October 2013

The LGBT Aging Project receives the Kit Clark Award from the Massachusetts Meals on Wheels Association (MAMOW). Pictured L to R Jennifer Sift, Vice Pre4sident MAMOW, Lisa Krinsky, Bob Linscott, Denise Menzdorf, President MAMOW  (read more below)

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"Do Tell"


The LGBT Aging Project's

Monthly Newsletter



We hope you are enjoying the wonderful fall weather and basking in the glow of Boston's World Series victory last night!  This month, among our regular contributions, we are happy to share some news about our upcoming program in Healthy Aging that will be offered in 2014. We believe this is going to be our most popular course to date!

This month we also want to introduce you to our new interns. Many of you have met them as they are involved with our LGBT Caregiver Group and Bereavement Group in addition to being a presence at several of the LGBT Community Cafes. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful and dedicated team!



Bob Linscott

Assistant Director, LGBT Aging Project



Message From The Director
Dear Friends,

We have spent the month of October thinking about LGBT history and remembering those who have been important pioneers in our community.

What does it mean to be a pioneer and make an impact? Not everyone can be like Harvey Milk or Edie Windsor, or claim to have been at Stonewall on that fateful night.

But each one of you, one by one, contribute to the significant change we've experienced over the past few decades. Whether you are out to just yourself, a select few, or everyone, you are part of this community and have traveled this amazing journey with so many others. And if you are an ally - someone who stands with the LGBT community - you also have tremendous impact, within your community and within ours. Never forget that behind every well known and public pioneer there are a legion of other pioneers, perhaps quieter and only known within smaller circles, who continue to march forward and keep the momentum moving.  To me,  you are all valued pioneers and your history, our history, shall not be forgotten.


Be well


 LEK Sig v2 

Lisa Krinsky, LICSW

Director, LGBT Aging Project

In This Issue
Aging Project Receives Kit Clark Award
New Healthy Aging Program
Healthy Aging News
Meet Our New Interns
LGBT Meal Program in Merrimac Valley
Upcoming Events
LGBT Aging Conference
In The News
Support Groups
LGBT Senior Meal Programs
Support Our Work

The LGBT Aging Project is a Program of
TFI logo
Our New Contact Information
The LGBT Aging Project

The Ansin Building

1340 Boylston Street

Boston, MA 02215

phone: (857) 313-6590

Lisa Krinsky, LICSW, Director
email: lkrinsky@fenwayhealth.org
phone: (617) 927-6229

Bob Linscott, Assistant Director 

email: blinscott@fenwayhealth.org 

phone: (857) 313-6578    



Starting December 1st we will be using our Fenwayhealth.org emails instead of the lgbtagingproject.org email address. Please make the changes in your own address book. 

The LGBT Aging Project is a 2013 Recipient of the Cummings Foundation's "$100K for 100 Non-Profits" Award.
LGBT Aging Project Receives Kit Clark Award
Earlier this month the Massachusetts Meals On Wheels Association awarded The LGBT Aging Project with their Kit Clark Award named after community activist Catherine 'Kit' Clark who was commitment to eradicating hunger and enriching the lives of older adults in Massachusetts.

We wanted to share in part with you some of the award citation:

"Since its inception the Aging Project has collaborated with community partners to conduct research among LGBT elders and mainstream providers, engaged scores of LGBT elders themselves, provided training to more than 2,000 people and increased public awareness of LGBT elders and caregivers, and the issues that impact their lives. The Massachusetts' Elderly Nutrition Programs are proud to be part of that partnership.


In summer, 2004 Caf� Emmanuel in Boston's Back Bay, the first elder nutrition site in Massachusetts dedicated to serving the LGBT community, opened its doors. Today, Caf� Emmanuel continues to thrive, providing a place for the LGBT senior community to socialize while enjoying a nutritious meal. LGBT sites are now the fastest growing type of site in the state. There are now nine sites in Massachusetts serving a good meal while providing a welcoming space for LGBT seniors. Thanks to the LGBT Aging Project website, LGBT elders can access information about these and other healthy aging resources in their communities.


