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  March 23, 2016
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The Vicar's Corner
Manny 1
So, why is this week so different from any other? Literally speaking, it comes to a matter of life, death and life anew. The Church refers to this week, beginning with Palm/Passion Sunday until the following Saturday morning as "holy." Not that all other days are not worthy of the same title. For certainly, all days are holy, for the time that constitutes a day, any day, is holy for it is gift from our benevolent God to us, God's children. However, this week, this most wondrous week of days is far greater than all the others. 

It is the life of Christ we remember. It is the death of our Savior we lament. It is the glorious resurrection of the Redeemer we glorify. Life. Death. Life Anew. That is why, my dear sisters and brothers we call this week holy. I have often times referred to this week as "Holiest Week."  For it has long been my belief, as I stated earlier, that all days are holy. All days and times are made gift to us by the Creator of all, our Lord and God. We are loved just that much.

This Thursday is holiest of all Thursdays -- for Jesus breaks bread with His disciples one last time. And after their supper, he humbles His royal and kingly nature and washes the feet of His disciples gathered in that large, upper room. Their feet were dirty; the roads were dusty and they had been traveling upon those dirt roads for some time now. This day is holiest because it reminds us to be servant to any and all who come to us in need and in want. If we desire to be first, we must be last. If we wish greatness, humility will be our reward.

This Friday is holiest of all Fridays because it is the day Christians everywhere mourn the death of our beloved Jesus, our brother and our Savior. His death was horrific. He shouldered the cross and through His death he broke the chains of sin and the shackles of death, setting our souls free. Jesus' death throws wide open the gates of heaven securing a place for all.
This Saturday is holiest of all Saturdays for while Jesus lay in the tomb, all of heaven was preparing for the glory of glories to occur. The hosts of heaven knew Jesus was but dead for a short while. Nothing could confine Him; not the cross, the tomb, the sins of humanity. And while the world slept through the night...a miracle was in the making.
To my St. Nicholas Church family, I pray that this Holiest Week provides you an abundance of Grace, Glory and God's unconditional love made manifest in the triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord.
To each and every member of this extraordinary community of faith, may the blessings that are born in Paradise -- and from the heart of your servant vicar -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit descend upon you and sustain you now and until then end of the ages.
Happy and Blessed Easter.
Our Dearly Departed Loved Ones
May they rest in the full and lasting peace of Christ
Flowers have been given in memory of, or in honor of:
Edith Sachs from Bill and Kathy Barlow
Howard Brown, Adolph & Ellem Mols, Ralph & William Mols, Alice Olsen, Margaret Kuffel
Judy Turner, and Connie Kuffel from Marilyn Brown
Deloris & Carla Brundige and Scott Freier from Jennifer Brundige
All the victims of gun violence from George & Colleen Davy
Joan E. DeBock from Cyndi DeBock
Paul & Thelma Dimmitt from Jennifer & Kathy Dimmitt
Rose Ramos from John Garcia
Robert Lamberson and Kian Cashman from Val & Steve Grunewald
Lowell Harber from Ruth Harber
Edward & Mae Malecek, George & Sarah Stiles, Vivian Pettit and Muriel Weymer from Ray & Thelma Malecek
Henry & Elaine Mandziara, Richard & Jean Nordberg, and Holly Ekstrom
from Penny and Hank Mandziara
Tilford Sr., Tilford Jr., Florence, Sara and Richard from Connie Nicholson
Tim Black from Michael Scafidi
Shawn from Chuck & Georgette Schroeder
Hope Smith and Bill Fitzpatrick from Tom Smith and Jean Fitzpatrick
Fr. John Gaynor Banks, Dan Wilson, and The Rev. Rodney Reinhart
from The Order of St. Luke
His dear aunt Bertha Castillo Lozado from Saul Vazquez
Blessing of Easter Foods and Baskets
Saturday, March 26th at 12 Noon
Blessing of Easter Food Easter is the high point of our church year.  It is the feast of all feasts.  And no celebration is complete without the blessing and sharing of the fruits of the earth.

On Saturday, March 26th, we invite you all to bring your Easter baskets and holiday foods to have them blessed.  This is an ancient tradition and one in which we find comfort, joy and bliss.

Meats, vegetables, fruits, sweets and savories...all are gifts from our benevolent God.  Bring them to St. Nicholas and have our Lord bless them.  
Easter Sunday Special Treat
Easter Bunny with goodies to eat...
To all our youngsters and those young in heart, following the Easter Sunday Liturgy, we are happy to welcome back to St. Nicholas our dear and loving friend, the Easter Bunny!  And he brings a cart full of goodies to find and share. 

The Easter Egg hunt is set, again, for Easter Sunday, March 27th after the 10am Liturgy.  

Read...Set...Hunt for those sweet treats!
Movable Feast Wants You
Good food, great people and friendly conversation
food 1 There's still time...sign up, get to know your fellow St. Nicholas family members and enjoy the company of old and new friends...

