News from Nick Logo
August 28, 2013
The Vicar's Corner
Labor Day: a great American tradition.  Sadly though,this most patriotic of holidays, in the eyes of many, seems to have lost some of its luster and importance.  If this is true, how sad for all of us.  Labor is certainly something with which we can identify and resonate.  First celebrated on September 5, 1882, Labor Day has a very long and storied history.  In all those years, anyone who has ever punched a time clock, checked in at 9am and made their way home at the 5 o' clock whistle, worked the late-shift, pulled a double shift, worked through lunch, received a gold watch for 20, 30 or 40 years of dedicated service can certainly find reason to align themselves with and recognize this uniquely American of celebrations.  You see, and at the risk of 'safely generalizing,' all of us come from a background of workers, laborers, hard working people that, each in our way, helped create, fold and form this country.  I realize this may sound somewhat dramatic and for sure, it is.  Yet, truly, are we not all instrumental in the creation of the homes that are ours, in the villages and cities we live, in this state and in this country we call our homeland?  Of course we are.  Without our efforts in our homes, in these towns we live and in this state, how else would our country continue to exist, in fact, continue to grow and mature if not from our efforts locally?  This goes for everyone because that is what truly makes up this country: her citizens, of which we are full and active members!

Labor Day means different things to different people.  For anyone between the ages of 6 and 18, this first Monday in September usually means the return to school and the end of summer vacation.  For those in the working world, it means a day off, a time to relax and the blessings of a long weekend. Perhaps one last chance for a trip to the lake to catch that elusive fish that seems to get bigger and bigger in that lake which seems to grow smaller and smaller each year.  Or maybe this long weekend provides us the opportunity to get in some late-season gardening, the planting of autumn mums and the pruning away of all those climbing vines that have long since lost their "green" and are now dry and brittle and ready for the compost heap. And there are movies showing at the cinema that we just couldn't find the time to catch.  A free day affords us that rare gift to do what we desire.   

At St. Nicholas, we are no strangers to labor.  Were it not for the dedication of so many, who time and time again step forward and get things done, there is no telling just where our community and this church would be.  Blessedly, we can look around and see just how far we've come as a community of faith.  New windows that will fill the church as well as the entrance way and stained glass yet to come; gardens taking bloom that will continue to provide color, scent and visual pleasure for the years ahead; children being educated in the faith; altar cloths lovingly being cleaned and ironed; our neighbors in need are cared for at our food pantry; lectors and acolytes who provide service at our Liturgies; worship programs painstakingly created each and every weekend; music and song to lift our spirit on high; bread bakers and coffee makers; lawns mowed and edges trimmed; members who dedicate time to serving on various committees; those who pay our bills, balance our books and count the collection; those who pledge and those who contribute and all who come and name it and it is being taken care of. There is still more work to be done.  God gives us the time to do all that must be done.  Working with one another, the time we labor together is time that is spent for "the greater good," for the glory of God and for the advancement of this wonderful community of faith. 

Happy Labor Day.  In spite of the name, do make sure to take good advantage of this holiday, rest up and relax...we all have earned that much, haven't we?





Daily Meditations
From Forward Day By Day
Forward Day By Day publishes a daily meditation online. Click the button below and bookmark your browser if you would like to make this a part of your prayer life.
The Week in our Church
What's on the calendar (click each date for the lessons for that day)
50th Anniversary Celebration
Have you RSVP'd?
Be sure to mark your calendar for the celebration of our 50th year of ministry as a community.  If you haven't yet responded to your invitation, please do so as soon as possible.

The people of 
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church 
Cordially invite you to join us as we celebrate 
Our 50th Anniversary


Saturday, September 28, 2013
3:00 p.m. Liturgy
Reception to follow

R.S.V.P by September 14, 2013

Coffee Hour Hosts
Thanks to those who signed up! Have you?
Coffee hour Sincere thanks to those who signed up this past Sunday to host Sunday coffee hour.  We need more volunteers to fill out the schedule.  Please choose one date and sign yourself up at the link below. 