The LGBT Aging Project is a valuable resource nutrition programs can draw upon for education and information to help us to better assist LGBT elders.   Mass Meals on Wheels is delighted to recognize the many efforts that Lisa Krinsky, Bob Linscott and the staff and volunteers of the LGBT Aging Project as they seek to support LGBT elders and raise awareness of the needs of the LGBT aging community by awarding the 2013 Kit Clark Award to the LGBT Aging Project."

Exciting News: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for LGBT Older Adults

The LGBT Aging Project offers an annual program called Healthy Aging In The LGBT Community funded by Tufts Health Plan Foundation. During the first year of the program we offered a Healthy Eating course and for the last two years we ran a Memory Fitness class. At the end of of each course we ask participants to offer suggestions for future courses. The number one program that has been requested is meditation.  


Starting in September of this year Bob Linscott has been taking courses at UMass Medical to become an instructor in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) which will be our course offering for 2013/14. 


This 6-week course will be offered four times this year starting in early 2014 in different locations across the state. Meanwhile, leading up to the course, we want to share some important health information about the benefits of mindfulness, meditation and stress reduction on aging. Below is an article about a ground-breaking study of seniors taking this very same MBSR course that examined the health benefits of mindfulness for older adults.  



>> I'm interested in learning more about your MBSR course- add me to your mailing list for this program 


Healthy Aging News
Meditation Reduces Loneliness, Boosts Immune System In Seniors
Published in Huffington Post

A new study has found that older people who take part in an eight-week program of meditation were able to reduce feelings of loneliness and boost their immune systems, according to researchers at the University of California Los Angeles. The study is published in the current online edition of the journal "Brain, Behavior and Immunity."

Loneliness isn't just an emotional issue; it's a form of stress that has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's, depression and early death. And it's particularly acute among the elderly; a 2005 study found nearly 60 percent of people 70 and older experience some type of loneliness.

In the study, 40 adults between the ages of 55 and 85 were divided into two groups. One practiced mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), which trains the mind to pay attention to what is happening in the moment, and "cultivate clarity, insight and understanding," according to the Center For Mindfulness which developed the program. They attended two-hour weekly meetings and meditated at home daily for 30 minutes, as well as attending one day-long retreat. A control group did not meditate.
Meet Our New Interns

Jesse Begenyi is a second year part-time clinical social work intern who is studying at Simmons School of Social Work and brings vast experience working within the LGBT communities. Jesse is excited about gaining more experience working with older adults throughout the year at the LGBT Aging Project, particularly co-facilitating the LGBT  caregiver support groups and the bereavement groups. Jesse is also excited to connect with folks at the LGBT meal sites. During the occasional spare time, Jesse enjoys knitting, taking photographs, and spending time with their fabulous cats.




Mar�a Hern�ndez Rosa is a second year macro social work intern who studies at Boston College School of Social Work. Mar�a is passionate about working with older adults and is delighted to be at the LGBT Aging Project to build on her experience working with the Massachusetts aging network.  Throughout her internship, she is excited to learn ways to enhance programs and services so they can become more inclusive and culturally sensitive. When Mar�a is not hard at work or in class, she enjoys being outside in nature, going to the beach, spending time with friends, or going home to visit family in Puerto Rico. 



Charles Barber is a second year Masters of Theological Studies, MTS, student at Harvard Divinity School, where he explores his interests in religion, ethics and politics. Currently he is working on an independent study project with Professor Timothy McCarthy, at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, exploring issues of LGBT aging, specifically as they relate to ways in which LGBT older Americans have been systematically overlooked in public policy, on both national and state levels. Charles brings with him the unique experience of working with an Atlanta based non-profit, where he worked in outreach to minority and disadvantaged populations affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. At the LGBT Aging Project he assists in the development of the LGBT Elders Of Color Outreach Initiative, which seeks to address the specific needs of the typically under served and under represented LGBT elder communities in the Boston area. One of the great highlights of his week is spending time with his friends at Caf� Emmanuel each Thursday, who serve as a great inspiration to him.


