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  December 30, 2015
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The Vicar's Corner
Manny 1
We've come to the end of this year. Hard to believe. But then again, we say this each year, do we not?   One year comes to its expected end while a new year is prepared to enter into the time and history or our lives and world. The doctor slaps the backside of a new born babe and that cry of life brings smiles to the faces of all who are gathered. Life. So precious and sacred.
To end this year, I'd like to share another "I am St. Nick" story with you. This one comes to us from Eunice Dohra. While Eunice is not able to be with us at worship on a weekly basis, her presence and company is very much felt and appreciated.
Read, enjoy and count your blessings. By the way, we could certainly use more of these kinds of stories, too. If you feel so compelled, get to writing and share your story with your sisters and brothers at St. Nicholas. We are a receptive and appreciative audience, that's for sure.
My Story
By Eunice Dorha
I was born, raised and actively practiced the Roman Catholic faith most of my life. When my seven children were aged 1 thru 11, I suddenly became a single parent. Divorce in the Catholic Church in 1967 was ignored, and so was I. Through the years as I began to heal. I joined a grass roots group of divorced people and concerned clergy reaching out to help those who were hurting. This Ministry progressed through the years to become an Archdiocesan Agency which for eighteen years I helped to develop and later directed. Now twenty years later the pain involved in my decision to leave the Catholic Church I had held dear for so long is still too painful to write about.

Not attending a Church was a great loss to me.   I was sure a bolt of lightning would hit me if I joined a different faith. I kept receiving brochures in the mail from St. Nick's saying, "ALL ARE WELCOME." Could that really be true, I wondered? A friend, one of the Associate Pastors of the Catholic Church, actually drove me to St. Nicks to make sure I knew where it was and encouraged me to attend.

When I finally stopped by, twenty years ago, I was astounded! Right after the Consecration an usher tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Please join us for Communion; all are welcome!" I couldn't believe my ears! I had come from a Church of rules, regulations and judgmental people and this man who knew nothing of me was telling me I was welcome. This is where I belonged. I was HOME!

I'd be proud to say I'm the St. Nicholas Grandma who comes to Church to feel the presence of my God. I'd feel really holy if I could say I so enjoy each Liturgy here and the Homily always leaves me with some words to live by. It would be so special for me to mention how I enjoy the traditions, the music and the community who continue to remember me even when I'm too ill to attend. Although I do value each of these things very much I must admit I keep coming back to St. Nick's for the thank you!

With every good wish and much love to all,
Grandma Eunice
Thank you, dear Eunice. There will always be plenty of hugs for you.
A Season of Light and Peace
Joyful Celebrations, Glory to God on High
St. Nicholas' Creche
I wish to express my most sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who helped make our Christmas celebrations so very wonderful and blessed.

So many were involved and engaged in creating two immensely lovely Liturgies.  Pray I forget no one, but assuredly, I am grateful to the entire Community of St. Nicholas for giving so much of ourselves in the creation of our Christmas Liturgies.

To our gifted and cherished choir members under the leadership and dedication of Mary Fletcher-Gomez who all preformed with blessed grace, to our verger Hal Stratton who guided and directed the flow our our Liturgies, to all who read the Lessons, those who bore the chalices, brought forth the offerings and gifts, to our children who processed with the last remaining figures that completed the cr�che, to Cyndi DeBock who painstakingly printed up the worship programs, to Steve Gruenwald who made sure to contact Santa Claus, our beloved St. Nicholas to be here to greet our children...which indeed he each and all, thank you a million times over. 

Let us rejoice and celebrate the countless blessings bestowed upon us.  As we begin a new year, let us pray, in earnest, for world peace, an end to the senseless violence, reasonable gun control measures to preserve and protect life, an end to hunger, greater protective measures for our Mother Earth and for this house of worship, our St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, that she remain steadfast in faith and continues to grow stronger and ever more present.

From my heart to yours, thank you and a Happy, Healthy, and Spiritually Prosperous New Year. 

Peace and love,

Pledge to Help St. Nicholas Grow
Pledge to help St. Nicholas be even better
Talking finance is never an easy nor comfortable subject.  Still, like our own households, a consistent flow of revenue is needed and required to sustain our ministry.

There is still time for us to submit our pledge for the 2016 year .  However, we ask that these pledge forms be submitted sooner than later.  

Pledges help us to create our yearly budget, to pay our bills and to keep our doors wide open for all to come, worship, meet and grow spiritually and emotionally.  Without these pledges , it is difficult for us to create a working budget.

It is my hope that we all take the time needed, to pray, to ponder and consider how best we can help sustain and grow our house of worship.  There are many ways to pledge; consider which is best for you and your family.  If you have any questions, please reach out and I will assist as I am able and/or direct you to a member of our Finance Team.

