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June 16,  2014                                                                                 

Free Webinar Peaceful Playgrounds cares about student safety.  If fact, our Founder Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer spends a great deal of time in that arena.

She serves as an expert witness in lawsuits involving student injuries at recess and  physical education.  She is also an expert witness in the area of school supervision.

Do you know that Peaceful Playgrounds offers a Playground Supervision Online Training Course and Certification?  In addition to providing professional development hours participants receive a completion certificate and open badge for their professional educational portfolios.

For additional information check out our featured article Playgrounds Liability: Accident or Injury?

Now available.  Sample our Playground Supervision Course and see if it meets your needs.  Check here for information on the complete  Playground Supervision Course and Certification.
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10 Recess Games for Getting Kids REALLY Active


Kids Lanier Recess

As childhood obesity rates continue to climb public heath agencies and researchers are looking at the value of recess in terms of children's energy expenditure.  In other words, "Is fun enough when it comes to recess games or should we be emphasizing active play games and activities?"

To find out the answer to that question, researchers from Children's Hospital Boston's Clinical Research Program and UMass Amherst are collecting data that could help teachers turn idle recess time into a high octane, fat-burning extravaganza.

Check the  Thrive blog for a listing of the most "active" games as identified by their research. Download  AKIDS Games Guide with rules, diagrams, equipment needed and directions on how to play each game.
Bullying Prevention Grants

School Grants Banner The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation, Inc. is the world's first foundation dedicated to raising awareness of the long-term, damaging effects of bullying and funding those doing real-world work to stop it. They stand up against bullying regardless of to whom it happens and support organizations and projects that help stop bullying, help those hurt by bullying and/or help increase equality and diversity in sports.

Funding level: $10,000

 Deadline is June 30, 2014


Home Depot Grants

Purpose: Grants are available for public schools that are using the power of volunteers to improve the physical health of their community.


Funding cycle: August 15, 2014


Amount:  $5,000 



Peaceful Playgrounds School Playground and Garden Grants lists grant for playgrounds, school gardens, bullying, and nutrition grants.
Don't forget to check out our School Grants page for the latest grant information and templates to download to assist you with grant writing.

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U.S. Map Stencil Contest
How to Create A Low Cost High Activity Playground

How to Create a  Low Cost High Activity Playground
How to Create a Low Cost High Activity Playground
One of our most popular feature articles is on low cost high activity playgrounds. 

The  Low Cost Playgrounds Can Result in High Activity Levels article is here.

How to create a low cost high activity playground video can be found here.

Finally, view the 45 minute webinar on Low Cost High Activity Playground Training.

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PE Program
Peaceful Playgrounds Brochures
Peaceful Playgrounds Songs in Motion
Stencil Giveaway
Enter your school today in the Learn to Play U.S. Playground Map Stencil Giveaway. The beautiful geographically and proportionately accurate educational map stencil is 16 feet by 27 feet and extends the classroom curriculum to recess and outdoor play. History and geography comes alive with the games and activities included in the stencil set.
Free Webinars
Learn how to create a playground that really works! Webinars are 45 minutes long with an informative 15 minute question and answer session. No special software is necessary for you to easily participate right at your computer. Register early, space is limited. Select your subject and act now to attend a free webinar of your choice at a time that fits your schedule.
Monthly Coupon 

bullying course
2 Go Games
Walking Program