LGBT Senior Social Connection in Merrimac Valley
Massachusetts now has the 12th LGBT Community Meal Program! We are pleased to welcome Merrimac Valley's LGBT Senior Social Connection, a monthly pot-luck for LGBT older adults and their friends. This program in sponsored by The Merrimac Council on Aging and Elder Services of Merrimac Valley. The potluck happens at the Merrimac Senior Center, 100 East Main Street, Merrimac on the third Thursday of every month from 6:30 p.m to 8:00 p.m. To learn more or to RSVP for the November gathering contact Ron Bourque at Elder Services of Merrimac Valley 800-892-0890 or RBourque@ESMV.org; or Laura or Gerry at the Senior Center, 978-346-9549 ldmailman@townofmerrimac.com.   


Upcoming Programs For LGBT Older Adults

Social Event For LGBT Older Adults in the Fall River Area  


Announcing a new social gathering for LGBT seniors in the Fall River area who would like to meet other LGBT seniors while enjoying lunch and conversation in a casual setting? Contact Trish or Holly and join in!


Date:   November 6, 2013

Time:  12:00 noon

Place:  LePage's Seafood and Grille, 439 Martine St., Fall River

Lunch is "Dutch," with each person responsible for his or her own meal.


RSVP by October 31st to Holly Smith at Holly.Smith@bristolelder.org or (774) 627-1441 or

Trish.Hunter@bristolelder.org or (774) 627-1380


This event is part of the Open Door Task Force work Bristol Elder Services is doing to reach out to the LGBT older adults and caregivers in their area. This gathering will also be an opportunity to share ideas about future programs and services. 

Upcoming Events from Somerville Council on Aging's LGBT Advisory Board:
Each month The Somerville Council on Aging hosts a number of great events for LGBT older adults and their friends.  >> Click here for their upcoming calendar of events, meals, movies and programs
Correction: Quarterly Social Gathering in Franklin County
Franklin County Home Care offers a quarterly social event for LGBT older adults and caregivers in their area. For more information contact Anna Viadero aviadero@fchcc.org or 413-522-2231. Note - Franklin County Home Care puts out a wonderful monthly listing of LGBTIQA events and programs. Contact Anna to be added to their mailing list.

   Reminder: Request For Proposals: LGBT Aging Conference
It's not too late to submit your proposal for a workshop at the Third Annual

LGBT Elders in an Ever Changing World Conference.


REQUEST FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS: Submission Deadline November 15, 2013 (5:00 P.M. EST)

The third annual LGBT Elders in an Ever Changing World conference is a collaborative effort of the LGBT

Aging Project, North Shore Elder Services, and the Salem State University School of Social Work.

Substantive practice and policy issues that affect the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender community

and allies are addressed in this open and welcoming forum as a convening of community. LGBT Elders in

an Ever Changing World is intended for consumers as well as professionals who support and work with

LGBT older adults and caregivers. The conference will take place Wednesday May 14, 2014 from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. on Salem State University's Central Campus. CEUs are offered for nurses, social workers, and nursing home administrators.


>> Click here for complete proposal form and instructions:

In The News
As they grow older, gay men and lesbians face new stigmas
By Tara Bahrampour, Washington Post

When a physical therapist paid a home visit to ABilly Jones-Hennin after a back operation, one element of the "treatment" harked back to an era he thought he had left behind decades ago.

"He took it upon himself to decide to pray for me," said Jones-Hennin, 71, a qualitative researcher who identifies as bisexual and has been in a relationship with a man for 35 years. "He wanted to clear the demons out of me and my partner and started doing this 'hell and damnation' about homosexuality."

The resident of Washington's Shaw neighborhood lived through the Stonewall era and resides in one of the nation's most gay-friendly cities. Furious, he ordered the therapist out and complained to the agency that sent him. But older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, including those among the first to come out as a political and social force, are increasingly apprehensive about encountering discrimination as they grow older and more dependent on strangers for care. An estimated 2 million Americans 50 or older identify as LGBT, with that number expected to double by 2030, according to the Institute for Multigenerational Health at the University of Washington. About 15,000 are estimated to live in the Washington metropolitan region.