Be assured of my most grateful thanks to each and all.  The sacrifices made; the time, talent and treasures offered to our St. Nicholas Church never fails to astonish and humble me.   It is an honor that I am called to serve this community of faith.  Remember: St. Nicholas is not only where I "work," but it is where I worship and proudly call this place my home, too.

My prayers and love are yours.

Here's a Shopping Tip...
A tip that doesn't require a special trip...
Shop Amazon and a contribution is made to St. Nicholas.  Talk about a "win-win" deal.  However, in order that St. Nicholas is credited with a portion of the sale, you must first go to our webpage, click on the Amazon icon.  Then, shop away.  Access our webpage through:  or 

Or, click here to go directly to Amazon with our code already pre-filled.

Every time someone shops Amazon through St. Nicholas' webpage, an angel gets their wings!
Prayer Requests
The Community of St. Nicholas is praying
For the repose of the soul of 8 year old Peyton O'Brien, who after a brave battle against cancer was called home to God.  Peyton was a student at the school at which our Barb Bosslet teaches.  May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

For the Community of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church:  may each member and all our nuclear and extended families find an abundance of peace, joy, blessings, love and spiritual prosperity in the new year.

For our Jean FitzPatrick:  Prayers that she recovery fully from her recent back surgery, no complications arise and she is up and around very soon. 

for Lenore Schwartz, mother of our Kim Madrigal who is in hospice care:  pray for Lenore's well being and safety and pray for all who love and are concerned for her.

For our world:  that peace be embraced and the norm.  That war, violence and hatred is forgone and no longer an option.

For peace in our hearts.  For peace in our homes.  For peace in our neighborhoods.  For peace in our cities.  For peace in our state.  For peace in our land.  For peace in our world.  Let peace reign, now and forever.  Amen.

For all of community members, families and friends who are traveling during the holiday season:  pray their destinations are reached in safety and in Gods' speed. 

For the success of our Stewardship Campaign:  pray that each member is able to share a portion of their "time, talent and treasure" with St. Nicholas, to help us grow stronger and more spiritual prosperous.

For the numerous needs of so many of the members of this community of St. Nicholas:  pray for the health, well-being and safety of all our family members.

For all our St. Nicholas community members who are under the weather and in need of healing and prayers:  may they find peace and be blessed with sound and better health: Joan DeBock, Courtney Adams, Art Lorenze, Karen, Sharon, Elaine and Barry Malas, Lenny Spirek, Jill, Connie Nicholson, Ron Glos, Marcia Kizior, Joanne Mangiaracina, Fran Baylor, Kesha, Mary Gans, Eunice Dohra, Bertha, Payton, Caleb Roth, Rocco, Ron, Deacon Tom Smith, K.C., Dale Rickey, Phil Cooper, Tim Laughlin, Jackie, Chris, Cathy Walters, Carrie, Tim, Pat, Lenny, Perry, Kathy J. and any one else in need of our continued prayers and well wishes.
*** "Pray for healing in our families."  "Thanksgiving for all gifts received."      "Pray for "Grandma Dot," who is in Alexian Brothers recovering from a   
      heart attack."  
(***written prayer requests)  
Shout Outs
To EVERYONE who came, worshiped, sang, rejoiced and celebrated the blessed feast of our Lord's birth.  What a joyful noise we made and all to the greater glory of our Savior and King, Jesus Christ.  

To all who contributed to the Flower and Christmas tree funds...your joyful generosity has brought such beauty to our church.

To the good people of St. Norbert's Roman Catholic Church who contributed, once again, the turkeys we shared with our food pantry guests.  May your generosity come back to you ten-fold.
This Week at St. Nicholas
As a reminder, the full master calendar is always available online at this link.  Here is the schedule for the next week:
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
Al-Anon Meeting7:30 PM  

Thursday, December 31, 2015
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
GA Meeting7:30 PM  

Friday, January 1, 2016

Vicar's Day Off 
AA Meeting12:00 PM  

Saturday, January 2, 2016
The Principled Group7:30 AM  
AA Meeting1:00 PM  
Worship Service4:30 PM  
AA Meeting7:00 PM  

Sunday, January 3, 2016
Worship Service10:00 AM  
Adult Bible Study11:30 AM  
Children's / Youth Formation11:30 AM  
AA Meeting7:30 PM  

Monday, January 4, 2016
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
AA Meeting7:00 PM  

Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Vicar's Day Off 
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
Building Committee Meeting6:30 PM  
AA Meeting7:00 PM  

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

AA Meeting12:00 PM  
Food Pantry4:00 PM  
Al-Anon Meeting7:30 PM