June 16,  2016 


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10 Suggestions for a Peaceful Playground

Markings Add Game Opportunities
Here is a list of 10 suggestions for making your playground a Peaceful Playgrounds for fun and games.
  1.  Have classroom teachers walk students around the playground on the first day of school.  Introduce playing areas and those areas that are off limit during recess.  
  2. Introduce students to playground rules and procedures. For example:  freeze at the bell, walk back to class, and line up after the whistle.
  3. Teach safe play on the playground structures.
Did you miss it?
Beach Day Brain Breaks
Grab this set of Beach Day Brain Break Cards that are sure to motivate active learning.  Brain Breaks help to focus children, re-energize them and get them up and moving in a classroom.  Students have fun with a Beach Day "themed" set of 19 brain break cards.  Some examples include:  jump the waves, walk like a crab, and fly like a seagull.
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Membership entitles you to free information on topics including: Recess Before Lunch, Physical Activity, Recess Advocacy, Brain Breaks, Physical Education, Nutrition, Grants, Healthy Fundraising, Bullying Prevention, Inclement Weather, Playground Safety and Supervision, Physical Activity Assessment, Active Design
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Offer Expires: July 30, 2016