 >> Read Full Article 



Gay-rights movement bringing new attention to concerns of LGBT aging

by Lornet Turnbull, Seattle Times  

  They came of age at a time before there were basic rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and are the first generation of LGBT people to come out of the closet in any significant number.

LGBT seniors 65 and older number around 3 million across the United States - about 70,000 of them in Washington state.

And as they reach retirement age and enter their golden years, LGBT people say they are confronting unique challenges over health and long-term care and increasingly are forcing agencies and organizations that care for the aged to not just take note but to act.

In fact, the demand for answers around LGBT elder care is significant enough that a summit last week in Seattle reached capacity before organizers could publicize it.


>> Read Full Article

A Lesson in Healthy Aging

By Bob Linscott, Fenway Focus


In our culture we expect a primer on Healthy Aging to be filled with tips on diet and exercise and perhaps a mention or two of Botox or collagen treatments.  What if it was much simpler than that? What if your Healthy Aging instructions encouraged you to share a meal with a senior?


That is exactly the curriculum of a program, now in its 7th year, managed by Ethos, an Elder Service Agency in Boston, The LGBT Aging Project, a program of The Fenway Institute, and Joining Hands, a branch of the Community Service Center at Boston University. These three organizations have collaborated to create the First Year Student Outreach Project (FYSOP)'s Intergenerational Luncheon. This program brings a group of 30 incoming freshmen to spend an afternoon with a group of 50 LGBT seniors at Caf� Emmanuel, a community meal program for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) elders.


>> Read Full Article

On Going Support Groups
LGBT Caregiver Support Group
Open to anyone providing care for a loved one. First Monday of every month, 6:00pm to 7:30pm in Jamaica Plain. Free. Contact Joanne Peskowitz, LICSW for more information: (617) 271-4182. Sponsored by The LGBT Aging Project.

LGBT Bereavement Groups
For LGBT people of all ages coping with the loss of a loved one. Free six-week support group. To find a group in your area contact Bob Linscott (857) 313-6590. Sponsored by Ethos & The Massachusetts Department of Public Health and facilitated by The LGBT Aging Project.


Community Meal Programs For LGBT Older Adults

cafe permWe are pleased to have a whole section dedicated to the different LGBT Community Meal Programs that are starting to emerge across the state. We now have a nice variety of offerings from weekly luncheons, monthly brunches, a monthly women's program and two monthly supper programs. There is also a nice diversity in the location for each of the twelve programs.

 >>Click here to print out a calendar with all the LGBT Community Meals. (Note: does not include Fairhaven yet)

Boston/Back Bay:
Cafe Emmanuel: "The Original LGBT Meal Site!"
When: Every Thursday 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Where: Emmanuel Church, 15 Newbury Street Boston, MA
RSVP: to call (617) 477-6606
Sponsored by: Ethos & The Ethos Equality Fund
Music Program: 1st and 3rd Thursdays every month

Out to Brunch: Monthly Brunch & Social for Older LBT Women & Their Friends
When: First Saturday of every month 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Where: Roslindale House, 120 Poplar Street Roslindale, MA
RSVP: to outtobrunch@gmail.com or call (617) 477-6606
Sponsored by: Ethos & The Ethos Equality Fund

Jamaica Plain:
Out 4 Supper: A Boston Supper Club For LGBT Seniors & Friends
When: First Tuesday of every month 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: Mount Pleasant Home, 301 South Huntington Ave, Jamaica Plain, MA
RSVP: online, www.ethocare.org or call 617-477-6606
Sponsored by: Ethos, Ethos Equality Fund and Mount Pleasant Home

South Shore:
Monthly Brunch for LGBT Seniors & Friends 
When: Last Saturday of Every Month, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Where: All Souls Unitarian Church, 196 Elm Street, Braintree, MA
RSVP:  Call (781) 848-3939 x 325 or email lgbtseniors@sselder.org for more information.
Sponsored by: South Shore Elder Services

Cadbury Cafe: Somerville & Cambridge's First LGBT Monthly Dining Program
When: 4th Wednesday of Every Month, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: Cadbury Commons, 66 Sherman Street, Cambridge, Ma.
RSVP: by calling SCES (617) 628-2601 ext. 605 or email lgbtcafe@eldercare.org
Sponsored by: Somerville Cambridge Elder Services, Cambridge Council on Aging and Cadbury Commons.

