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  August 21, 2015
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The Vicar's Corner
It came to us and we conquered it!  The "it" was the rummage sale; that behemoth that descends upon us for its yearly invasion.  Like St. George astride his white stallion with lance in hand, he slew the dragon. We took to the task before us, into the foray we marched with Sharpie pens and price tags in hand.  We went into the battle, undeterred and unafraid.  And we, the Community of St. Nicholas did a number on it...and then some!

You know my friends, I've said it before and I will undoubtedly say it again, so please bear with me, 'we are only as strong as we are united.'  If I am plagiarizing, I am certainly sorry, though, I am unaware of any previous utterance of how I am phrasing my belief.  When I say it, I truly mean it.  I doubt anyone would really disagree with what my statement claims.  After all, it is just common sense.  It is what makes and keeps a church, a family, a business successful, happy and moving ever forward and onward.

We here at St. Nicholas, day in and day out, must put those nine words formulated into a simple, mission statement to practice .  The past few weeks, a barrel of elbow grease, buckets of sweat and a mountain of muscles were all on display.  St. Nick's Knacks Annual Rummage Sale, the behemoth that it is, came on steady and strong.  And true to form, members of this family of faith, this community of believers, collectively rolled up their sleeves, chucked down plenty of water and took to bringing this monster of a sale to bay.  And we did it with joy, with style and with Episcopal grace.

I realize that it's not possible for everyone to physically assist in this major, fund raiser.  Trust me, I understand.  Yet, I am confident that those who could not help with the sale still offered their prayers and intentions for success and safety.  My dear friends, as always,the Good Lord answered your prayers.  We found success in our endeavors and we all came out of it, albeit tired out and in some cases, simply exhausted, no worse for the wear.  Most importantly, we emerged alive and well. 

Sure, it's early to think about next year, but hey, we have to focus on today while yet keeping an eye on the future, too.  But, come next August when the beast is making its way toward us again, it is my hope that more of the community of St. Nicholas comes out in larger numbers and joins in the effort.  All are welcome and yes, all are needed and wanted.  If we are to remain committed to our church; if we want to see this wonderful and unique, house of worship flourish, thrive and succeed, we must all do our part, be engaged, involved and do what we can and as we can.

From the very deepest part of my heart, to each and everyone who helped make this year's sale such a wonderful, wild and whopping success...THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS, KEEP AND SUSTAIN US, NOW AND ALWAYS.

St. Nicholas to Prepare a Meal For the Homeless
Friday, September 18th at Christus Victor Church
food 1 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in."  Matt. 25: 35

This year, as we did in 2014, St. Nicholas will prepare a meal to be shared with our less fortunate sisters and brothers. 

Friday, September 18th, we will prepare a meal and our friends at Christus Victor Lutheran Church will host the supper. 

We welcome all to come, spend time feeding those who hunger and share this special time with some special people. 

Stay tuned for more information as the date draws nearer.

In advance, thank you for your care, concern and commitment to the Gospel message.
Centering Prayer
Time for quiet, peace and communing with the Lord

Many Episcopalians and other Christians are finding that a practice called "Centering Prayer" helps them move toward a closer and more meaningful relationship with God. Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer and meditation that is grounded in ancient Christian tradition. The practice prepares us to experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself.

Contemplative Outreach - Chicago, an organization that serves people throughout greater Chicago who are interested in Centering Prayer, is offering its fourth annual one-day introductory workshop on the method on Saturday October 3 at St. John of the Cross church in Western Springs, Illinois.

As it has in years past, the workshop will offer in-depth introductory sessions on Centering Prayer, opportunities for silent contemplation, and a range of other thought-provoking topics for attendees to choose from.   This year's agenda includes sessions on Thomas Merton, Cosmology and Teilhard de Chardin, ways of listening and speaking to the Divine within, the thoughts of Thomas Keating on Archetypes, and more.
All are welcome.

Contact: Jack Lloyd (240-216-4646 or

Complete information is available at, or contact Phil Jackson,, (847) 778-1022.
Background on Centering Prayer 

In the early 1970s, Trappist monk and priest Thomas Keating and two other Trappists, Fr. William Meninger and the late Fr. Basil Pennington, worked to bring people living outside monasteries a form of silent prayer now known as Centering Prayer. With roots in the fourteenth century book, The Cloud of Unknowing, this kind of prayer allows people to sit silently and become receptive to God's gift of contemplation.
Of course, contemplation has been an important part of Christianity from the beginning. Centering Prayer presents the teachings of earlier times in an updated form. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship.

Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer. Rather, it adds depth of meaning to all prayer and facilitates the movement from more active modes of prayer - verbal, mental or affective prayer - into a receptive prayer of resting in God. Centering Prayer emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God and as a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion with Him.

Background on Contemplative Outreach, Chicago

Contemplative Outreach - Chicago has been serving the contemplative community in northeastern Illinois and northwestern Indiana since 1989. We are a chapter of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an international spiritual network with offices in Butler, N.J., which was founded in 1984. Our mission is to teach the method of Centering Prayer and to support those whose Spiritual Journey includes a practice of this prayer. The volunteers in our chapter are grounded in contemplative service - "God in us serving God in others."
Prayer Requests
The Community of St. Nicholas is praying
For our Emily Day who is now in hospice at Tabor Hills Healthcare Facility in Naperville:  pray for her well being and pray for strength and acceptance for her husband and our dear friend, Dick.

For all who are headed back to school; whether elementary, high school or college, pray all find great success, achievement and happiness as they expand their minds and horizons.

For our Brandon Garcia who now heads to the University of Iowa: pray for his travels, academic success and happiness.

Continued requests for our Deacon Tom Smith, Ron Glos and Vernon Forde who continue to recover from hospital stays and surgery:  pray these and all our ill and sick members gain full and lasting, good health.

For those in our community who are encountering stressful and difficult times:  pray for guidance, strength and peace.

For our pets and all animals: pray they are cared for, provided enough water and food to sustain and strength them.

For all our St. Nicholas community members who are under the weather and in need of healing and prayers:  may they find peace and be blessed with sound and better health:  Courtney Adams, Holly, Karen, Sharon, Jill, Connie Nicholson, Marcia Kizior, Joanne Mangiaracina, Fran Baylor, Kesha, Mary Gans, Eunice Dohra, K.C., Emily and Dick Day, Dale Rickey, Phil Cooper, Tim Laughlin, Jackie, Chris, Cathy Walters, Carrie, Tim, Pat, Lenny, Perry, Kathy J. and any one else in need of our continued prayers and well wishes.


*** "Prayers for Baby Kale."       

(***written prayer requests)  

To the entire Community of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church:  to those who, though unable to be with us personally, yet prayed for the success of the sale and the well-being of the volunteers; to those who hustled in pizza and Sloppy Joe's to help fuel and energize the engine that kept rolling; to those who unpacked crate after crate, filled tables with shiny glass and wooden trinkets, organized, folded, refolded and folded yet again the mountain of clothing; to those who took to pricing the smallest of jewelry to the largest of lovely furniture; to those who endured the muggy air, stifling heat, endured the large crowds, the kids that played in the pile of toys and all the while smiled and kindly welcomed all the customers.  Then, with energy waning yet unfazed and ever determined, the engine took to boxing and bagging everything that didn't sell, hauling garbage and recyclable items to their proper resting places; broke down tables, vacuumed the carpets, put Holy Innocents Hall back together again and then, with a collective "we did it," fresh on our lips, exhaled in unison for a job most very well done!  THANK YOU TO EVERYONE. This is why St. Nicholas is such an amazing is filled with amazing, dedicated and loving people!

To Jeanette McBeth of Platinum Estate Sales of Distinction and Giles Kelly of A+ Auction Services for supporting our rummage sale with their generous donations.  Kindness is, in turn, always repaid with kindness. 
Elk Grove Village Farmer's Market
Saturdays, 7:30am - 1pm
Elk Grove Village Farmers Market
Fresh fruits, veggies, home-made jams, breads and other wonderful things await.  Come and join in the "country fun" at our Village Farmer's Market.

The market is at the Clock Tower at Wellington and Biesterfield on the municipal parking grounds in Elk Grove Village.
This Week at St. Nicholas
As a reminder, the full master calendar is always available online at this link.  Here is the schedule for the next week:
Friday, August 21, 2015
Vicar's Day Off 
AA Meeting12:00 PM  

Saturday, August 22, 2015
The Principled Group7:30 AM  
AA Meeting1:00 PM  
Worship Service4:30 PM  
AA Meeting7:00 PM  

Sunday, August 23, 2015
Worship Service10:00 AM  
AA Meeting7:30 PM  

Monday, August 24, 2015
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
AA Meeting7:00 PM  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Vicar's Day Off 
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
AA Meeting7:00 PM  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
Al-Anon Meeting7:30 PM  

Thursday, August 27, 2015
AA Meeting12:00 PM  
GA Meeting7:30 PM  

Friday, August 28, 2015
Vicar's Day Off 
AA Meeting12:00 PM