrible. The idea is that you come away with a fresh commitment to your profession and you will have a few new ideas to apply to the next unsuspecting client who happens to come in.
Some of the speakers I have heard are wonderfully inspirational. I listen intently to each word they say, take a bunch of notes and resolve that I am going to incorporate their wisdom into my daily work. Then I leave the session and promptly forget half of what I heard. By the time I get up to my hotel room, I might remember 25% of what I heard. By the time I get in my car, travel down the interstate to get home, go through a weekend and return to work on Monday, I can barely remember that I went to a meeting at all. I don't know if I just have a lousy memory or if that is the way things go with seminars and conferences. By Monday morning, all the inspiration has floated away. I seriously should take a memory class. Maybe I will, if I don't forget to sign up for one.
Hope Village News
Volunteers from across the UMC connection serve Minot.
Minot, N.D. -- Catholic Charities North Dakota has dispersed $1,000,000 to the Minot area to be used for building materials ($750,000), unmet needs ($150,000), Mennonite Disaster Service ($100,000) rebuilding and other needs of families receiving assistance from volunteers, and $25,000 to recognize and honor Resources Agency Flood Team (RAFT) volunteer case managers and cover administrative costs.
Williston's Faith UMC Helps Sponsor "Out of the Darkness" Community Walk
Members of FUMC's "Keck's Kandles" walk in memory of Dr. James E. Keck, Psychologist @ Mercy Mental Health, who took his life through drowning in May of 2010. Photo by Jacki Keck.
Williston, N.D. -- Approximately 100 people participated in Williston's "Out of the Darkness" Community Walk on the evening of Sunday, September 16, 2012, at Spring Lake Park in Williston, North Dakota. The event is intended to help raise awareness and erase the stigma surrounding suicide and depression.
Isaac volunteer disaster teams needed
Photo from the Louisiana Conference UMC.
BATON ROUGE, La. (UMNS) - The Louisiana Annual (regional) Conference needs mission teams ready to go to work in areas hard-hit by Hurricane Isaac, especially St. John the Baptist and Livingston parishes.
"For response team members, the personal contact with survivors who have lost homes, jobs and loved ones provides us with the opportunity to share God's love in tangible ways," said the Rev. Don Cottrill, provost and director of connectional ministries for the conference
Dakotas UM Foundation Bulletin Insert
The Dakotas United Methodist Foundation quarterly newsletter is now available. The 3rd Quarter bulletin insert is now available on the Foundation website. Go to www.DakotasUMF.org and click on Newsletters & Inserts tab. You can also check out the new look of the Foundation website!
A note from the Conference Commission on Archives
To church historians and secretaries and those tasked with keeping the records and history of our local churches: your Conference Commission on Archives and History is here to help you. If you need guidelines on what to keep and for how long, contact Archivist Laurie Langland at LaLangLa@dwu.edu or 605-995-2134.
Guidance also is available for compiling church histories and preserving different types of materials. Are you interested in networking with other church historians or the Commission on Archives and History? The CAH is chaired by the Rev. R. Duane Coates (Wagner, SD), and members include the Rev. John Anderson (Fargo, ND), Pat Breidenbach (Mitchell, SD), the Rev. Charles Finney (Mobridge, SD), Cheryl Finney (Sioux Falls, SD), the Rev. Darwin Kopfmann (Wall, SD), Laurie Langland (Fulton, SD), Betty Testerman (Huron, SD), Tom Thaden (Vermillion, SD), and the Rev. Steven Trefz (Brandon, SD).
Welcome and Installation Events
Bishop Bruce R. Ough will serve as the leader for the new Dakotas Minnesota Episcopal Area. Plans are under way to welcome Bishop Bruce R. Ough to the Dakotas this fall. Each district of the Dakotas Annual Conference will host an event that will include worship and fellowship. Events will be held as follows:
Saturday, October 6, 2012, 1:00pm CDT: Bismarck McCabe, 1030 6th St. N., Bismarck, ND
Sunday, October 7, 2012, 3:30pm CDT: Fargo First, 906 1st Ave. S., Fargo, ND
Sunday, October 21, 2012, 3:00 MDT: Rapid City First; 629 Kansas City Street, Rapid City, SD
Click here to read more about Bishop Ough and watch a video interview
Dakotas Conference Communications would love to tell the story of how God is inspiring, energizing, transforming and calling your church to ministry. If you have a story to share, email Dakotas Conference Communications by clicking here by Thursday. Please submit articles in Microsoft Word format. Articles should be no longer than 250 words. Be sure to include the author, any people involved and the time line for publication, up to two weeks.
Pictures always appreciated!
Mondays Contact Info Doreen Gosmire Associate Director of Communications 605-996-6552.
Calendar Contact Info Click here to see the entire Dakotas Conference Calendar. If you have items you would like to add to the calendar contact Bonnie Carlson.
P.O. Box 460 | 1331 University Ave. | Mitchel, S.D. 57301-0460
Phone: 605-996-6552
Fax: 605-996-1766
E-mail us