Holland Street Cafe: Monthly Luncheon Catered by Local Restaurants 
When: 2nd Monday of Every Month at 11:30 a.m.
Where: Holland Street Center, 167 Holland Street, Somerville, Ma.
RSVP:  617-625-6000 ext. 2316 or lheyison@somervillema.gov
Sponsored by: Somerville Council on Aging.
North Shore:
Over The Rainbow Supper Club
When: 2nd Tuesday of every month, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: House of Seven Gables, 115 Derby Street, Salem MA
RSVP: (978) 624-2261
Sponsored by: The Old and Bold Coalition, North Shore Elder Services' outreach to the LGBT Community on the North Shore. 

Metro East:
Lakeside Cafe   
When: 3rd Monday of the month, 11:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m.
Where: Sharon Adult Center, 219 Massapoag Ave, Sharon, MA
RSVP: to Jayne Davis, HESSCO (781) 784-4944
Transportation: Call Nancy Weiner, Sharon Adult Center (781) 784-8000
Sponsored by: HESSCO Elder Services and Sharon Adult Center 

Worcester Area 

Rainbow Lunch Club

When: 2nd Wednesday of the month, 12:00 p.m.

Where: Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester 90 Holden Street, Worcester

RSVP: Call or email by the first Wednesday (508) 756-1545 ext.339 wlen@eswa.org  

Sponsored by: Elder Services of Worcester Area, WLEN, UU Church of Worcester  


Metro North   

Mystic Tea

When: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.  

Where: Mystic Valley Elder Services, 300 Commercial Street #19, Malden, MA

RSVP: to Vida Poole at (781) 388-2375 or vpoole@mves.org

Sponsored by: Mystic Valley Elder Services 


Bristol County

Fairhaven Supper Club (temporary name!)

When: 4th Wednesday of the month, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.  

Where: Fairhaven Council on Aging, 229 Huttleston Ave, Fairhaven, Ma

RSVP: (508) 979-4029   

Sponsored by: The Fairhaven Council on Aging, in partnership with Coastline Elderly Services  


Merrimac Valley
LGBT Senior Social Connection  
When: 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: Merrimac Senior Center, 100 East Main Street, Merrimac (Rt. 110) 
RSVPRon Bourque at Elder Services of Merrimac Valley 800-892-0890 or RBourque@ESMV.org; or Laura or Gerry at the Senior Center, 978-346-9549 ldmailman@townofmerrimac.com 
Sponsored by: Merrimac Council on Aging and Elder Services of Merrimac Valley 
NOTE: This is a monthly POTLUCK. Please bring a dish to share!



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Support The Important Work Of The LGBT Aging Project

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Our mission is to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender elders and caregivers  
have equal access to the life-prolonging benefits, protections, services, and institutions
 that their heterosexual neighbors take for granted. Through cultural competency trainings, policy advocacy and outreach we help LGBT elders grow older with the dignity and respect they deserve.

You can support our mission by making a tax deductible donation or bequest.  
Help us ensure equal access and respect for ALL LGBT elders and caregivers.     
 >>Click here to make an online donation on our secure web site.   


(Donations are collected by Fenway Health, through a safe secure site for non-profits: Network For Good).   


If you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor of the LGBT Aging Project,
 please contact Lisa Krinsky  (click to email) or call  (617) 927-6229.  

If someone sent you this email,
click here to be added to our mailing list for future monthly newsletters from the LGBT Aging Project.