Movable Feast is both social and business.  We gather as friends and church family, to enjoy time together as we share a common meal.  It is also "business," as we will discuss matters that are relevant to our church, discuss particular questions that pertain to our current condition and our hopes for the future. 

We've added a new twist:  the host will provide the entree while the others will bring a side dish to share.  This makes the whole affair even easier!  If you are unable to host at your home...fear not!  The kitchen and Hall at St. Nicholas are always available on Friday nights.
Shopping Amazon? 
Remember St. Nicholas before you click... 
Remember:  When shopping on Amazon, remember how you can help St. Nicholas at the same time:

Access our webpage through:  or 

Or, click here to go directly to Amazon with our code already pre-filled.
Our Sad Goodbyes
To our dear friends Jeff and Vince
h It's never easy to say goodbye.  Yet, we do so with heavy hearts, indeed. 

To Jeff Westerheide and Vince Otero, we bid our fondest and most loving well wishes and bon voyage!   Our loss is Florida's gain.  We wish you much success and happiness in your new home and as you start a new life in the southern sun.

What a blessing and joy it has been to have in you in our will both be sorely and sadly missed. 

God bless you gentlemen and know you go with our well wishes and our love.
Prayer Requests
The Community of St. Nicholas is praying
For the people of the world who can not celebrate their faith openly and freely:  May they overcome this injustice, remain strong in faith and resolve and forever find the courage to proclaim their confidence in God alone.

For the people of the world who have no one to pray for them, those who rejected by society, who are shunned by society, ostracized from the community at large:  May they find acceptance and know they are valued and loved, unconditionally.

For the victims of the terrorists attacks in Belgium:  Pray for the families that are grieving and mourning as we pray for the souls of the faithful departed who now rest in the comforting arms of Christ Jesus, our Lord.

For those who are looking for gainful employment, a career that will afford them both happiness and security. 

For the homeless, those who are without adequate food and sufficient necessities: Pray that all receive that which they need and require to live happy, healthy and productive lives.

For all our St. Nicholas community members who are under the weather and in need of healing and prayers:  may they find peace and be blessed with sound and better health:  Rosario de Vazquez, Rosarini Vazquez, Nora Pun, Carolyn Drolen, Mindy Golden, Tess Setchell, Julie Suess, Katie, Elaine and Barry Malas, Susan Lackey, Marcia Kizior, Kesha, Eunice Dohra, Bernie, Ron, Dale Rickey Grant MacDonald, and any one else in need of our continued prayers and well wishes.
***Pray for the entire Community of St. Nicholas: to the good and loving people who make this house of faith so loving and caring.  To our faithful and dearly departed family and friends who we mourn and miss but now rest in the full and lasting peace of Christ Jesus in Paradise.

Please let Fr. Manny know the current condition of those for whom we are praying and if we wish to keep their names on the prayer list.  Thank you.  
(***written prayer requests)  
Shout Outs
To Sandra Glos, Laura Lampe, Jason Holliman, Saul Vazquez, Hal Stratton, Steve Raftery, Earl and Eason Williams...our fastidious friends who readied the church for Holy Week with ironing and hanging of banners, moving of greenery and in general, making our church look beautiful.

To Penny Mandziara who graced us with her reflection on Palm Sunday and on Saturday took on the joyful task of teaching and making palm crosses with Connie Nicholson and Thelma Malecek...we are a fortunate people to have you with us.

To Hal Stratton our Verger, Steve Raftery our acolyte and our newest acolyte and Torch Bearer (the one who lights the candles before Liturgy) Jason Holliman who guided us through our Palm Sunday Liturgy.  Wonderful work, gentlemen.  God bless.

To the Order of St. Luke for sharing their Healing Ministry with us on Palm Sunday.  Thank you for the blessings and grace you provide.

To all who donated toward the flower fund which purchased the beautiful Easter flowers.  Your kindness and generosity are so graciously appreciated.

To the monks of St. Gregory's Episcopal Monastery who welcomed Manny so warmly and for their prayers for the Community of St. Nicholas Church.
This Week at St. Nicholas 
As a reminder, the full master calendar is always available online at this link.  Here is the schedule for the next week:
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
Al-Anon Meeting7:30 PM  

Thursday, March 24, 2016
Maundy Thursday
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
Maundy Thursday Service7:00 PM  
GA Meeting7:30 PM  

Friday, March 25, 2016
Good Friday
Vicar's Day Off 
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
Good Friday Service7:00 PM  

Saturday, March 26, 2016
The Principled Group7:30 AM  
AA Meeting1:00 PM  
Worship Service4:30 PM  
AA Meeting7:00 PM  
Great Vigil of Easter Service8:00 PM  

Sunday, March 27, 2016
Easter Sunday Service10:00 AM  
Annual Easter Egg Hunt11:30 AM  
AA Meeting7:30 PM  

Monday, March 28, 2016
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
AA Meeting7:00 PM  

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Vicar's Day Off 
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
AA Meeting7:00 PM  

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
Al-Anon Meeting7:30 PM