Community Capital New York
January 2014

Small Business Program Newsletter
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Entrepreneurs of the month
Judith Weber and Maria Cisneros

While the dictionary defines "garbage" as "any matter that is no longer wanted or needed, contemptibly worthless, inferior or vile," artists have been disposing of this definition for over 20 years. As have Maria Cisneros and Judith Weber, who opened Recologie, a vegan/vegetarian dining and eco-retailing space. They consciously source beautifully crafted clothing, accessories and home goods from designers working directly with artisans in Brazil, Africa, Mexico, India, the Philippines and London as well as local artisans-all made from reused, repurposed and recycled materials. Recologie also serves as an art gallery for those working with recycled items like newspapers, plastic, can tabs, and candy wrappers turning debris into wearable and wall art made from 100% recycled items.  Think bike chain picture frames, can tab clutches, pillows from recycled saris and rags, telephone wire bracelets, pet collars made from seat belts, puzzle piece necklaces, and the chicest red handbag made from used fire hoses, with proceeds going to London's firefighters. 


A loan from CCNY helped to get the business off the ground. VIsit them today at 49 Lawton Street in New Rochelle or online at  


 Click here to read all about how the business got it's start
Martin's Corner
Be prepared for slow times - and make the best of them

Most entrepreneurs are unprepared for the highs and lows that come with starting a business. The highs are exhilarating. It's a wonderful feeling to experience a rush of customers coming to purchase the product you're selling. It's the scenario that we play out in our mind when we are planning and preparing for opening our new business. Hopefully, you will experience many such moments in your business.


However, what they don't tell you is that sometimes you can experience loneliness and dare I say it, boredom. Waiting for a customer to come through the door can be excruciating. Unfortunately, in most businesses, there will be many of these moments, as well.


Like most people, when I opened my business, I was thrown by the boredom that came with the slow periods. I did the crossword puzzle. I over-ate at my desk. I called lots of people that I really had very little desire to talk to. I took twiddling my thumbs to a whole new art form.


In time, however, I came to realize that the slow periods were the perfect opportunity to tweak my existing business plan. I used those times to develop new marketing ideas, research new product lines, look for a new sales associate with a following and pursue suppliers for better pricing and better terms. All of these things worked to improve my business by improving my bottom line.


So when business is slow, try not to despair and use the time to improve your businesses bottom line.

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Upcoming Events

Save the Date!

CCNY is co-sponsoring

The Westchester Grow Conference

Friday, May 2 2014

Westchester Community College,
Gateway Center
Valhalla, NY10595

The Westchester Grow Conference for entrepreneurs brings together Westchester's top entrepreneurs, decision makers and resources to help your company succeed.  This year's conference theme will be People, Places and  


 Click here for more information and to register!
Do you want to start or grow your business? Need money to do it?
CCNY offers convenient online application

Simply click on the link below and follow the easy steps to apply for funding for your small business from Community Capital NY!

Small Business Loan Application

Have questions? Let us answer them:


Simone Obermaier - extension 10
Holly Perlowitz - extension 14
Opportunity is our mission.

Community Capital New York serves as an economic catalyst, providing business financing that transforms and strengthens the prosperity of our communities and the lives of the people who live in them.

Community Capital New York, a nonprofit alternative lender, is one of nearly 850 CDFIs certified by the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund of the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, and one of the largest serving seven counties in the Hudson Valley. We provide loans that create quality jobs, revitalized Main Streets, good homes and tax revenues by leveraging financial, human and civic resources. Through flexible, innovative and responsible lending, we create environmentally and economically healthy communities and enable traditionally underserved people to become stakeholders in New York's economy.
Community Capital New York
Wells Fargo
Empire State Development
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