Afraid you won't know what to do?  No worries, detailed instructions are at this link.

This Weekend's Worship Leaders
August 31 / September 1

Saturday Lector (all readings): Bill Barlow

Sunday Lectors: Mary Fletcher-Gomez, Katie Black

Sunday Intercessor: Eason Williams 

Chalice Bearers: Hank & Penny Mandziara

Sunday Coffee Hour Host(s): Mindy & Mike Golden 

Prayer Requests
The Community of St. Nicholas is praying for:
Repose of the soul of Mrs. Marie Butera, mother of Denise Butera, a friend of St. Nicholas.  May Marie rest in the full and lasting peace of Christ and we pray for consolation and peace to all who will mourn and grieve Marie's passing.

For our parish family:  we pray for strength, guidance and the grace to endure occasional hardships and celebrate the blessings we receive.

Marion Kyger, mother of the Rev. Marion Phipps, rector of St. Hugh of Lincoln Episcopal Church in Elgin and a member of our Deanery:  Mrs. Kyger is in extreme critical condition and is not expected to live for too much longer.  Pray her final days are peaceful and all who love her are comforted and supported with prayers and grace.

Continued blessings and well wishes to our friend, Rev. M.E. Eccles as she continues to recover from knee replacement surgery.


Faye, a friend of our Thelma Malecek underwent emergency surgery to remove a lump from her abdomen.  Pray for Faye and her full and lasting recovery.


Bob, a member of the support group and a good friend to St. Nicholas underwent back surgery on August 27.  Pray for his full recovery and return to a full and active life.

For our Leonard Spirek who is undergoing surgery to repair his badly injured arm.   Pray for his full recovery and his return to work and an active, healthy life. 


For those in mourning: that they will be comforted and find a comforting light and peace.  


For those who suffer from addictions and vices: they may find the support they need and know the community continues to keep  all in prayer.  


Cathy Walters and her continued recovery and return to a full and active life with her new heart!
Ethel 'Corkey' Stratton, Hal's Mom, she has suffered mini-strokes and is battling dementia and Alzheimer's: that she regain some strength and mobility and her loved ones are blessed with patience and acceptance. 

Bernie, Eunice's youngest son who continues to recover from his serious health battles.
All who are traveling:  that their destinations be reached in God's speed and safety and a hearty, "Welcome Home" to all who have been away.

Victims of violence, war, oppression, discrimination and poverty.

**Pray for Donna. 

For Eunice Dohra, Marcia Kizior, Pamela Joy DeHaven, Richard and Mary Gans: members and family of our community of St. Nicholas who continue to experience health concerns: for the full restoration of sound health and a productive life.  
In thanksgiving for Peter Barlow's safe return home from Afghanistan.  Peter is the son of Bill and Kathy Barlow.  Welcome home, Peter, and thank you for your service!  Continued prayers for the safety of all our military men and women.


(**written prayer requests collected during Liturgy)  


Our Sally Mydill who has earned her Masters in Nursing.  Congratulations and much happiness and success to you!  We're all very proud and happy for you.  


Dan, a friend of St. Nicholas who was a tremendous help and aid to us during the rummage sale.  Dan continues to be present and of service to St. Nicholas by watering the new lawn and flowers along the north and south sides of the building.  Great work, Dan and welcome to the community!

Hal and Steve for purchasing and installing the new shelving unit in the Vesting Room closet.  Imagine that...order and neatness!  Looks wonderful, guys.  

Readings for This Weekend
The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - August 31 / September 1

Jeremiah 2:4-13
Psalm 81:1, 10-16
Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16
Luke 14:1, 7-14

We worship together:

Saturdays at 4:30PM
Sundays at 10AM
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
1072 Ridge Avenue
Elk Grove Village, IL  60007
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